jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Poop. Always the poop question

Last night while Sprockety Rocket was out for playa time I noticed she was not her normal poop rocket self. No poop anywhere. I scooped her up and we had forced belly rubs which produced some poopin.

After looking at her I decided she might be a little bloated.

I swept her cage so I could monitor for new poop. By morning there was some, but not a lot. Most small and dark. Came home on lunch and she seemed ok. After work I went to get some baby gas drops. She hates them and won't take them willingly. I have yet to try and force her. She still seems a bit bloated but she is running around like normal, stealing stuff and running in her wheel. She seems to be eating fine. She is not a big pellet eater and seems to love the fresh hay I brought her the other day.

I am not sure what is normal for a chin as she is my first. Her activity, food and water consumption has not changed much since I got her. She only gets wood and dried rose petals or camomile, hibiscus, and alfalfa flowers for treats.

So questions - do chins like belly rubs when they are bloated? Or will I need to force the belly rubs?

Do I really have to put her in a chin burrito and make her take gas drops if she is still not poopin as much as everyone says she should? I think I read one poop a minute? She is pooping maybe one every three to five minutes.

Can someone post a "normal" chin poop with a dime or something for size comparison? I have only seen a single poop that I was the size I would expect. They are mostly just a bit larger than a mouse poop.

Thanks again in advance!- we need a poop smily.:vomit:

She did however steal the box for the gas drops.

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