jeudi 26 mars 2015

Quarantine pasteurella?

So we are going to go meet a lovely older male chin on Sunday. He's been at the local small animal shelter for awhile and sounds like he might be a good fit for my Darwin. I have one concern that I have to clarify with the shelter but I want some other opinions. Being a small animal shelter they do have rabbits. I'm unsure whether he's come in contact or been in the same area as them which is what I will clarify. If he has come in contact with pasteurella will the 30 day quarantine be enough or is there still a risk to Darwin? My boy has had such a rough life prior that I really want to be careful with him. He would really benefit from a friend though. I would like to give it a try. And the shelter chin is so cute. We are looking forward to meeting him. So any thoughts would be appreciated.

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