samedi 10 mars 2018

Could this become a problem?

I've had my two rescue girls for about a year and a half now. JoJo is definitely the boss of the two, and has always humped Daphne at times. I'm not sure humping is the correct term; there is no movement once she gets on Daphne's back. And it mainly seems to happen when they are out of the cage, although that's when I'm usually with them when they are awake.

Twice in the past few days when they were out of the cage, Daphne was not having any of JoJo's humping, and she stood up to her. They stand facing each other, and one of the times they may have been nibbling the other's face. Their mouths were definitely touching, but I don't think either bit. No sound, and lots of running around afterward.

Could this lead to something bad or are they just playing? I've just never seen them do this before.


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