jeudi 9 mars 2017

Major Illness

Hello - this is my first post here, and I have not taken time to introduce myself yet. I have a herd of chins and am a hobby breeder.

During the last two months, my chins have suffered a major unknown illness, and I have lost several. I need advice, if anyone has thoughts. Here's what's happening:

Basically, I find the chin, not alive. It's that fast. Occasionally, the chin will look down for a day or so, and other times, it's so sudden, I never realize anything is wrong. This has hit all age groups.

I feed Purina Rabbit Show, fresh mixed hay and occasional Manna and oats, etc. No sweet treats or nuts.

I have washed, sanitized cages and waterers.

I sent one chin to the University of Minnesota for an autopsy, and the results were inconclusive. The chins was about 18 months old, went very sudden. She was healthy and frolicking one day in a dust bath - gone the next day. her cage mate girls were fine, then I lost another a week later. The other cage mate girls seem fine - for today.

The vet there said he noted a small amount of giardia, nothing that would have caused major issues. There was no loose stool. All other parasite, viral and bacterial studies were negative.

He noted her bones were very week, and her liver was pale and fatty.

That's all I have to go by. Today, I am losing another - she is taking longer to pass. She is three years old, seemingly very healthy to this point. Is not pregnant/lives with one other girl chin. There is no violence/attacks, etc.

The UofM vet seemed to think nutrition was the issue. I do not feed fatty treats or sweets. They get fed every day, no skipping. They are not too hot or cold, have 12-hours of light.

Please help. I live in an area with no exotic pet vet. My local vet can draw blood, but won't know what to look for, plus I don't know what else I can learn that the UofM didn't see.


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