dimanche 16 mars 2014

Help is needed

Hello everybody...

i know this might have already be said but i need some help.

I am a new chin owner.Astrid is 3 months old and she has a nice big cage and everything in it toys an all.

My friend bought her from a pet store and i got her at the 14th of the month so yesterday was the first night we actually slept together.

Last night at 5 in the morning she was in her home and starting barking...

she kept barking till early in the morning.

I talked to her,i turned on the lights and the tv but nothing.

She slept through out the day and now its 20:20 in the night and she hasn't come out of her sleeping place and has stared barking again for over half an hour and have no idea what to do.

I am worried and she is braking my heart.

i can hear her moving around inside the sleeping house but she hasn't moved out of it to the rest of the cage.

i thought of removing the sleeping thingie so i can actually see her (instead of just hearing her) to make sure that she is well

please can someone tell me any ideas on what to do?

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