dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Sick Chinchilla

So I recently got my second chinchilla about 2 weeks ago, within the first two days of getting her we took her to the vet (on the 7th) as we noticed she was sneezing and rubbing her nose quite a bit. The vet looked her over and said it seemed like a mild cold, her heart rhythm was normal and she said she was rubbing her nose so much due to being so congested. She prescribed the 2 ml twice a day of SMZ TMP liquid and said for me to come back on the 22nd. Well on thursday night she actually itched her nose so much that she cut it and was sort of breathing funnier then normal, kept opening her mouth and pawing at it a little bit so we thought it best we go Friday rather then waiting until Monday. So we went to the exotic pet specialist and they took a look in her mouth and checked for dental issues which they said all looked clear, she said she doesn't think it is ringworm but if I wanted we could run a test so I went ahead and asked her to do so. She went ahead and prescribed 1 ml of baytril twice a day and to discontinue use of the SMZ TMP liquid. So she still thinks its a cold and shes just super congested so shes trying to breath through her mouth. She also prescribed some drops to put on/in her nose called ofloxacin ophthaimic solution. I'm just super concerned and wondering if anyone's had any similar things happen. I am going to go ahead and link a video of her breathing weird and if you guys could tell me what you think/would recommend that would be amazing. Here is the link http://gph.is/2G2noaj

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