jeudi 26 mars 2015

12 year old chin losing weight consistently. Need advice!

Hi all,

I desperately need advice on what might be wrong with my gal - Faith.

Faith started drooling in late Nov 2014 and was sent to a very experience vet for teeth filing. Vet commented that the teeth aren't that bad, just 2 spurs to remove. After the visit till now, she still drools badly on certain days and is ok on some days. She has since been eating minimal hay and doesn't appear to eat much pellets.

I have been handfeeding her critical care mixed with grounded AK pellets (more than 1 tablespoon of AK pellets) each day. However, she is still losing weight, nothing seems to stay on her.. :( I weigh her everyday, she is consistently dropping a couple of grams each day, and within a day, she can be 490g at 6am and drop to 470g at 10pm. She was about 560g last Nov and about 470g now.

Other than the consistent drop in weight, she is otherwise totally normal, very enthusiastic during her feed (finishing about 20g of thick paste-like pellets/critical care when being fed), poo size is normal, runs around, play as usual, asked to be scratch, willing to take Vitakraft Nibble Rings (which is definitely harder than the AK pellets) etc.

My vet has been closely monitoring her teeth using this 'scope' that she puts into Faith's mouth. There is no bleeding or cuts on Faith's tongue or side of mouth, nothing to suggest that there is a teeth issue. So we are uncomfortable about putting her through a GA to examine her teeth. My vet and I are totally clueless of what might be wrong.

Any advice is greatly appreciate. If anyone has similar experience, pls kindly share if you had a diagnosis of what was wrong with your chin.

Thank you.

best regards,


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