vendredi 27 février 2015

Chin cried like a real baby???!!

I was just at home on my off day from the Uni. The house is quiet, just me and the chins. Loki's cage is across the gallery from me, and I have her room door shut during the day because my dad is sleeping and works nights.

I was sitting in my room, and I almost fell off of my bed - that's how much it scared me- when I heard what literally sounded like a human yelling "WAAH, WAAH, WAAH" three times for about 2 seconds each.

My first thought was that someone broke into my house from the window in her room, so naturally, I grabbed my hockey stick and ran over.

But when I flung the door open the poor thing jumped so high she almost hit the roof of her cage. She was just sitting in the corner, and I think I may have woken her up...

I looked her over, let her out of the cage, she ran around, popcorned, wall surfed, and ate a raisin. She seems totally fine.

So what on earth was that noise? It sounded like a person! I've never heard it before! But she wasn't hurt? She's galloping on her wheel and doing laps around the cage as we speak...

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