dimanche 19 octobre 2014

so proud of my bf! gotta brag!

so I gotta brag a little bit at how far the boyfriend has come since we moved in together...

i knew when we moved in together that he wasnt *quite* the same animal lover than i was. He tolerated my 2 cats, gawked at the 3 chinnies and was amused by the guinea pig, but i knew they would still be "my" animals instead of "ours".

that all changed! slowly slowly he learned to love the chinnies and started really listening to my rants of good vs bad chinnie care.

we went into a pet store yesterday just to stare at the cute animals. we saw a chinnie for adoption right when we walked in. we walked around the store, petted the bunnies, oogled the puppies and held the cats. on our way out, we said hello to the chinchilla "chinch". he apparently was given up by a family who had to move to a place that doesn't allow pet (bogus!!!) and was up for adoption with a halfway decent cage. An all-metal cage with metal ramps and ledges, a wooden jumping ledge or 2, but it did have a plastic food cup, pigloo, and dust house sitting inside. I say hi to Chinch, let him sniff me thru the bars of the cage, and wish him good luck in finding a GOOD chinnie home. Boyfriend does the same, and as we walk out, he says to me "It's so sad that the chinnie had a great metal cage, but that they junked it up with all the plastic stuff inside. I just wanted to reach in and take it out."

I know the "no plastic" rule is so ingrained into OUR minds, but for him to not only remember it but also actually get irritated to see it honestly made me get teary eyed! i was so proud of him that he's learned to love and care for chinnies in such a short time. this guy is the guy for me!!!

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