jeudi 4 juillet 2019

Chin w/broken leg. Advice?

So, due to an accident, I stepped on my Chin last night, resulting in a broken right radius and ulna.
Im so so glad it wasnt worse but still, we are not happy about it.

He is currently with a cast? I think. (Im sorry I'm Spanish) and has the entire leg restricted right now.
No hide, no shelves no anything and of course, no more playtime.
He looks misserable and really wanted his shelves back. He was, for the first 15-30 minutes looking up to see if he could jump to them but found out that they werent there anymore, wich frustated him a lot untill he got tired.
How can I make his life a lil more enjoyable while he heals?
Also, just realiced that he won't be able to have sandbaths.

Vet told me he will be healed in a week but maybe up to 20 days.
It seems a little cruel to me to deny him of sandbaths or a hidey house or... anything really for a month.
I hope he gets healed as soon as possible but I do want his recovery to be less boring and misserable.

Im also expecting him to chew on it and to break it while i sleep so he is going to have to go back to the vet. Maybe everyday if he keeps messing with it. Wich... you know. Not something he enjoys. At all.

Should I give him extra applesticks? I usually give him one at night, and he has a couple toys and cardboard tubes but he is only really interested in apple sticks.
Any similar experiences? Did your chins manage well getting used to live in a bare cage for a couple of days?

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