mardi 21 mars 2017

Dental filing during roadtrip? Or postpone it?

I have a chin that needs dental filing. But we are moving within one week and will take him with us on a roadtrip. I am wondering whether I should find a vet on my roadtrip so that he can get treatment as soon as possible or wait until we arrive at our destination, West Virginia, which will be one week further later.

I would very much like to have someone working on him now. But there is no reputed vet at LA willing to do so. This is because he just had a prolapsed penis and difficulty in peeing. This difficulty came partially from an inflammation of the end of the penis and a likely stone at urethral canal (stone appeared at some angle, not others on X-ray). The vets treat plan varied from opening a second urethral canal, surgery removal of the stone, and amputation. And yes, we went to four different vets although we are poor, and this is the treatment plan. These needed to be done in a row and we thought that's too much for a chin. We turned down all the suggested treatment plans except for pain killers and prepared our chin to die. Fortunately, the chin was so strong that he recovered on his own (it is a miracle, I know). His penis has retracted. He poops and pees normally. He is very energetic. He has been eating pellets and hay cubes on his own for more than 10 days. But we can notice some difficulty in eating and he cannot eat loose hay.

I don't know whether it is because vets don't like difficult-dealing parents like us or because the case is too complicated. But when I reach out to them for dental filing, they just don't like to accept our chin any more. And I am talking about the LA vets that are highly recommended on this site. This is just so frustrating.

I am wondering what should I do. And I am also asking for good vet recommendations, particularly around West Virginia. I was so happy for my chin to get out of that emergency and am shocked to find out the lack of available vets. Nevertheless, thank you for everyone in advance.

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