jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Greetings from Lincoln, NE

I'm a California girl going to school in the heart of the midwest (Go Huskers!). It's been an adjustment to say the least and now I've found myself the proud mommy of a sweet ebony chinchilla. I am a fairly new chin mommy, it's been almost 3 months that I've had my Houdini. It has always been a dream of mine to own a chinchilla, and I have no idea why. I never had any experience with chinchillas, never had handled one before I owned one. Being the good student that I am, I did a ton of research on him and I always worry if I'm doing the right thing, I hope I am. We spend a lot of time together when I'm not working or in class, I study in his room and he's always out running around when I'm in there. I'm just glad there is a place like this where I can read other's experiences.


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