lundi 21 juillet 2014

Neutering Young Chins

Hello all!

I adopted a pregnant female a few months ago. The kits are now 9 weeks old. I have already separated the 2 boys to prevent pregnancy.

I have tried to find a proper home for the boys, but I am failing at finding the perfect home for them. I truly want to keep them as they are the sweetest chins ever.

My only problem is cage space. I do not have room for 4 double FN's in my rodent room. I have 6 females. Trio, pair, and one solo girl. I know I will be neutering these 2 boys. That is the best option I have so no fights happen with the unaltered boys and to prevent pregnancy.

My only concern is pairing up the boys and with what female.

My options are

*Pairing both neutered boys with My solo girl, Violet.

*Placing one boy with my Solo girl, Violet and the other boy with my female pair.

The first option, I am concerned the boys would still fight over Violet when she comes into a heat cycle.

The second option, I have heard some females fight over the male.

This will be my first neutering experience with a chinchilla. My vet is amazing and has done chin neuters before, so I am not worried about this part. The bonding afterwards is my biggest issue and with who..

Their surgeries are on August 15th. The will be just over 12 weeks. I've asked a lot of people about the young age and I feel confident about this.

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