samedi 9 août 2014

Wet nose/discharge, some sneezing... Possible uri?

Ok I am worried about my chin Olaf. I picked up my two boys on Wednesday at 3pm. Got home at 6:30 and put them in the cage.

Olaf was obviously stressed and barked/cried all night.

Thursday he barked a few times but not much at all. Still not really moving, so I put some pellets and hay by him and attempted to get him to drink through the water bottle. I believe he ate the pellets and some of the hay.

Friday he was doing much better, finally out exploring and bouncing around like a normal chin. He has been eating and finally drinking too.

Today I noticed him sneeze a few times. But didn't really think much of it as it was not very often. Then when I was coming in to check on him again at 1:30 he had a dark, maybe brown?, discharge on his nose and it seemed slightly wet and then he began to rub his nose. When he ran around when I was about to start cleaning his cage, I could here him breathing through this mucus/discharge, which is when I first noticed it. But 99% of the time I can not hear him breathing.

I contacted the breeder and she thinks it might be an URI caused by stress from the move, so I called the vets and they were all closed so I called the emergency numbers and most told me the exotic vets won't be in until Monday, but one guy told me to give him one drop of children's liquid Benadryl every 8 hours.

I have not heard of giving Benadryl to chins, is this ok? Will this help?

Will he be okay until Monday when I can see an exotic vet? What are other symptoms I should look for to know if he is getting worse/better?

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