mardi 10 mars 2015

Water concerns..softeners...

Hi all,

Please excuse me if this topic has been still trying to perfect the searching and such on the forum...

I am anxiously looking forward to purchasing my first pair of chins this spring/summer. I am researching and purchasing supplies now.

I want to keep them as healthy as possible, of course, but this water issue is driving me batty...

We have well water. It is filtered. It has a UV light treatment, which would deal with Giardia. Problem tho, it then goes through a softener and I heard the extra sodium would not be good.

From what I have read, the only way around the extra sodium would be an RO system. I dont want to put an additional cost and filtering system in our house. None of the faucet filters would remove the sodium apparently...

So...the questions...

1. Opinions on the softened water..? and

2. I am willing to purchase bottled water, but again, confusion...purified bottled, RO bottled...have not shopped for bottled water at all, not sure what to pick if I go that route.

Thank you all for your patience and time in replying.

Anxious mommy :)


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