mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Chinchilla looks 'bedraggled'

Hi there,
I noticed this morning that my 7-month-old chin (Remy) looks a little 'bedraggled'- her fur looks a bit darker at the ends than it was yesterday. She is eating okay, and I've seen her having a drink this afternoon. All last night she was very active on her wheel, and I haven't really noticed a difference in her personality. It is kinda difficult for me to tell though, as she's usually pretty tired in the day as it is!
I've just put an extra fan in my room (pointed away from the chin cages) in case she's just a little warm, and given her a very basic health check. Apart from the darker, slightly scruffier fur, and a tiny wet patch on her back where she was sitting under the water bottle (daft little thing she is), she looks okay.
There's no patches of fur missing as far as I can see.

Should I be concerned?



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