samedi 23 février 2019

Sick Chin, suspecting Malo

Hi all,

I'm going through a difficult time right now and just need to voice my concerns and frustrations with a group who will understand. A bit of background: I very recently rescued a chin from craigslist who is approximately 4 years old according to the previous owners. He started drooling yesterday in addition to acting a bit lethargic, so I took him to the vet this morning. I suspected malo based on his symptoms but unfortunately the "exotic" vet didn't know much about this condition. His back molars were overgrown which he filed down, but when I suggested a head x-ray to determine if it was worth treating or chronic, he seemed put off by the idea. He asked me if I just wanted to euthanize the chinchilla instead of trying to nurse him back to health - which obviously my answer was no unless it was beyond treatable. He didn't seem keen on the idea and being as upset as I was I didn't push it, though I regret not doing so now. He gave me critical care and sulfa/trimeth for antibiotics. My little chin is worse off now than he was before I brought him in - he's hunched in a corner, barely moving and I just don't know what to do. The vet is closed until Monday, his body language tells me he's in pain and I feel like I just made everything worse. Is there anything I can do for him? :(

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