Hi, im going to be away for a week. I'm giving my chin to my friend to pet-sit. I was wondering if it'll be ok for her to stay in her cage for a week? It's a big multi-level cage. Not as big as a Critter Nation or something like that though.. Is that to long to be in her cage?
vendredi 31 octobre 2014
Light Ebony Female Kit Available Nov 24th
Pedigree Bred Light Ebony Female
Born September 24th from a Wilson White mother and a medium Hetero Ebony father. She will be available starting November 24th. As of October 31st she weighed 191 grams. Selling for $245. Email me to place deposit.
Born September 24th from a Wilson White mother and a medium Hetero Ebony father. She will be available starting November 24th. As of October 31st she weighed 191 grams. Selling for $245. Email me to place deposit.
Same Room?
Hello all. I was cheering myself up earlier by looking at hedgie pictures and a thought struck me - can you house a male hedgehog and a female hedgehog in the same room? I know that the same cage is a bad idea, but what about in separate cages in the same room?
Not an overly urgent question, but I haven't been able to find an answer to it.
Thanks in advance!
Not an overly urgent question, but I haven't been able to find an answer to it.
Thanks in advance!
jeudi 30 octobre 2014
I have a black velvet (piper) and a standard gray (zeke) chinchilla. They are in need of rescue. Piper has a bladder stone and needs surgery soon. I want to give them to a special person who will love and knows how to care for them. Im willing to give them and all their stuff away of free, and for the use of the money you would save, by not buying them and all their stuff, to use it for the surgery. Piper just turned one in January, and the doctor is not concerned and thinks it will be very simple. He is kind enough to not charge all the extra fees.
Problem is, I'm 16 years old, I am responsible financially for them. I would pay for the surgery but my parents will not allow me to. I know the stuff I have for them plus them will be at least close to what you would have in the surgery. I just want anything for them to live. So please if you have any questions please contact me. Please spread the word!
I live in Tennessee and can meet in Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga or any other locations, you can ask. The quicker the better! Thank you for reading!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Problem is, I'm 16 years old, I am responsible financially for them. I would pay for the surgery but my parents will not allow me to. I know the stuff I have for them plus them will be at least close to what you would have in the surgery. I just want anything for them to live. So please if you have any questions please contact me. Please spread the word!
I live in Tennessee and can meet in Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga or any other locations, you can ask. The quicker the better! Thank you for reading!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you are versed in chinchilla medications and pregnant females please PM- EMERG!
Please PM me if you are versed in prophylactic antibiotics in pregnant chinchillas. I need advice from a breeder with experience, I am seeing an exotic vet but my I would appreciate the help and advice of a fellow breeder with experience. I would like to discuss my case (I have a small herd of 8 chinchillas and 2 newborns) and I would like someone well versed in antibiotics and treatments to advise me.
Chin suddenly smells??
My chinchilla Basil is about 5 and a half and I've never known him smell before.
About a week ago I was cleaning round his cage and noticed a funny smell a bit like dog poo, thought it was just something someone had trampled into the carpet and didn't think anything of it. Since we've shampooed the carpet and the smell is still there. It's really strong and really unpleasant and seems to be coming from the middle/bottom of the cage predominantly and not from Basil himself. I've been cleaning the cage with pet disinfectant every day but the smells keeps coming back.
The only changes in Basil's life recently I can think of:
-Daisy the hamster joined the family- they live in different rooms but occasionally end up near each other, making Basil pretty moody sometimes and 'excited' others ;)
-He's always had Charlie Chinchilla food but doesn't eat many of the pellets, so I bought a different brand of pellets about 6 weeks ago and he's been having half and half until a couple of days ago when the Charlie Chinchilla ran out. He used to really like the new brand of pellets but since it's been just them, he's eaten hardly any of them
-Our usual brand of cage disinfectant was discontinued so we've been using another one for about 4 weeks
-He's been peeing out of his potty a lot more- he usually does one or two out of the potty a week but now it's more like that each day. I've been scrubbing wherever I see the puddles with the disinfectant
I've checked him over and he looks completely normal.
Sorry for the rant- anyone got any ideas? Thank you!!
About a week ago I was cleaning round his cage and noticed a funny smell a bit like dog poo, thought it was just something someone had trampled into the carpet and didn't think anything of it. Since we've shampooed the carpet and the smell is still there. It's really strong and really unpleasant and seems to be coming from the middle/bottom of the cage predominantly and not from Basil himself. I've been cleaning the cage with pet disinfectant every day but the smells keeps coming back.
The only changes in Basil's life recently I can think of:
-Daisy the hamster joined the family- they live in different rooms but occasionally end up near each other, making Basil pretty moody sometimes and 'excited' others ;)
-He's always had Charlie Chinchilla food but doesn't eat many of the pellets, so I bought a different brand of pellets about 6 weeks ago and he's been having half and half until a couple of days ago when the Charlie Chinchilla ran out. He used to really like the new brand of pellets but since it's been just them, he's eaten hardly any of them
-Our usual brand of cage disinfectant was discontinued so we've been using another one for about 4 weeks
-He's been peeing out of his potty a lot more- he usually does one or two out of the potty a week but now it's more like that each day. I've been scrubbing wherever I see the puddles with the disinfectant
I've checked him over and he looks completely normal.
Sorry for the rant- anyone got any ideas? Thank you!!
Want a male chin baby, Saint Louis MO
Want a male chin baby. I live in Saint Louis, MO. prefer local breeder
Chinchilla fur matting
Hey so my chin is 2 years old and she has had some matted fur near her hind legs and I noticed that she hasn't been eating her hay like she normally does. But she still acts perfectly fine, she is playful and will run around whenever she gets the chance. She still eats her regular pellets and her poops are good. Should I be worried or what?
mercredi 29 octobre 2014
One of chin's ears is laid back?
Woke up this morning to check on/feed the chinchillas because I fell asleep super early and didn't do it last night like I normally do. I usually leave at 7am so I never see them at this time of morning, so I think I woke them up. None of them were too energized, but one had one ear perked up and one laid back. I touched his ear and it didn't bother him or anything, but he didn't pick it up. I also noticed one of my other chins (in a different cage) had one ear down too, but I'm almost certain that he was half asleep still. I'm kind of worried. Is this normal behavior or indicative of something else? What else should I be looking out for?
mardi 28 octobre 2014
My Chinchilla Cage
Just wondering what you guys and girls think of my cage I'm open to some ideas but lets not go crazy :)

Wood chew sticks
I kept putting off buying more sticks/twigs, and now the person I normally buy from (Chinchilla Park Place) is not doing wood do to health reasons and surgery. I am hoping to find someone in Canada, so I don't have to pay a fortune in shipping. I'm looking for apple and/or pear mostly. Zoey and Lilo's Toy Box site is also sold out of apple, so that site doesn't help either.
New chinchilla?
So my dear Lucy passed away a few days ago, she died of choke. It was unfortunate, and I'm so sad to not have her around anymore.
But I'm considering getting a new chinny, because having Lucy was one of the most wonderful things ever.
I'm also afraid, because I know just how long it took me and Lucy to form a solid bond with each other. Where she would hop out onto my hands, wait for me at the cage doors, hop onto my shoulder, and we had a bunch of tricks that we could do together. Such as she came when I called her name, hop onto my shoulder when I sat on the ground, hop onto my lap when I sat in a chair and so much more..
But I was in the process of building Lucy a new, massive cage, not that she needed it, because she had a ferret nation all to herself, but because I felt she deserved a wonderful cage for a wonderful chin. I was making it out of wire shelving (like the kind you put in closets to put clothes on), filled with wood shelving, huts, and a litter tray, fleece tunnels, hammocks, and fleece on the bottom. The dimensions were 4ftx2ftx6ft (4 feet in length, 2 feet wide, 6 feet tall), and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with all the materials that I have now paid a lot of money for.
I know a new chinchilla will never be like Lucy. And it hurts, because Lucy was so important and special to me, something that I know I couldn't achieve with another chinny.
So any advice? Should I go through with the adventure again? Lucy and I went through a lot together, it was hard, but I enjoyed every minute that she lived... I feel I could experience this with a new chinchilla.. to have all the joys I did with Lucy.
But I'm considering getting a new chinny, because having Lucy was one of the most wonderful things ever.
I'm also afraid, because I know just how long it took me and Lucy to form a solid bond with each other. Where she would hop out onto my hands, wait for me at the cage doors, hop onto my shoulder, and we had a bunch of tricks that we could do together. Such as she came when I called her name, hop onto my shoulder when I sat on the ground, hop onto my lap when I sat in a chair and so much more..
But I was in the process of building Lucy a new, massive cage, not that she needed it, because she had a ferret nation all to herself, but because I felt she deserved a wonderful cage for a wonderful chin. I was making it out of wire shelving (like the kind you put in closets to put clothes on), filled with wood shelving, huts, and a litter tray, fleece tunnels, hammocks, and fleece on the bottom. The dimensions were 4ftx2ftx6ft (4 feet in length, 2 feet wide, 6 feet tall), and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with all the materials that I have now paid a lot of money for.
I know a new chinchilla will never be like Lucy. And it hurts, because Lucy was so important and special to me, something that I know I couldn't achieve with another chinny.
So any advice? Should I go through with the adventure again? Lucy and I went through a lot together, it was hard, but I enjoyed every minute that she lived... I feel I could experience this with a new chinchilla.. to have all the joys I did with Lucy.
My name is Nora Saunders. I got my first Chinchilla 8 months ago. I have been bitten by the Show/Breeding Bug. Thankfully I met a Breeder/Exhibitor not 10 minutes from me to mentor and collaborate with. I currently have 5 Chins. DEFINATELY A You can't just have ONE!
My Hobbies/Life include Showing/Occasionally Breeding Cane Corso and Samoyeds (Dogs). I started at 11 with Samoyeds, have over 20 years in with that Breed and the Cane Corso over 14 Years. My Mother and I have produced some top 20 dogs in the Country as well as having done well at National Specialties.
I look forward to applying some of the same sort of knowledge to my Chins and learning WHATEVER I CAN. I hope to meet a lot of new people on this forum and learn as much as I can.
Thank You!:bump1:
My name is Nora Saunders. I got my first Chinchilla 8 months ago. I have been bitten by the Show/Breeding Bug. Thankfully I met a Breeder/Exhibitor not 10 minutes from me to mentor and collaborate with. I currently have 5 Chins. DEFINATELY A You can't just have ONE!
My Hobbies/Life include Showing/Occasionally Breeding Cane Corso and Samoyeds (Dogs). I started at 11 with Samoyeds, have over 20 years in with that Breed and the Cane Corso over 14 Years. My Mother and I have produced some top 20 dogs in the Country as well as having done well at National Specialties.
I look forward to applying some of the same sort of knowledge to my Chins and learning WHATEVER I CAN. I hope to meet a lot of new people on this forum and learn as much as I can.
Thank You!:bump1:
Manna Pro Pro
Alright so I have two chins and they are currently eating Manna Pro Sho.
I can only get this is a 50lb bag... Obviously that is a bit obnoxious for two chins.
Does Pro work just as well? Do chins handle switching between the two without any trouble? They both really love Sho but I waste a lot of food. The shelters around here rarely get any rabbits and never a chin, so it won't be any use to them. >.<
I can only get this is a 50lb bag... Obviously that is a bit obnoxious for two chins.
Does Pro work just as well? Do chins handle switching between the two without any trouble? They both really love Sho but I waste a lot of food. The shelters around here rarely get any rabbits and never a chin, so it won't be any use to them. >.<
this is a long shot, i realize, but worth a shot.
i'm looking for someone who does (or is willing to do) grooming for my chin. he needs more help than just a dust bath. (poor guy has medical issues and medications that made him lethargic for awhile and now has quite a few mats in his fur from urine, etc. poor guy. i just dont feel i can get him as clean as he should be and would love to find a breeder or groomer who has more chinnie knowledge than me to help get my little man clean!)
i am in the chicago area.
i'm looking for someone who does (or is willing to do) grooming for my chin. he needs more help than just a dust bath. (poor guy has medical issues and medications that made him lethargic for awhile and now has quite a few mats in his fur from urine, etc. poor guy. i just dont feel i can get him as clean as he should be and would love to find a breeder or groomer who has more chinnie knowledge than me to help get my little man clean!)
i am in the chicago area.
Paper streamers?
i love making toys for my darling chins. i was wondering can i use paper streamers? i mean is it safe for them?
Edgy few days.
So I'm now the proud "dad" to Starla (Homo Ebony) and Luna (Ebony Mosaic) after the long, long wait!
Just a few questions and concerns I'm hoping you can help me out with.
Despite only being days apart in terms of age Luna is quite a bit bigger than Starla. I've read somewhere that it's not unusual for pure Ebony to take a little longer to mature/reach their full potential? I'm not overly concerned about this but thought I'd mention it.
Luna also likes to try and hump Starla on occassion, again I assume she's trying to assert dominance but should I let them sort it out themselves or intervene when this happens?
Finally, and most concerning...they don't appear to spend much time together during the day. Luna has taken the high ground in the house upstairs (easily big enough for 2 of them) where she sleeps and poor old Starla is relegated under the bridge at the very bottom of the cage, which is where she sleeps. They seem to get on fine when they wake up around 17.30and have the odd snooze together after playing a bit, but I'm concerned that Luna has relegated Starla to the bottom at most other times.
As it goes Starla is the friendlier of the two, always up at the bars and nosing around. Luna is very skittish.
Perhaps I'm being too impatient. It's only been a few days, afterall.
Thanks folks.
Just a few questions and concerns I'm hoping you can help me out with.
Despite only being days apart in terms of age Luna is quite a bit bigger than Starla. I've read somewhere that it's not unusual for pure Ebony to take a little longer to mature/reach their full potential? I'm not overly concerned about this but thought I'd mention it.
Luna also likes to try and hump Starla on occassion, again I assume she's trying to assert dominance but should I let them sort it out themselves or intervene when this happens?
Finally, and most concerning...they don't appear to spend much time together during the day. Luna has taken the high ground in the house upstairs (easily big enough for 2 of them) where she sleeps and poor old Starla is relegated under the bridge at the very bottom of the cage, which is where she sleeps. They seem to get on fine when they wake up around 17.30and have the odd snooze together after playing a bit, but I'm concerned that Luna has relegated Starla to the bottom at most other times.
As it goes Starla is the friendlier of the two, always up at the bars and nosing around. Luna is very skittish.
Perhaps I'm being too impatient. It's only been a few days, afterall.
Thanks folks.
Skin Fungus/Ringworm?
Hello everyone. I recently noticed a bald patch of fur on my chinchilla's nose. I threw away the current dust bath. Could this be fungal/ringworm infection? Thanks.

It's not that noticeable unless you get close.

I blew on the nose to show the bald patch more clearly.
It's not that noticeable unless you get close.
I blew on the nose to show the bald patch more clearly.
urgent help / advice please dental problem
We noticed friday eveninh our chin couldnt open his eye, got vet appt for sunday. The vet (not our usual as he dont work sundays) said it was an eye infection and gave eye drops and pain relief. He was still eating fine up to this point but, no water intake. So we decided to give some water via syringe.
On monday he was refusing food all to getherand still no water, his eye looked worse and was trying to pull along at his jaw under the sore eye. We called vets back up last night, got an appt first thing this morning.
Our usual vet has took a look at him and has said it is dental problem plus eye infection. We were given 3 options
1) leave things as they are and basically give him pain relief to keep him out of pain. He would still live best possible life.
2) have dental work done, with high percentage he wont make it through or will die in days/weeks due to not eating.
3) put him to sleep (vet didnt recommend this)
Anyone else been in this situation and can offer some advice?
We have found another vet that were going to tonight for a second opinion, although our vet now has been fantastic with rabbit, guinea pig and gerbil we feel it would be best to get another opinion. Thank you
On monday he was refusing food all to getherand still no water, his eye looked worse and was trying to pull along at his jaw under the sore eye. We called vets back up last night, got an appt first thing this morning.
Our usual vet has took a look at him and has said it is dental problem plus eye infection. We were given 3 options
1) leave things as they are and basically give him pain relief to keep him out of pain. He would still live best possible life.
2) have dental work done, with high percentage he wont make it through or will die in days/weeks due to not eating.
3) put him to sleep (vet didnt recommend this)
Anyone else been in this situation and can offer some advice?
We have found another vet that were going to tonight for a second opinion, although our vet now has been fantastic with rabbit, guinea pig and gerbil we feel it would be best to get another opinion. Thank you
lundi 27 octobre 2014
Cyclical Bloat
Hi All,
I have three chins housed in the same cage (Chupa, M, neutered,6.5 years; Ewok, F, 6.5 years; Gordita, F, 5.5 years). They have oxbow pellets and timothy hay, which is supplemented with the occasional sunflower seed or raisin.
Roughly every 7-8 weeks for the past year or so, the older female Ewok has shown signs of bloat along with small feces. I have taken her to the vet, who advised that I give her gas drops (GasX) and a laxative (Laxatone) when she starts exhibiting symptoms. With treatment she seems to bounce right back a day or so later.
Just wanted to see if anyone else on here has had this issue, or knows what could be causing these symptoms so cyclicly (hormones, fur cycles, etc.?).
I have three chins housed in the same cage (Chupa, M, neutered,6.5 years; Ewok, F, 6.5 years; Gordita, F, 5.5 years). They have oxbow pellets and timothy hay, which is supplemented with the occasional sunflower seed or raisin.
Roughly every 7-8 weeks for the past year or so, the older female Ewok has shown signs of bloat along with small feces. I have taken her to the vet, who advised that I give her gas drops (GasX) and a laxative (Laxatone) when she starts exhibiting symptoms. With treatment she seems to bounce right back a day or so later.
Just wanted to see if anyone else on here has had this issue, or knows what could be causing these symptoms so cyclicly (hormones, fur cycles, etc.?).
Goji Berries and AZ breeders
I am getting the materials to build a new 6ft chinchilla cage in about a week. I plan on getting a couple more chins after it is built, and I am absolutely positive I am prepared in case they dont all get along and the cost of having a few chins. I am aware of everything. I already have two extra cages. But, I can not find a breeder in Arizona at all!! I have searched and couldnt find anyone, except AZ chins. But she doesnt ever have what I am looking for it seems. Does anyone know of an AZ breeders, or anyone that can ship to arizona?? I really dont want to order a chin from the pet store, but I cant find any available around here. So please please please let me know if you can think of anyone. I also had a question about goji berries. I recently bought my own goji berry bush so I can just go pick them when needed. Do they need to be dried before I can feed them to my chins, or can the chins eat them just straight of my plant?? Thanks!!
There's a Cure for Ebola! And it's ALL Thanks to the Chins!
Chinchilla eating little to much
My chinchilla,which I got a month ago is overweight.It's not get that much exercise as I want it to get,but just wants to eat or sleep.And it is eating a little
more than it should.Any help?
more than it should.Any help?
Need Help Feeding Sick Chin
I need some advice on feeding my chin who has a URI. The vet would like her to have 10mL of Critical Care 4 times a day. Last night was our first attempt at feeding her but we are having trouble holding her still and feeding her. 10mLs is hard to do - we got half of that at best, and we are getting it all over her mouth. Any advice on how to hold her and feed her?
dimanche 26 octobre 2014
How cold is too cold for my chin?
Just as the title says. I don't heat my entire house at night and I am wondering at what point to turn the heat on for my chin.
11 Month Old Chin has Dark Urine?
Hi all,
We adopted a chinchilla in June who was born around the end of November last year, and we adopted her to be a friend for our 7 year old female, Houdini. The two of them get along fabulously and are both pretty good about using their litter boxes.
The new chinchillas (Mars) has always had a little habit of peeing on the floor (in addition to peeing in her litterbox) but recently (the last few days) I have noticed the color of urine go from yellowish to a darker orange-brown.
She seems perfectly happy, she's still eating pellets and hay and drinking water like normal. She is still running happily around the cage and annoying her older roommate like nothing is wrong :hilarious:
I'm only concerned because of the color of the urine. I have read multiple posts on this site and others about it, and I understand it could be because of many factors. Since she isn't having any symptoms of feeling under the weather, do I need to take her into the vet? I'm certainly not worried that she is sick, but I wanted some feedback from the pros here. I've had chinchillas for well over 10 years and none of them have had darkened urine like this before. Maybe I just got lucky? :)
Thanks in advance,
We adopted a chinchilla in June who was born around the end of November last year, and we adopted her to be a friend for our 7 year old female, Houdini. The two of them get along fabulously and are both pretty good about using their litter boxes.
The new chinchillas (Mars) has always had a little habit of peeing on the floor (in addition to peeing in her litterbox) but recently (the last few days) I have noticed the color of urine go from yellowish to a darker orange-brown.
She seems perfectly happy, she's still eating pellets and hay and drinking water like normal. She is still running happily around the cage and annoying her older roommate like nothing is wrong :hilarious:
I'm only concerned because of the color of the urine. I have read multiple posts on this site and others about it, and I understand it could be because of many factors. Since she isn't having any symptoms of feeling under the weather, do I need to take her into the vet? I'm certainly not worried that she is sick, but I wanted some feedback from the pros here. I've had chinchillas for well over 10 years and none of them have had darkened urine like this before. Maybe I just got lucky? :)
Thanks in advance,
samedi 25 octobre 2014
Interest in water bottle guards??
Attached is a 16 oz bottle guard that I use for my Edstrom Water buddies. I am thinking about having some 8 oz guards made if there is an interest. I don't know how much they are but a friend knows a company that might be able to make them.
Fleece Liners for Ferret Nation Cage
Hey everyone!
So I can't seem to find any sites with fleece cage liners anymore. Is anyone still doing them? I only need bottoms.
So I can't seem to find any sites with fleece cage liners anymore. Is anyone still doing them? I only need bottoms.
Melamine Cage (Pickup only)
I'm selling my homemade melamine chinchilla cage. The bottom tray pulls out, so you can change the bedding without having to open the doors. The top has small holes that you can put wire ties through to hang hammocks, tubes, etc. It's also on wheels, so it's easy to move. Dimensions are 36"x 25"x 40".
Asking $125. Pickup only in the Baltimore, Md area.
Asking $125. Pickup only in the Baltimore, Md area.
does my chinchilla has ringworm?
I think my chin has it because he has fur loss around his eye but I maybe wrong and also he has a pink toe in his paw. Please help me, thank you.Attachment 21672
Attachment 21673
Attachment 21674
Attachment 21673
Attachment 21674
my name is brenda and i have 2 chins both are boys jasper is 7 months old and then my new baby is jade 3 months old i have had him 5 days now and i have had jasper for a month now
my name is brenda and i have 2 chins both are boys jasper is 7 months old and then my new baby is jade 3 months old i have had him 5 days now and i have had jasper for a month now
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site. I just found the it tonight while doing some research for mg hedgie Tater. I'm making him a new carpet and snuggle sack tomorrow! Anyways, I can't wait to get to know the forum better!
My brother has access to all kinds of wood because of where he works.
I know pine must be kiln dried... Are there any specifications with poplar? He does have kiln dried poplar available.
I will double check that everything is chemical free, but I wanted to make sure I knew what to ask him. :]
I know pine must be kiln dried... Are there any specifications with poplar? He does have kiln dried poplar available.
I will double check that everything is chemical free, but I wanted to make sure I knew what to ask him. :]
Crazy time with photo uploads
Today I uploaded two photos to the wanted area in response to chinchilla flying saucer parts. Came up with two X's and no photo.
When I don't log in, I see the jpg title with no photo. And no X.
When I log in I see just an X. No way to open them.
So I went back to the test area to upload a random photo to see what was going on. This was a totally different photo. Keep that in mind.
Here was the response for testing that different photo:
You have already attached this file in thread : Flying saucer hardware wanted
What the heck?? :hair:
When I don't log in, I see the jpg title with no photo. And no X.
When I log in I see just an X. No way to open them.
So I went back to the test area to upload a random photo to see what was going on. This was a totally different photo. Keep that in mind.
Here was the response for testing that different photo:
You have already attached this file in thread : Flying saucer hardware wanted
What the heck?? :hair:
Flying saucer hardware wanted
I've managed to misplace the hardware for my chinchillas' flying saucer. I know I won't ever find it again, and I don't even remember what it required. I hooked it up when I first got it about 7 years ago and hadn't ever looked at it since. I just remember that there were many pieces to it. But anyway. Looking to buy just the hardware from someone (or maybe even send me a picture of what I need and I can make a trip to Lowe's I suppose would be another option!) Thanks!
I'm at a loss....
Came home tonight after work to find one of my chinchillas dead. I'm at a loss of what I did wrong. She lived in the same cage as her mother and her mother looks fine.
Should I clean the cage to clean the smell of her?
What can I do for the mother?
I've been apologizing everytime I see her.
I'm so sorry Roo.
I'm so sorry Boo.
Should I clean the cage to clean the smell of her?
What can I do for the mother?
I've been apologizing everytime I see her.
I'm so sorry Roo.
I'm so sorry Boo.
Last Saturday night...
I said goodbye to my girl Alexis. She was 18 years old. I had her for 16+ years. She was breathing kinda odd. Me and Brenda, my best friend and great caretaker of my babies, were on our way to the emergency vet. She died in my arms around 8:20pm, on our way there. I'm thankful that I got to say goodbye to her and tell her that I love her. Not sure if she waited for me or if it was just fate. I miss her so much. She lived a great life with me and Brenda. I still miss her so much but I know that Angel, Kodee, and Herald still need our loving care. Here's to Alexis, and to all my babies that have passed in the past. I love you all.
vendredi 24 octobre 2014
Does anyone know if Dawnna is still selling Lifeline? I ordered some from her and did not receive it. Came to find out that I gave her the wrong address (entirely my fault and I will eat the cost of that) and I wanted to order with the right one. I have sent her a couple of emails but have received no response.
Momma who self mutilates?
Has anyone ever seen a chinchilla female that self mutilates while she is pregnant/nursing?
I have a female that has given me several litters. The last three litters, she appeared to be injuring her side (same spot every time) late in the pregnancy and sometimes while nursing, too. The injured area is about 1/2 inch by about 2 inches from the shoulder down to the armpit. It appears abraded and even skinned in spots. The fur surrounding it is always plucked clean of fur. We have never found any loose fur on the cage or anything she could have hurt herself on. It always heals up fine and the fur grows back.
After it happened the third time, I am of the opinion that she is doing this to herself. I have just never heard of it. Does anyone have an idea why she would suddenly begin doing this and what could be done for her?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have a female that has given me several litters. The last three litters, she appeared to be injuring her side (same spot every time) late in the pregnancy and sometimes while nursing, too. The injured area is about 1/2 inch by about 2 inches from the shoulder down to the armpit. It appears abraded and even skinned in spots. The fur surrounding it is always plucked clean of fur. We have never found any loose fur on the cage or anything she could have hurt herself on. It always heals up fine and the fur grows back.
After it happened the third time, I am of the opinion that she is doing this to herself. I have just never heard of it. Does anyone have an idea why she would suddenly begin doing this and what could be done for her?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Odd appearance to an eye.
Hi, everyone. I know I have mentioned my pen pal from Turkey who has a herd of about 100 chinchillas. He just emailed me a picture of a chin that really has me stumped. The eye of this chin has turned a golden color and he has no idea what is wrong. I am at a loss myself. Here is a picture of it. has anyone seen anything like this and if so, what would you recommend?
Does anyone have any experience with heart tumors?
My friend's sister has had two white chins. Both lived for 7-8 years, and both died of a heart tumor. I couldn't find any threads with a similar situation on here and was just wondering if anyone else had experience with that diagnosis. Since they both passed of the same complication, I'm curious if the cause was more likely to be dietary, genetic or a combination of the two.
Both were fed dried cranberries and raisins, low quality feed, and timothy hay with dried veggies added (All Living Things). I explained the proper diet after they lost their first chin and even went to a show with them. Evidently, I didn't have much luck in that department. People will do what people will do.
Thanks in advance for any insight!
Both were fed dried cranberries and raisins, low quality feed, and timothy hay with dried veggies added (All Living Things). I explained the proper diet after they lost their first chin and even went to a show with them. Evidently, I didn't have much luck in that department. People will do what people will do.
Thanks in advance for any insight!
jeudi 23 octobre 2014
Tooth root abscess, new owner looking for an idea of what we're dealing with
Hi. I just took in a 10+ y/o little guy. He used to live with a friend but when she was hospitalized for a few days, we (my SO and I) had to go over and care for her critters.
At that point we noticed this chin seemed really off. We don't see them often for a multitude of reasons but we've visited enough in the past to know the boy's normal temperament. He was lethargic, hopping oddly, had noticeable weight loss, his face/head looked kind of crooked and was grinding loudly, barking, and whimpering/crying.
We got him into the vet and the vet noticed cataracts and suspected a tooth root abscess for these reasons.
1. Terrible smell in mouth
2. Face/nose was crooked like \ but of course a softer slope
3. His eye was REALLY swollen
4. A raised area could be felt on the outside of the mouth
There may have been another reason or two but if so I don't remember at the moment. Xrays weren't done as the chin was really weak and frail and the doc wanted to get him stronger first.
The doctor put him on Chloramphenicol (which he HATES) and Metacam (which he loves). He's also on the Apple-Banana Critical Care and I'm syringing him water. The Chloramphenicol was really stressful on him so I've been giving him .2-.3ml of butternut squash afterwards to help with the taste and he went from drooling and gagging from the Chloramphenicol to no issues taking it. I'm watching for tummy issues but no problems so far.
The meds seem to be working since his face looks to have evened out and his eye swelling is nonexistent (at least to my eyes) so hopefully it was an infection that is clearing up.
He goes in for a recheck (it's been a week) tomorrow and he's a lot stronger now so we plan to ask for xrays. Is there anything else we should be asking for as a diagnostic tool to figure out exactly what is going on in his mouth?
And if it is a root issue, I see most people here have said not to extract. Is there some other type of treatment I should be looking into that has helped? I'm quite confident in my vet but I also would really value opinions of people that have dealt with situations like this one.
I'm not going to keep him here if his life ever became uncomfortable but I'd like to make that choice as far down the road as possible. I'll update this when I get back from tomorrow's appointment.
**I just want to add to avoid any confusion- I didn't kidnap my friend's chin, (though I've loved him for years and had joked about that in the past). We're just in a better place to provide both emotionally and financially for a special needs animal so she's decided to allow us temporary/possibly permanent custody.
At that point we noticed this chin seemed really off. We don't see them often for a multitude of reasons but we've visited enough in the past to know the boy's normal temperament. He was lethargic, hopping oddly, had noticeable weight loss, his face/head looked kind of crooked and was grinding loudly, barking, and whimpering/crying.
We got him into the vet and the vet noticed cataracts and suspected a tooth root abscess for these reasons.
1. Terrible smell in mouth
2. Face/nose was crooked like \ but of course a softer slope
3. His eye was REALLY swollen
4. A raised area could be felt on the outside of the mouth
There may have been another reason or two but if so I don't remember at the moment. Xrays weren't done as the chin was really weak and frail and the doc wanted to get him stronger first.
The doctor put him on Chloramphenicol (which he HATES) and Metacam (which he loves). He's also on the Apple-Banana Critical Care and I'm syringing him water. The Chloramphenicol was really stressful on him so I've been giving him .2-.3ml of butternut squash afterwards to help with the taste and he went from drooling and gagging from the Chloramphenicol to no issues taking it. I'm watching for tummy issues but no problems so far.
The meds seem to be working since his face looks to have evened out and his eye swelling is nonexistent (at least to my eyes) so hopefully it was an infection that is clearing up.
He goes in for a recheck (it's been a week) tomorrow and he's a lot stronger now so we plan to ask for xrays. Is there anything else we should be asking for as a diagnostic tool to figure out exactly what is going on in his mouth?
And if it is a root issue, I see most people here have said not to extract. Is there some other type of treatment I should be looking into that has helped? I'm quite confident in my vet but I also would really value opinions of people that have dealt with situations like this one.
I'm not going to keep him here if his life ever became uncomfortable but I'd like to make that choice as far down the road as possible. I'll update this when I get back from tomorrow's appointment.
**I just want to add to avoid any confusion- I didn't kidnap my friend's chin, (though I've loved him for years and had joked about that in the past). We're just in a better place to provide both emotionally and financially for a special needs animal so she's decided to allow us temporary/possibly permanent custody.
D4 Last baby of the year
Introducing my last baby of the year Ace Hygh (Black, female)
DOB: 10/23/14
Mom - Starlyght (Dark Star, Black)
Dad - Flash (Dar Star, Standard)
She is a breed back. Her brother is Flash-Lyght (standard, born 06/20/14).
Flash finally gave me a girl.
DOB: 10/23/14
Mom - Starlyght (Dark Star, Black)
Dad - Flash (Dar Star, Standard)
She is a breed back. Her brother is Flash-Lyght (standard, born 06/20/14).
Flash finally gave me a girl.
Dark Tan Chinnie? Northen VA
Hi, everyone. My name is Nana, and I am considering to adopt a chinnie. I used to have several chinnies, and they were love of my life. But, I got very ill and would have to go through major surgeries. That time, I was living alone and didn't have anybody else to take care of my chinnies for me. So, I adopted them out to nice people.
Now, an aunt of mine came to the US and lives with me permanently. My health is considerably better. I have a BF now who loves small animals, and he is willing to help me out with my chinnie, if I were to get one.
I am just wondering if anybody in the area has a chinne for me. Any color and any gender is fine with me, but I always liked extra dark tan chinnies. I would like one with a round and cute face and big eyes. Big ears with freckles always melt my heart.
I don't drive, and I am still not able to travel very far because of my most recent surgery. So, I would like to get one nearby, so my aunt or BF can arrange to pick him/her up.
As I said, I am still not totally decided to accept this big obligation to have a chinnie. But, it is a strong possibility. I would be appreciated, if you could send me any info about chinnies for sale/adoption in Northern VA. Also, pictures would be always nice.
I looked into a rescue place in Virginia Beach, VA, but it is too far for me.
Now, an aunt of mine came to the US and lives with me permanently. My health is considerably better. I have a BF now who loves small animals, and he is willing to help me out with my chinnie, if I were to get one.
I am just wondering if anybody in the area has a chinne for me. Any color and any gender is fine with me, but I always liked extra dark tan chinnies. I would like one with a round and cute face and big eyes. Big ears with freckles always melt my heart.
I don't drive, and I am still not able to travel very far because of my most recent surgery. So, I would like to get one nearby, so my aunt or BF can arrange to pick him/her up.
As I said, I am still not totally decided to accept this big obligation to have a chinnie. But, it is a strong possibility. I would be appreciated, if you could send me any info about chinnies for sale/adoption in Northern VA. Also, pictures would be always nice.
I looked into a rescue place in Virginia Beach, VA, but it is too far for me.
Crashed out!
My girls, grumpy Annie on the left and crashed out Jezzie on the right. Unfortunately I woke her up when cleaning the cage.
New "owner" of a sick senior.
Hi, all. My name's Lee.
I'm new to chins (as an owner) but have had degus in the past, babysat chins for friends, and love doing research so I'm confident I at least have the basics down pat. Always things to improve upon though, which is a big reason I'm here.
I've recently become the new temporary (possibly permanent if the vet says hospice) owner of a sick 10+ y/o chin with tooth issues and cataracts. He is the sweetest chin I've ever known so I want his golden years to be amazing.
I'm new to chins (as an owner) but have had degus in the past, babysat chins for friends, and love doing research so I'm confident I at least have the basics down pat. Always things to improve upon though, which is a big reason I'm here.
I've recently become the new temporary (possibly permanent if the vet says hospice) owner of a sick 10+ y/o chin with tooth issues and cataracts. He is the sweetest chin I've ever known so I want his golden years to be amazing.
Hi! My name is Jessica, I'm a nursing student, cheer and gymnastics coach, and loving momma of Scout, a rambunctious 11-month-old chin with the sweetest personality. I wanted a chinchilla since I was 8 years old (no lie, my friend had one and I fell in love!). Finally, at 22 I got my baby. :chin3:
I've had my standard grey, Scout, for about 5 months now (feels like way longer!) and we've bonded amazingly. He constantly wants to be on my shoulder, and will jump onto it when I'm sitting on the floor with him if I'm not paying attention to him... haha. When he doesn't want to be with me, however, he's a huge trouble maker. I swear he's part ferret...
Anyway, I found this forum while looking for cage accessory ideas and thought I'd join! I look forward to meeting you all! :heart3:
I've had my standard grey, Scout, for about 5 months now (feels like way longer!) and we've bonded amazingly. He constantly wants to be on my shoulder, and will jump onto it when I'm sitting on the floor with him if I'm not paying attention to him... haha. When he doesn't want to be with me, however, he's a huge trouble maker. I swear he's part ferret...
Anyway, I found this forum while looking for cage accessory ideas and thought I'd join! I look forward to meeting you all! :heart3:
Looking for ceramic chinchilla bath
I am looking for one of the large ceramic chinchilla bath houses That have been discontinued.
mercredi 22 octobre 2014
Chin Chirps?
So, I am a new owner of a kit, who is just six months old. Brought him home and I can tell he is scared out of his mind. :( I know this is typical, as they have to get used to their surroundings, which can take time.
However, last night my husband fell asleep in the living room (where I have our little guy's cage right now so he can see us and get used to us). At 3:30 a.m., little chin started making noises, and from what I read, were chirps. Do you think he felt threatened that hubby was sleeping in the same room as him?
I felt really bad for him. I don't want him to be so terrified of us. He has been sitting on his middle ledge in the corner, sometimes grabbing onto the bars on his cage and just sitting like that. I sit down next to the cage and talk to him right when I get home from work and as I pass by him in a very gentle voice. Does it sound like I'm doing things okay and it'll just take time? Sorry this is such a noob question. I just really want to start out new chin and my relationship on the right foot.
However, last night my husband fell asleep in the living room (where I have our little guy's cage right now so he can see us and get used to us). At 3:30 a.m., little chin started making noises, and from what I read, were chirps. Do you think he felt threatened that hubby was sleeping in the same room as him?
I felt really bad for him. I don't want him to be so terrified of us. He has been sitting on his middle ledge in the corner, sometimes grabbing onto the bars on his cage and just sitting like that. I sit down next to the cage and talk to him right when I get home from work and as I pass by him in a very gentle voice. Does it sound like I'm doing things okay and it'll just take time? Sorry this is such a noob question. I just really want to start out new chin and my relationship on the right foot.
mardi 21 octobre 2014
Quarantine bites!
Just venting my frustration.
I'm at the tail end of an upper respiratory infection, and this whole time I've quarantined myself from Dessy to make absolutely sure she didn't catch it. I'm lucky: my boyfriend just looked at me like I was crazy and accepted feeding duties.
But I want to play with my chin! And it's time for her cage to be cleaned out but the boyfriend won't go that far (admittedly, chin pee is pretty intense).
It's been just shy of a week and I'm going nutty. I can't wait to be able to spoil my girl again!
I'm at the tail end of an upper respiratory infection, and this whole time I've quarantined myself from Dessy to make absolutely sure she didn't catch it. I'm lucky: my boyfriend just looked at me like I was crazy and accepted feeding duties.
But I want to play with my chin! And it's time for her cage to be cleaned out but the boyfriend won't go that far (admittedly, chin pee is pretty intense).
It's been just shy of a week and I'm going nutty. I can't wait to be able to spoil my girl again!
Halloween fun for chinchillas?
Hello all! new here, i recently decided i wanted to try to make some fun toys for my 4 year old chinchilla Joey (i usually buy his toys) but since halloween is coming up and im low on cash, i was wondering if there was a specific type of paper mache' that i can use to make him some fun (temporary of course) structures and huts to play in!
I usually use the old regular water, elmers glue, and white flour to create anything paper mache creations but i dont want to give my little guy anything toxic or hard to digest?
I also have the option of a hot glue gun some creations but am too scared he might eat the glue and get sick.....i cant seem to find anything on weather these two things are "ok" or safe at all.
any help would be great thanks!
I usually use the old regular water, elmers glue, and white flour to create anything paper mache creations but i dont want to give my little guy anything toxic or hard to digest?
I also have the option of a hot glue gun some creations but am too scared he might eat the glue and get sick.....i cant seem to find anything on weather these two things are "ok" or safe at all.
any help would be great thanks!
New member :)
Hi :)
I'm lilchilla, or Liliana, proud owner of 14 chinchillas and...hobbie breeder?
I dont make my life out of profit with chinchilla breeding just have some happy couples (one trio) and occasional cute babies :)
Got my first chinchilla 6 years ago, a little boy named Ramsés (RIP).
Since then i'm completly in love :)
So thank you for having me by :)
I'm lilchilla, or Liliana, proud owner of 14 chinchillas and...hobbie breeder?
I dont make my life out of profit with chinchilla breeding just have some happy couples (one trio) and occasional cute babies :)
Got my first chinchilla 6 years ago, a little boy named Ramsés (RIP).
Since then i'm completly in love :)
So thank you for having me by :)
Chin proofing
Just wanted to get some insight on what other chin owners do to chinproof their play room. I just bought my first home and my chins will have their own bedroom for play time. What works best for you folks?
"Breeding pair" in Illinois with a mom that has had lots of babies
This post has been up for a long time. They keep reposting it. They claim the mom has had several kits and they will not separate the male and female. They are also in a mainly plastic cage with two dangerous wheels
Beige male
Beige male, adult (small) for sale in KY to good pet home. He is a friendly little guy that I rescued from nasty conditions about a year or so ago. I have tried to pair him with one of my other males and it just doesnt work out. He does well with using a potty dish to pee in (as long as it is kept clean). I will sell Jackson to someone with chin knowledge or willing to learn. He is 65.00without a cage or I will sell my Ferret Nation 142 and supplies (fleece liners and accessories, water bottle, potty dish, some wood items, wooden house, metal saucer or Chin Spin, dust bath house, food bowl and some food and hay to start out) with him for 300.00/everything. He loves to run on his wheel. Feel free to message me with any questions. I'll try to get pics up later. Thanks!
Hanging house tutorial?
Hey! So I've been wanting to try making a fleece hanging house. I've had some people order ledges and hanging toys, but now I'm feeling adventurous. :D
Does anyone have any tutorials on how to make one? Let me know, thanks. :]
Does anyone have any tutorials on how to make one? Let me know, thanks. :]
Tribble being a little stinker- barking
So, I had a terrible night last night. Long story short: My boyfriend and I bought a new mattress, he snores like a freight train and I couldn't sleep for the life of me! I got so irritated that I drug the old mattress up the steps and plopped it down on the floor in the chinchilla room. I figured maybe, just maybe, I could get some sleep! I lay down and close my eyes trying to catch some ZZZzzzs. Tribble starts barking and just won't quit! He sounds like a squeaky toy! I turn on the lights to see what is going on and try to console him with a treat. He takes it, but just holds it in his mouth and runs around. He finally does eat it, but slowly. This is weird. He has never done this before, EVER. He always gobbles up his treats. I think, "Whatever, I'm tired" and turn the lights off. Don't ya know, that little stinker starts barking again within minutes. I give him a kiwi stick and he shows no interest. I pick him up and hold him for a couple minutes. This does the trick, because I was finally able to fall asleep.
Now, I know chinchillas bark for all kinds of reasons. When I was giving them their dust baths earlier in the night, he barked a few times too. I wondered if he barked like this every night and I just never heard him? Could it be he wants me out of his space?
I kinda just wanted to share because I thought it was interesting. Should I be concerned at all with him not wanting the treat?
This morning he was acting normal, as far as I could tell!
Now, I know chinchillas bark for all kinds of reasons. When I was giving them their dust baths earlier in the night, he barked a few times too. I wondered if he barked like this every night and I just never heard him? Could it be he wants me out of his space?
I kinda just wanted to share because I thought it was interesting. Should I be concerned at all with him not wanting the treat?
This morning he was acting normal, as far as I could tell!
Hi all!
Hello! I would like to introduce myself -- my name is Jennie and I just adopted my new little chinny boy. He doesn't have a name yet and is still a little guy. I also have a hedgehog named Brillo who is now four years old!
I'm from Milwaukee, WI and am very glad to be here. This is my first time owning a chinchilla, and as I have done so much research on owning one, i am still learning something new everyday. So, hi all! :)
I'm from Milwaukee, WI and am very glad to be here. This is my first time owning a chinchilla, and as I have done so much research on owning one, i am still learning something new everyday. So, hi all! :)
lundi 20 octobre 2014
New chinnie!
So today my mom and I went down to the local pet store (who doesn't have a good rep for how they treat their animals, it's all about the money). It was a last resort look for a decent priced water bottle for my girl, Willow. She currently has a Lixit plastic bottle and it leaks really bad no matter what I do. So I had to get her a new one. Everywhere else is so expensive, so I figured I might as well look there. Well I know they have some chinchillas (usually one or two standards) and it always breaks my heart to look, but I always do. Today, they had a two standard boys, and a really pretty beige girl. One standard was housed alone in a tiny little cage, and the other standard was housed with the beige in the same size cage right below. The cage size was too small for one small chin, let alone two. I was instantly in love. When I asked to see the chins on the bottom, I was told they were beige and ebony. The "ebony" was clearly a standard, any one who knew even the slightest about chins could tell that. They pulled the "ebony" out and the lady insisted it was a girl until I pulled up pictures on my phone showing it was a boy. Then she pulled out the beige for me and I looked, and it was a girl... So they've had an "ebony girl" housed with the beige girl for who knows how long.
(Sorry I digress from the points...)
Any way, they were housed in a tiny cage, no ledges to climb or anything, just a plastic igloo that was chewed beyond belief. They had a little pan on wood pellet bedding on one side of the cage, and were being fed "garbage" food, the kind with all the treats in it, and were given orange slices to eat...
I could not leave the beige girl in that cage. I wanted to take all 3, but 1) I didnt have the money, 2)I dont have the extra cages, and 3) it was hard enough to convince my mom to let me get this girl.
So now I have her at home, in a cage (that's still probably too small to be permanent, but it'll work for her quarantine and pregnancy watch), and it's still about twice the size they were in at the store).
Anyway, my question is about her color. I'm thinking she's a Hetero Beige. But I want to be sure.
Also is there any way to guesstimate her age?
And is there anything specific I should give her in case she really is pregnant? I plan on weighing her, but it'll be hard to know if it's pregnancy weight, or just from getting the proper nutrition.
I also need name ideas. Maybe something ending in 'o' or 'ow' since that's what my others end in (Mazlow, Gizmo, Willow)

(Sorry I digress from the points...)
Any way, they were housed in a tiny cage, no ledges to climb or anything, just a plastic igloo that was chewed beyond belief. They had a little pan on wood pellet bedding on one side of the cage, and were being fed "garbage" food, the kind with all the treats in it, and were given orange slices to eat...
I could not leave the beige girl in that cage. I wanted to take all 3, but 1) I didnt have the money, 2)I dont have the extra cages, and 3) it was hard enough to convince my mom to let me get this girl.
So now I have her at home, in a cage (that's still probably too small to be permanent, but it'll work for her quarantine and pregnancy watch), and it's still about twice the size they were in at the store).
Anyway, my question is about her color. I'm thinking she's a Hetero Beige. But I want to be sure.
Also is there any way to guesstimate her age?
And is there anything specific I should give her in case she really is pregnant? I plan on weighing her, but it'll be hard to know if it's pregnancy weight, or just from getting the proper nutrition.
I also need name ideas. Maybe something ending in 'o' or 'ow' since that's what my others end in (Mazlow, Gizmo, Willow)
chin swiping at mouth.
We have a 5 1/2 yr old standard grey chin named Diezel. He just started two days ago swiping at his mouth after eating. He is eating pellets fine and hay ok. Havent seen any drooling. Guess I'm over cautious. Does anyone elses chin do this?
Food and hay question
Hey so is it better to use alfalfa pellets and then Timothy hay or Timothy pellets and alfalfa hay? I heard you had to do it either ot and was I wearing wich was best. Thanks!
Do/can they eat veggies
Hi do chins need daily veggies like guinea pigs or no? Thanks
Metal pans
I have a ferret nation cage
Where can I find some metal pans for it?
Right now I have the plastic ones in with a fleece covering it but Yoshi has figure out that he can chew on it on side where the fleece is fastin
God Is Good And His Love Last Forever
Where can I find some metal pans for it?
Right now I have the plastic ones in with a fleece covering it but Yoshi has figure out that he can chew on it on side where the fleece is fastin
God Is Good And His Love Last Forever
dimanche 19 octobre 2014
New cage and update
I know its been some time so i thought to let you all know that astrid is doing fine.
She loves to be petted and scratched and talked too and every night we have our own play time where she climbs up on me and runs up and down and jumps all over.
She has stopped crying the nights though i have noticed that sometims during the day while she sleeps she will start barking in her sleep (perhaps she's dreaming?)
I got her a new cage( see pic) and i know you will say about the plastic but she is fine with it and has lots of toys to chew on and she doesn't chew at them at all.
She does chew the cage door when back in from her play time ( she's really hating going back in) or when i return home late and if i return home late more than one day and she misses her play time she doesn't let me pet her (lol)
Other than that i can say that we seem to be going better with each other as time goes by.
During the summer i had the aircodition and a fun open as here in Greece it was too **** hot and she slept way too much and prefered to be on her cool marble tile.(got 4 so i changed them during day and night)
The only issue i have is that though i have a mineral block(not sure its called that) for her to chew on when she is out she chew the walls and the stairs(marble).
Hope you are all well.
p.s posting a pic of Astrid while we were playing today as well
She loves to be petted and scratched and talked too and every night we have our own play time where she climbs up on me and runs up and down and jumps all over.
She has stopped crying the nights though i have noticed that sometims during the day while she sleeps she will start barking in her sleep (perhaps she's dreaming?)
I got her a new cage( see pic) and i know you will say about the plastic but she is fine with it and has lots of toys to chew on and she doesn't chew at them at all.
She does chew the cage door when back in from her play time ( she's really hating going back in) or when i return home late and if i return home late more than one day and she misses her play time she doesn't let me pet her (lol)
Other than that i can say that we seem to be going better with each other as time goes by.
During the summer i had the aircodition and a fun open as here in Greece it was too **** hot and she slept way too much and prefered to be on her cool marble tile.(got 4 so i changed them during day and night)
The only issue i have is that though i have a mineral block(not sure its called that) for her to chew on when she is out she chew the walls and the stairs(marble).
Hope you are all well.
p.s posting a pic of Astrid while we were playing today as well
my new chin has strange eyes
Hello everybody,
This is my first message. I have 2 chinchillas(a standard male and a white female) and my boyfriend gave a new female to me.
My new chin has very strange eyes, dark purphish red with black parts. Is this normal? She looks fine and healthy and doesn't look blind.I'm worried about it, i haven't found any info about it. My chins have both black eyes.
Eye Photos, near a window, on cloudy day.

Direct sunlinght right eye:

The only info i hav found is this thread where a user tell that sapphire beige chinchillas have strange eyes,but there's no photo:
Post #10
Could somebody tell me what mutation ir?.The color is beige-gray and her belly is white.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Spain and thank you very much!
This is my first message. I have 2 chinchillas(a standard male and a white female) and my boyfriend gave a new female to me.
My new chin has very strange eyes, dark purphish red with black parts. Is this normal? She looks fine and healthy and doesn't look blind.I'm worried about it, i haven't found any info about it. My chins have both black eyes.
Eye Photos, near a window, on cloudy day.
Direct sunlinght right eye:
The only info i hav found is this thread where a user tell that sapphire beige chinchillas have strange eyes,but there's no photo:
Post #10
Could somebody tell me what mutation ir?.The color is beige-gray and her belly is white.
Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Spain and thank you very much!
so proud of my bf! gotta brag!
so I gotta brag a little bit at how far the boyfriend has come since we moved in together...
i knew when we moved in together that he wasnt *quite* the same animal lover than i was. He tolerated my 2 cats, gawked at the 3 chinnies and was amused by the guinea pig, but i knew they would still be "my" animals instead of "ours".
that all changed! slowly slowly he learned to love the chinnies and started really listening to my rants of good vs bad chinnie care.
we went into a pet store yesterday just to stare at the cute animals. we saw a chinnie for adoption right when we walked in. we walked around the store, petted the bunnies, oogled the puppies and held the cats. on our way out, we said hello to the chinchilla "chinch". he apparently was given up by a family who had to move to a place that doesn't allow pet (bogus!!!) and was up for adoption with a halfway decent cage. An all-metal cage with metal ramps and ledges, a wooden jumping ledge or 2, but it did have a plastic food cup, pigloo, and dust house sitting inside. I say hi to Chinch, let him sniff me thru the bars of the cage, and wish him good luck in finding a GOOD chinnie home. Boyfriend does the same, and as we walk out, he says to me "It's so sad that the chinnie had a great metal cage, but that they junked it up with all the plastic stuff inside. I just wanted to reach in and take it out."
I know the "no plastic" rule is so ingrained into OUR minds, but for him to not only remember it but also actually get irritated to see it honestly made me get teary eyed! i was so proud of him that he's learned to love and care for chinnies in such a short time. this guy is the guy for me!!!
i knew when we moved in together that he wasnt *quite* the same animal lover than i was. He tolerated my 2 cats, gawked at the 3 chinnies and was amused by the guinea pig, but i knew they would still be "my" animals instead of "ours".
that all changed! slowly slowly he learned to love the chinnies and started really listening to my rants of good vs bad chinnie care.
we went into a pet store yesterday just to stare at the cute animals. we saw a chinnie for adoption right when we walked in. we walked around the store, petted the bunnies, oogled the puppies and held the cats. on our way out, we said hello to the chinchilla "chinch". he apparently was given up by a family who had to move to a place that doesn't allow pet (bogus!!!) and was up for adoption with a halfway decent cage. An all-metal cage with metal ramps and ledges, a wooden jumping ledge or 2, but it did have a plastic food cup, pigloo, and dust house sitting inside. I say hi to Chinch, let him sniff me thru the bars of the cage, and wish him good luck in finding a GOOD chinnie home. Boyfriend does the same, and as we walk out, he says to me "It's so sad that the chinnie had a great metal cage, but that they junked it up with all the plastic stuff inside. I just wanted to reach in and take it out."
I know the "no plastic" rule is so ingrained into OUR minds, but for him to not only remember it but also actually get irritated to see it honestly made me get teary eyed! i was so proud of him that he's learned to love and care for chinnies in such a short time. this guy is the guy for me!!!
samedi 18 octobre 2014
Looking for a mosaic or ebony female in PA
I am looking to adopt a female mosaic or ebony. She will be kept as a pet and slowly introduced to my standard chin, Daisy. However if they don't get along I will have two seperate cages. I live about an hour from Philadelphia.
Chinchilla sounds
My chinchilla makes this sound, that I read somewhere is the "contact sound". She does it a lot while playing. Is she just calm or is she lonely? Btw she is an only chin. Does she want a friend? I play with her, but i'm not the same as another chinchilla.
That is the sound ^
That is the sound ^
lazy chin?
Hello. Lately my chinchilla hasn't been as active. This past week she doesn't really play out as much.
She used to beg to be out at around 11. Now she comes out if I'm cleaning her cage, then after 10 minutes she goes back and just sleeps or sits around. She's acting normal other then not really wanting to play.
She's eating,drinking,pooping, jumping around in her cage. She seems to want to play REALLY late, around 1-2 am. I can't always let her out for 1-2 hours at a time when it's that late, cuz I have school and stuff and gotta get to bed.
Is something wrong with her or is she just lazy?
This seems to happen every few months when she just doesn't wanna play.
Last time she was at a vet was last year everything was good. She has a nice big multi level, no plastic cage., and shes 1 and a half.
Am I doing something wrong!? :( I just want to make sure she's ok..
She used to beg to be out at around 11. Now she comes out if I'm cleaning her cage, then after 10 minutes she goes back and just sleeps or sits around. She's acting normal other then not really wanting to play.
She's eating,drinking,pooping, jumping around in her cage. She seems to want to play REALLY late, around 1-2 am. I can't always let her out for 1-2 hours at a time when it's that late, cuz I have school and stuff and gotta get to bed.
Is something wrong with her or is she just lazy?
This seems to happen every few months when she just doesn't wanna play.
Last time she was at a vet was last year everything was good. She has a nice big multi level, no plastic cage., and shes 1 and a half.
Am I doing something wrong!? :( I just want to make sure she's ok..
New hedgie bonding?
I've had my hedgie for about a month now , and in her short life.. she's had a lot of upheaval..
(2 owners before me, one owner for about 2-3 weeks before I 'rescued' her)
Now, she's only about 8 months I think.. but she doesn't like me picking her up.. so how can I bond with her?
Is there a special way of getting her trust? I've tried leaving my hand in the cage, offering her food (most of the time she runs away to her play tunnel) but occasionally she will stand on my hand and then hop off when I try to pick her up!
Any help/advice would be amazing as I'd love to bond with her!
(I understand this is probably a common topic as well, so I apologise in advance.)
(2 owners before me, one owner for about 2-3 weeks before I 'rescued' her)
Now, she's only about 8 months I think.. but she doesn't like me picking her up.. so how can I bond with her?
Is there a special way of getting her trust? I've tried leaving my hand in the cage, offering her food (most of the time she runs away to her play tunnel) but occasionally she will stand on my hand and then hop off when I try to pick her up!
Any help/advice would be amazing as I'd love to bond with her!
(I understand this is probably a common topic as well, so I apologise in advance.)
New Owner of a Chinchilla Named Norman :)
Hello! My name is Jennifer. I recently rescued a Chinchilla through a friend, and don't know much about him. His name was Chi-Chi, but I have since changed it to Norman. He is a sweet and loving little guy, with an incredible amount of energy.
I have no idea how old he is, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to find out. I asked my friend, but her friend isn't actually sure either. I have a feeling he's around 2, though, because from what I've read they get a little...lovey...at that age. :P
I'm constantly trying to learn new things about chinchillas, and find new ways to entertain him. I got him a little zip top play pen and I put his toys in there so he can play, but I worry that he gets bored and wants out. He has chewed all of the toys I recently bought him, which I take as a good sign. haha
I used to own a hedgehog when I was a teenager, but couldn't care for him properly and ended up finding him a new home. I want to make sure my chinchilla is happy in his new home, want to learn all I can about chinchillas and hedgies, and I want to make friends who know about chinchillas.
So hello! Hope everyone is doing well. Hope to get to know you all :)
I have no idea how old he is, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to find out. I asked my friend, but her friend isn't actually sure either. I have a feeling he's around 2, though, because from what I've read they get a little...lovey...at that age. :P
I'm constantly trying to learn new things about chinchillas, and find new ways to entertain him. I got him a little zip top play pen and I put his toys in there so he can play, but I worry that he gets bored and wants out. He has chewed all of the toys I recently bought him, which I take as a good sign. haha
I used to own a hedgehog when I was a teenager, but couldn't care for him properly and ended up finding him a new home. I want to make sure my chinchilla is happy in his new home, want to learn all I can about chinchillas and hedgies, and I want to make friends who know about chinchillas.
So hello! Hope everyone is doing well. Hope to get to know you all :)
How chins adapt to new type of water bottle?
I currently have the glass Lixit and looking to change to the Edstrom style. Will my chin know how and what to do with the new style? Do you have any other suggestions of a water bottle?
Exotic Nutrition chin wheel: Safe/secure site?!
I am upgrading my chins accessories slowly but surely and next on the list is a better wheel! I was about to purchase the Treadmill Wheel from the Exotic Nutrition when I realized it doesn't have the https:// at the start of the site meaning it is not secure and may not be a safe place to give my credit card information!
Has anyone ordered from them?! Is it the best wheel for me to buy? If not, where and what should I be ordering!
Has anyone ordered from them?! Is it the best wheel for me to buy? If not, where and what should I be ordering!
chin vet Oregon?
Looking for a chin vet in north west Oregon
vendredi 17 octobre 2014
Water Bottle Help!
So I'm looking to get some new water bottles (my girl's bottle is a plastic Lixit and it leaks horribly) and my boy's have a Super Pet top fill (which is amazing, but they ate the rubber/plastic flip top thing so poop/fur/hay gets in the water and it's not healthy).
I was thinking about getting 2 new Super Pet bottles like my boys have, but they're somewhat expensive and pretty hard to clean. I've also read that super pet doesn't have the best reputation against being leak-proof (even though I've used the brand for awhile and never had problems. I used to have hamsters, and used the Super Pet glass bottles.)
I'm looking for opinions on water bottles. They have to be the kind that has the bent tube that attaches to the outside of the cage (my boys will eat/attempt to eat anything in their cage).
~~I forgot to add, it has to be the type of bottle that has the ball at the end. It's what I have and what I'm comfortable with. Plus I've heard that sometimes chins have difficulties learning to use other kinds and can dehydrate quickly since they don't know how to get water~~
I was thinking about getting 2 new Super Pet bottles like my boys have, but they're somewhat expensive and pretty hard to clean. I've also read that super pet doesn't have the best reputation against being leak-proof (even though I've used the brand for awhile and never had problems. I used to have hamsters, and used the Super Pet glass bottles.)
I'm looking for opinions on water bottles. They have to be the kind that has the bent tube that attaches to the outside of the cage (my boys will eat/attempt to eat anything in their cage).
~~I forgot to add, it has to be the type of bottle that has the ball at the end. It's what I have and what I'm comfortable with. Plus I've heard that sometimes chins have difficulties learning to use other kinds and can dehydrate quickly since they don't know how to get water~~
Chewed Plastic Bag
When I got home from work I seen that a plastic bag (100% recycled plastic bag) was right next to the chinchilla cage and some was inside the cage. The window or fan might have blown it near them.
I'm not sure how much the 3 girls each ate of the bag. But a good amount was eaten.
If anyone could give me quick advice please do so.
I'm not sure how much the 3 girls each ate of the bag. But a good amount was eaten.
If anyone could give me quick advice please do so.
Sad Chinchilla?!
Tails my Chinchilla is about 2 1/2 she's never really been a fan of being picked up
or for being stroked often, but recently she will come and sit on me and really snuggle into
the crook of my arm. I'm wondering if she is sad or maybe a bit poorly? she does yelp slightly iif I try and pick her up but this is nothing new. Normally she will climb all over me.
Just a bit worried but don't want to take her to the vet if she is just sulking x
or for being stroked often, but recently she will come and sit on me and really snuggle into
the crook of my arm. I'm wondering if she is sad or maybe a bit poorly? she does yelp slightly iif I try and pick her up but this is nothing new. Normally she will climb all over me.
Just a bit worried but don't want to take her to the vet if she is just sulking x
Hi All! New community member with 5 chinchillas and FUN videos
Hi guys!
I wanted to join and be part of this great community - I used to use this site all the time to answer questions, but never posted!
I recently started a chinchilla YouTube featuring my 5 babies, and wanted to share that with everyone :) http://ift.tt/1Djm8bl. Please check it out if you want to see some super adorable chinchillas and me talking about them and their awesome personalities!
I also have a Facebook page at http://ift.tt/1FdMFsn and still photography at http://ift.tt/RVZIEt. Regardless, there are many ways to keep in touch and I hope to contribute on this forum as well :)
Have a great weekend all!
I wanted to join and be part of this great community - I used to use this site all the time to answer questions, but never posted!
I recently started a chinchilla YouTube featuring my 5 babies, and wanted to share that with everyone :) http://ift.tt/1Djm8bl. Please check it out if you want to see some super adorable chinchillas and me talking about them and their awesome personalities!
I also have a Facebook page at http://ift.tt/1FdMFsn and still photography at http://ift.tt/RVZIEt. Regardless, there are many ways to keep in touch and I hope to contribute on this forum as well :)
Have a great weekend all!
Should I get her a buddy?
My chin Daisy is 10 months old and a few months ago her brother turbo died after a failed neuter surgery. I have noticed at night that Daisy will cry a lot and she seems very lonely. I bought her a chin buddy but she doesn't seem to like it that much. I really want to get her a friend (I know they could potentially not like each other and I'm willing to have 2 seperate cages if that's the case) but do not know if I should risk them not getting along or hurting each other. Also if I were to get another chin should I get one older or younger? Thanks everyone :)
Chinchilla room video walk through
Today was a cage cleaning day and it was so nice and sunny out, I figured I would take a video and post it here for anyone interested to check out!
First cage (Martins Folding Mansion): silver/mosaic female, 10 weeks old (No name yet)
Second cage (Ferret Nation): TOV Ebony male, 9 months old (Bo) and hetero-beige male, 3 years old (Bambam)
Third cage (Quality Cage Co.): mosaic males, 1 year old (Chip and Butters)
Fourth Cage (Quality Cage Co.): standard grey male, 5 years old (Bubba)
First cage (Martins Folding Mansion): silver/mosaic female, 10 weeks old (No name yet)
Second cage (Ferret Nation): TOV Ebony male, 9 months old (Bo) and hetero-beige male, 3 years old (Bambam)
Third cage (Quality Cage Co.): mosaic males, 1 year old (Chip and Butters)
Fourth Cage (Quality Cage Co.): standard grey male, 5 years old (Bubba)
2 new baby girls on the way. New owner.
Well, in a weeks time I shall be collecting and bringing home an ebony female kit and a female white/ebony kit, both around 12-14 weeks old.
To say I'm excited is an understatement! I'm a grown man and I've been running around for weeks like a little girl who just won VIP tickets to a One Direction concert.
Asked a million times before I'm sure, but is a "regular" pet carrier (e.g. cat/small dog carrier) ok to collect and bring them home in? I'm planning on putting a hidey house in there for the journey so they can skulk away from all the fuss. Also, is it a good idea to bring a blanket to drape over the carrier to block out the outside world to help them stay calm?
Once home they're going to be transferred into a Little Zoo X-Trail cage
( http://ift.tt/1vn2yIF ) with the custom built shelves I've made after I've removed the wire ladders. I assume they'll be big enough by then to not be able to squeeze through the bars!
Good day to you all!
To say I'm excited is an understatement! I'm a grown man and I've been running around for weeks like a little girl who just won VIP tickets to a One Direction concert.
Asked a million times before I'm sure, but is a "regular" pet carrier (e.g. cat/small dog carrier) ok to collect and bring them home in? I'm planning on putting a hidey house in there for the journey so they can skulk away from all the fuss. Also, is it a good idea to bring a blanket to drape over the carrier to block out the outside world to help them stay calm?
Once home they're going to be transferred into a Little Zoo X-Trail cage
( http://ift.tt/1vn2yIF ) with the custom built shelves I've made after I've removed the wire ladders. I assume they'll be big enough by then to not be able to squeeze through the bars!
Good day to you all!
Chinstore.AZChins.com !!!
I just received my first order from Susan and I am so happy!! The box was filled with all kinds of amazing goodies I ordered for my chins plus she put in a slew of freebees! I am so happy!! I will certainally be ordering again!! Thanks Susan!:hug2:
jeudi 16 octobre 2014
What color is this baby?
Mom: Homo Beige
Dad: Black Velvet
Does the baby look like dark tan, light tan, TOV tan, may be a beige that will lighten up later?
What do you guys think?
Pictures: http://ift.tt/1F7m2FA
Dad: Black Velvet
Does the baby look like dark tan, light tan, TOV tan, may be a beige that will lighten up later?
What do you guys think?
Pictures: http://ift.tt/1F7m2FA
mercredi 15 octobre 2014
Please help
I have had my chin for about 9 months now and she is approx 4 years old. She was a rescue. I feed her Timothy hay, Timothy pellets, she always has fresh water, lots of things to chew on and gets baths a few times a week. I limit her treats to a few raisins or dried cranberries a week. I tidy her cage every day but completely clean it at least once a week. FYI she has a huge critter nation cage.
Last night Aria seemed less active than usual but I thought that maybe it was just because I was tired that it seemed that way. Fast forward to today. I put her daily fresh hay and water in her cage which usually has her bouncing everywhere and she just kind of looked at me. I then went to clean her cage, which for her usually means freedom to run around her bedroom like a crazy. Except she didn't. She wouldn't even climb out to the stairs I have for her. I tried to pick her up but she ran and hid in her hammock. She did perk up at the sight of her bathhouse and took a bath no problem. My boyfriend tried luring her out with a raisin and while she was interested and ate it....right back to her cubby.
Fast forward several hours and she still hasn't eaten or drank. She seems listless and her eyes are half shut. I tried picking her up and she just gridded at me which is what she normally does. She did let me somewhat examine her though. Her stomach is soft, ears look normal, nothing else unusual that I can see.
I called and left a message with the vet for after hours....5 hours ago. I'm at a complete loss and can't sleep I'm so worried. Help me (and Aria) please!
Last night Aria seemed less active than usual but I thought that maybe it was just because I was tired that it seemed that way. Fast forward to today. I put her daily fresh hay and water in her cage which usually has her bouncing everywhere and she just kind of looked at me. I then went to clean her cage, which for her usually means freedom to run around her bedroom like a crazy. Except she didn't. She wouldn't even climb out to the stairs I have for her. I tried to pick her up but she ran and hid in her hammock. She did perk up at the sight of her bathhouse and took a bath no problem. My boyfriend tried luring her out with a raisin and while she was interested and ate it....right back to her cubby.
Fast forward several hours and she still hasn't eaten or drank. She seems listless and her eyes are half shut. I tried picking her up and she just gridded at me which is what she normally does. She did let me somewhat examine her though. Her stomach is soft, ears look normal, nothing else unusual that I can see.
I called and left a message with the vet for after hours....5 hours ago. I'm at a complete loss and can't sleep I'm so worried. Help me (and Aria) please!
mardi 14 octobre 2014
Blood in urine
Poor Chico.. its always something with him :(
History: Chico is pron to seizures if he lays eyes on his girls and cant get to them. Therefor he is never allowed to see them again :(
He also has a heart murmur. Discovered when i brought him to the vet after the first seizure.
Earlier this year, he showed higher lvls of glucose in his urine and was diagnoses with diabetes.
And here we go again.... :tantrum:
Chico lives in a cage with his son. They have both been incredible when it comes to urinating in there litter pans. (My girls could learn a thing or two from my boys) A while ago i noticed that Chico wasn't always using his litter pan, and going on the metal bass pan instead. What started off as one puddle, became two, then 3. Then it became a large amount of small puddles.
He started becomes a little less active and was often retreating in his hut. I switched his food earlier in the year for his diabetes, both chins LOVE the new food. They are eating a lot of it. They went from 2tbls of old food with some left over up to 4tbls each of the new stuff for a while. Now they are both settled at about 3tbls each a day. - They rly rly like it. They would be waiting at the cage bars for there food all excited when i would enter there room. Lately Chico not only wasn't doing that, but he wasn't rly coming out of his hut even after i feed him. - That being said he would come out eventually. As far as i can tell, he is still eating and drinking normally.
On Saturday when i got up and went to there room to spot clean cages (mainly the girls since they like to pee everywhere) i noticed in the boys cage that there were puddles of urine with blood in them. Strangely enough, it wasn't like a blood/urine mixture. It was more like a puddle of urine with blood in the center of it. Like if someone took a puddle of urine and dropped some blood in the center and it didnt mix.
So that was of course the last straw. Time to see a vet. I went to Dr. Stern who was mentioned in this forum in the vets section, as well as some other vet/clinic places that didn't treat exotics.
Chico has a pathological fear of being picked up. He hates it with a passion. But if you know what your doing, you can manage.
Stern gave him a dose of something (flower scent?). Supposedly a homeopathic thing that helps clam them down. What i didn't like about that was, she told me this as she gave it to him. And she gave it to him fast. Not even enough time for me to say no to it. - It calm him down a little bit tho.
She felt his bladder and checked his privates. Tried to coax some poop and urine out of him. Got a small amount of poops, but his bladder was empty.
Stern said it could possibly be an infection, or something with the kidneys.
she said she could give antibiotics, but she doesn't like doing that. She wanted to try some 'natural holistic' things first. - All in all, i wasn't getting a good feeling there. For some reason i just didn't trust her. - I even found it odd that they did not weigh chins in grams, but only pounds.
THEN i got the list of things she wanted to do.... and the cost.
Exam - $99
CBC Chem profile (blood panel) $175
Urinalysis with sediment $21.5
Injection Plasma-lyte $20
Injection Vit C+B+B12 $29
Injection Bovine Thymus $21.50
BHI Formula (holistic stuff to 'help immune system and tonify all organs' $45
ESTIMATED TOTAL (for that first bit at least): $431.50
I already wasn't sure, after seeing that list i was inclined to get a second opinion. So i paid just for the visit ($99... ****) Got to my car and called another vet. They vet i had gone to a little while ago when my ferret was having seizures.
Dr. Jennings.
Carlisle Small Animal Veterinary Clinic.
25 Shady Lane
Carlisle PA 17013
So i called them to make an appointment. It was already like 5pm. When they said they didnt have any spots open for today, i wasnt surprised. I could get one today with a diff doc, but i chose to stick with Jennings. I asked for tomorrow, but they checked and she wasnt in tomorrow. They asked what was wrong - told them blood in urine - 2 min later they came back and said that Jennings said thats something that needs to be seen for today. And told me i can come at 6.50pm (there supposed to be closing at that point, no patients.) - Made worse that due to traffic/gps taking me to toll road/ roads closed/ battery dieing.. i should have arrived an hour early, i arrived at 7:05pm. And sure enough she was there waiting to see Chico. (gotta love just the fact that they did that)
I told her what was going on, she looked over what Stern had wanted to do, and then checked out chico. Said she couldnt feel anything that would point towards stones, and that his bladder was empty. She looked him over, even checked his teeth since he was there. - Also said she wouldnt think it was the kidneys first because of the way the blood in the urine was. (not all mixed up)
She gave me some antibiotics for him to start with. As well as a syringe to get a urine sample since his bladder was empty. (Since Chico is peeing on metal tray i can get it that way)
Treatment/testing could evolve from there, but we will see what the antibiotics and the urinalysis show first.
Ill probably start the antibiotics tomorrow. Chico is thoroughly pissed for tonight. So ill leave him rest. Hopefully ill get the urine sample tomorrow too.
Given the differences in the two vets, i was curios to see what others here thought. So if you suffered long enough to read all that (thank you!), any ideas/thoughts?
Edit: in addition to his eating a lot more of the new food, he has gained a good bit of weight. 2 months ago he was at 574.9g i think it was. And i weighed him before i left today and he was 685~g
History: Chico is pron to seizures if he lays eyes on his girls and cant get to them. Therefor he is never allowed to see them again :(
He also has a heart murmur. Discovered when i brought him to the vet after the first seizure.
Earlier this year, he showed higher lvls of glucose in his urine and was diagnoses with diabetes.
And here we go again.... :tantrum:
Chico lives in a cage with his son. They have both been incredible when it comes to urinating in there litter pans. (My girls could learn a thing or two from my boys) A while ago i noticed that Chico wasn't always using his litter pan, and going on the metal bass pan instead. What started off as one puddle, became two, then 3. Then it became a large amount of small puddles.
He started becomes a little less active and was often retreating in his hut. I switched his food earlier in the year for his diabetes, both chins LOVE the new food. They are eating a lot of it. They went from 2tbls of old food with some left over up to 4tbls each of the new stuff for a while. Now they are both settled at about 3tbls each a day. - They rly rly like it. They would be waiting at the cage bars for there food all excited when i would enter there room. Lately Chico not only wasn't doing that, but he wasn't rly coming out of his hut even after i feed him. - That being said he would come out eventually. As far as i can tell, he is still eating and drinking normally.
On Saturday when i got up and went to there room to spot clean cages (mainly the girls since they like to pee everywhere) i noticed in the boys cage that there were puddles of urine with blood in them. Strangely enough, it wasn't like a blood/urine mixture. It was more like a puddle of urine with blood in the center of it. Like if someone took a puddle of urine and dropped some blood in the center and it didnt mix.
So that was of course the last straw. Time to see a vet. I went to Dr. Stern who was mentioned in this forum in the vets section, as well as some other vet/clinic places that didn't treat exotics.
Chico has a pathological fear of being picked up. He hates it with a passion. But if you know what your doing, you can manage.
Stern gave him a dose of something (flower scent?). Supposedly a homeopathic thing that helps clam them down. What i didn't like about that was, she told me this as she gave it to him. And she gave it to him fast. Not even enough time for me to say no to it. - It calm him down a little bit tho.
She felt his bladder and checked his privates. Tried to coax some poop and urine out of him. Got a small amount of poops, but his bladder was empty.
Stern said it could possibly be an infection, or something with the kidneys.
she said she could give antibiotics, but she doesn't like doing that. She wanted to try some 'natural holistic' things first. - All in all, i wasn't getting a good feeling there. For some reason i just didn't trust her. - I even found it odd that they did not weigh chins in grams, but only pounds.
THEN i got the list of things she wanted to do.... and the cost.
Exam - $99
CBC Chem profile (blood panel) $175
Urinalysis with sediment $21.5
Injection Plasma-lyte $20
Injection Vit C+B+B12 $29
Injection Bovine Thymus $21.50
BHI Formula (holistic stuff to 'help immune system and tonify all organs' $45
ESTIMATED TOTAL (for that first bit at least): $431.50
I already wasn't sure, after seeing that list i was inclined to get a second opinion. So i paid just for the visit ($99... ****) Got to my car and called another vet. They vet i had gone to a little while ago when my ferret was having seizures.
Dr. Jennings.
Carlisle Small Animal Veterinary Clinic.
25 Shady Lane
Carlisle PA 17013
So i called them to make an appointment. It was already like 5pm. When they said they didnt have any spots open for today, i wasnt surprised. I could get one today with a diff doc, but i chose to stick with Jennings. I asked for tomorrow, but they checked and she wasnt in tomorrow. They asked what was wrong - told them blood in urine - 2 min later they came back and said that Jennings said thats something that needs to be seen for today. And told me i can come at 6.50pm (there supposed to be closing at that point, no patients.) - Made worse that due to traffic/gps taking me to toll road/ roads closed/ battery dieing.. i should have arrived an hour early, i arrived at 7:05pm. And sure enough she was there waiting to see Chico. (gotta love just the fact that they did that)
I told her what was going on, she looked over what Stern had wanted to do, and then checked out chico. Said she couldnt feel anything that would point towards stones, and that his bladder was empty. She looked him over, even checked his teeth since he was there. - Also said she wouldnt think it was the kidneys first because of the way the blood in the urine was. (not all mixed up)
She gave me some antibiotics for him to start with. As well as a syringe to get a urine sample since his bladder was empty. (Since Chico is peeing on metal tray i can get it that way)
Treatment/testing could evolve from there, but we will see what the antibiotics and the urinalysis show first.
Ill probably start the antibiotics tomorrow. Chico is thoroughly pissed for tonight. So ill leave him rest. Hopefully ill get the urine sample tomorrow too.
Given the differences in the two vets, i was curios to see what others here thought. So if you suffered long enough to read all that (thank you!), any ideas/thoughts?
Edit: in addition to his eating a lot more of the new food, he has gained a good bit of weight. 2 months ago he was at 574.9g i think it was. And i weighed him before i left today and he was 685~g
Chinchillas on the West Coast LRW
I am attending university this year and because of it I cannot take care of them any longer because I'm moving. I live in the Portland area, however, I'm willing to travel if given a few weeks notice and if I'm reimbursed for travel.
The following is what I have:
1 Male Lowe Recessive White, bred by Poplar Hills chinchillas
6 Female Lowe Recessive White carriers
7 Male Lowe Recessive White carriers
For all of the LRW chinchillas, I want to sell with my 3, 3-hole breeder cages with their collars, dishes and water bottles. I'm asking $3,500
2 Extra Dark Female Standards
$120 for the older female
$160 for the younger Extra dark female
The other Extra Dark Standard female is a beauty and I wish I didn't have to sell her.
Please contact me if you're interested or have questions by message, email or phone:
Thank you!
I am attending university this year and because of it I cannot take care of them any longer because I'm moving. I live in the Portland area, however, I'm willing to travel if given a few weeks notice and if I'm reimbursed for travel.
The following is what I have:
1 Male Lowe Recessive White, bred by Poplar Hills chinchillas
6 Female Lowe Recessive White carriers
7 Male Lowe Recessive White carriers
For all of the LRW chinchillas, I want to sell with my 3, 3-hole breeder cages with their collars, dishes and water bottles. I'm asking $3,500
2 Extra Dark Female Standards
$120 for the older female
$160 for the younger Extra dark female
The other Extra Dark Standard female is a beauty and I wish I didn't have to sell her.
Please contact me if you're interested or have questions by message, email or phone:
Thank you!
Chinchilla Chateau Fall Sale List - Manteca, CA - can transport up to WA
2014 Chinchilla Chateau Sale List
*$50 non-refundable deposit required to place an animal on hold. First-come, first-served. I accept Paypal to chinchillachateau@gmail, money orders, or cash. I no longer accept checks!
**I can transport to CA fall field day in Nov, WA show in Dec, and CA State Show in Jan. Can travel within CA or ship at buyer's expense.
***I will not sell Lowe recessive whites (RW's) or carriers to anyone who does not show AND is not an ECBC or MCBA member. New mutations need serious breeders to work with them who are willing to show them and monitor the progress of their breeding program
B-55 DOB: 11/24/12 Sex: M Color: Std - Dk Awards: RCC - WA Fall '13 Comments: Dam is Z-24 (GSC Std -CA Fall '11) and sire is VTBT A-2722 (RCC Std - ECBC Natls '12), proven - $200
B-41 DOB: 9/8/12 Sex: M Color: Std rw/c Comments: Dam is RBS Z-205, sire is RNL V-31 (RW), good clarity and decent density, proven - $200
B-48 DOB: 9/21/12 Sex: M Color: Std - Med Comments: Dam is A-14 (1st - CA State '12), sire is VTBT A-2722 (RCC - ECBC Natl) Good size and conformation, good clarity, useful for lighter mutations, proven - $125
C-1 DOB:3/22/13 Sex: M Color: Std - X Dk Awards: CC - WA Fall '13 Comments: Dam is EAO Z-15 (1st pl ECBC Natl '11), sire is V-22 , very dark with good veiling, proven - $200
C-36 DOB: 8/25/13 Sex: F Color: Bg Awards: 1st - CA Spring '14 Comments: Dam is B-51 bg (RGSC CA Spring '13), sire is Bowen std (EBG V1549) - $150
D-34 DOB: 5/17/14 Sex: F Color: rw/c Comments: Dam is B-22 (RW), sire is V-22 (1st pl CA Fall '11) - $200
D-51 DOB:7/22/14 Sex:M Color:Bg Comments: Dam is EBG R-161 (RCC PW), sire is EBG X-2282 (GSC Bg) - $125
EBG V1549 DOB:6/18/09 Sex:M Color: Std - Lt/Md Comments: Large medium phase standard with good clarity- purchased from Gary Neubauer specifically for beige matings, proven - $100
V-22 DOB: 2/19/08 Sex: M Color: Std - Dk Awards: 1st pl - CA Fall '11 Comments: "Rufio" - Dam is RBS T-814, sire is RBS T-649 (1st pl std - MCBA York '08), proven - $100
Z-26 DOB: 9/15/10 Sex: M Color: Bg Awards: 3rd best beige - ECBC Natl '11, CC - CA Spring '11 Comments: Very large, densely-furred with good fur strength, decent clarity, proven (2 litters from him this year) but slow breeder, has cute ear freckles and is very friendly - $75
A-28 DOB: 7/14/11 Sex: F Color: Std rw/c Comments: Dam is EBG S-85 (RCC Std) and sire is RNL V-32 (RW), proven - $175
Standard gray male kits - August babies - available now - $75 each
Standard gray male kit - September baby - available in November - $75
Please email me at chinchillachateau@gmail.com for pictures and more information.
*$50 non-refundable deposit required to place an animal on hold. First-come, first-served. I accept Paypal to chinchillachateau@gmail, money orders, or cash. I no longer accept checks!
**I can transport to CA fall field day in Nov, WA show in Dec, and CA State Show in Jan. Can travel within CA or ship at buyer's expense.
***I will not sell Lowe recessive whites (RW's) or carriers to anyone who does not show AND is not an ECBC or MCBA member. New mutations need serious breeders to work with them who are willing to show them and monitor the progress of their breeding program
B-55 DOB: 11/24/12 Sex: M Color: Std - Dk Awards: RCC - WA Fall '13 Comments: Dam is Z-24 (GSC Std -CA Fall '11) and sire is VTBT A-2722 (RCC Std - ECBC Natls '12), proven - $200
B-41 DOB: 9/8/12 Sex: M Color: Std rw/c Comments: Dam is RBS Z-205, sire is RNL V-31 (RW), good clarity and decent density, proven - $200
B-48 DOB: 9/21/12 Sex: M Color: Std - Med Comments: Dam is A-14 (1st - CA State '12), sire is VTBT A-2722 (RCC - ECBC Natl) Good size and conformation, good clarity, useful for lighter mutations, proven - $125
C-1 DOB:3/22/13 Sex: M Color: Std - X Dk Awards: CC - WA Fall '13 Comments: Dam is EAO Z-15 (1st pl ECBC Natl '11), sire is V-22 , very dark with good veiling, proven - $200
C-36 DOB: 8/25/13 Sex: F Color: Bg Awards: 1st - CA Spring '14 Comments: Dam is B-51 bg (RGSC CA Spring '13), sire is Bowen std (EBG V1549) - $150
D-34 DOB: 5/17/14 Sex: F Color: rw/c Comments: Dam is B-22 (RW), sire is V-22 (1st pl CA Fall '11) - $200
D-51 DOB:7/22/14 Sex:M Color:Bg Comments: Dam is EBG R-161 (RCC PW), sire is EBG X-2282 (GSC Bg) - $125
EBG V1549 DOB:6/18/09 Sex:M Color: Std - Lt/Md Comments: Large medium phase standard with good clarity- purchased from Gary Neubauer specifically for beige matings, proven - $100
V-22 DOB: 2/19/08 Sex: M Color: Std - Dk Awards: 1st pl - CA Fall '11 Comments: "Rufio" - Dam is RBS T-814, sire is RBS T-649 (1st pl std - MCBA York '08), proven - $100
Z-26 DOB: 9/15/10 Sex: M Color: Bg Awards: 3rd best beige - ECBC Natl '11, CC - CA Spring '11 Comments: Very large, densely-furred with good fur strength, decent clarity, proven (2 litters from him this year) but slow breeder, has cute ear freckles and is very friendly - $75
A-28 DOB: 7/14/11 Sex: F Color: Std rw/c Comments: Dam is EBG S-85 (RCC Std) and sire is RNL V-32 (RW), proven - $175
Standard gray male kits - August babies - available now - $75 each
Standard gray male kit - September baby - available in November - $75
Please email me at chinchillachateau@gmail.com for pictures and more information.
Wooden Hay Box/Holder
Looking for a wooden hay box/holder. Anyone make/sell? Looking for one that's not held together by nails, please.
Updated "quiet wheel"
Has anyone tried one of these wheels?
The black piece on the back added to reduce noise is a "polymer/resin". Which I am sure is not chin safe. Wondering if perhaps it is out of reach of the chin?
Also a question about deck width. Currently my chin has one of those horrible plastic wheels and the running deck and concave shape make it 5 -5.5 inches wide. Is 4 inches really wide enough for a chin to run?
The black piece on the back added to reduce noise is a "polymer/resin". Which I am sure is not chin safe. Wondering if perhaps it is out of reach of the chin?
Also a question about deck width. Currently my chin has one of those horrible plastic wheels and the running deck and concave shape make it 5 -5.5 inches wide. Is 4 inches really wide enough for a chin to run?
Maloclussion or URI
What's the pic tell ya if anything. He's been on baytril for 5 days and I didn't give it to him yest and this is what he looks like today
water bottle brand that actually works?
So anyone have multiple water bottles from the same company that always work?
This is the third water bottle I've had that randomly won't let my chinchillas drink after working for months! What's worse is it was with my chin that is nursing.
I had one that worked perfectly for years and now all its replacement bottles fail on me.
Lixit, super pet (glass), and one other generic bottle are what I've gone through so far.
This is the third water bottle I've had that randomly won't let my chinchillas drink after working for months! What's worse is it was with my chin that is nursing.
I had one that worked perfectly for years and now all its replacement bottles fail on me.
Lixit, super pet (glass), and one other generic bottle are what I've gone through so far.
Not letting Chinchilla s out of the cage
Hi guys
What's your view on out of cage time.
Is it true chins remain happy without ever roaming free but having a large cage and exercise wheel to keep them happy.
Or do you believe all chins should be free from the cage daily.
What's your view on out of cage time.
Is it true chins remain happy without ever roaming free but having a large cage and exercise wheel to keep them happy.
Or do you believe all chins should be free from the cage daily.
How to get kits to dust bath?
So my kits are about two weeks old now so we tried to get them to dust bath but they don't seem interested!
We gave both them and mom access to the bath at the same time but they don't seem to learn much
Any advice??
We gave both them and mom access to the bath at the same time but they don't seem to learn much
Any advice??
lundi 13 octobre 2014
Chinchillas looking for homes KY/OH/IN
We have many adoptables in the rescue at the moment.
To list what is current:
Willow: Age u/k, STD grey, female

Wilbur (paired to Tarzan): age u/k, brown velvet, male
Tarzan (paired to Wilbur): age u/k, STD grey, male

Gizmo: age u/k, STD grey, male

Princess Steely age u/k, Black velvet, female

Minnie: apprx. 5-6 years old, mosaic, female

See all adoptables at: AdoptAPet Listings
Adoption application required. Can be found on the website at http://ift.tt/1sD5fGj
Fees: $75 single, $125 pair
To list what is current:
Willow: Age u/k, STD grey, female
Wilbur (paired to Tarzan): age u/k, brown velvet, male
Tarzan (paired to Wilbur): age u/k, STD grey, male
Gizmo: age u/k, STD grey, male
Princess Steely age u/k, Black velvet, female
Minnie: apprx. 5-6 years old, mosaic, female
See all adoptables at: AdoptAPet Listings
Adoption application required. Can be found on the website at http://ift.tt/1sD5fGj
Fees: $75 single, $125 pair
Madras, Oregon
I've watched this person post ads for babies and adults off an on, sometimes they are in cramped cages, or other times I've seen their photos showing a cage full of plastic.
They are selling standards as "TOV Violets"... or "Violet Ebony Wrap"..... But Any chin would love a plastic free home to go to!
They are selling standards as "TOV Violets"... or "Violet Ebony Wrap"..... But Any chin would love a plastic free home to go to!
How high to put a chin wheel
Hey all
Do I have to keep the chin wheel close to the bottom of the cage, it takes up floor space would I be able to put it about half way up the cage or is this dangerous??
Do I have to keep the chin wheel close to the bottom of the cage, it takes up floor space would I be able to put it about half way up the cage or is this dangerous??
Tail Injury, lost fur
Tail does not appear to have damage to the bones of any kind.
My 4 year old somehow got a hold of his tail, and now there is a large patch of fur completely missing. It looks like if a human were to fall and scrape a knee. There's no dripping blood or blood anywhere around the cage, but skin is definitely looking sore and raw. Seems more of an external injury that does not require a vet, but surely there is something I can/should do for faster healing and comfort? I will continue watching the tail to be sure it is moving ok.
I didn't know if something like Neosporin was safe for a chin. And if I wrapped it after applying to prevent them from licking the Neosporin, wouldn't they just chew off the bandage?
The dust bath is not in the cage right now, figured dust on a skin abrasion wouldn't be good. They mostly spend their time at the top of cage under their house during the day. Injured chin rarely goes to bottom of cage.
My chins are not used to being handled, avoiding doing so until I have to so I don't stress him out more. Whatever went down this morning obviously stressed him enough.
My 4 year old somehow got a hold of his tail, and now there is a large patch of fur completely missing. It looks like if a human were to fall and scrape a knee. There's no dripping blood or blood anywhere around the cage, but skin is definitely looking sore and raw. Seems more of an external injury that does not require a vet, but surely there is something I can/should do for faster healing and comfort? I will continue watching the tail to be sure it is moving ok.
I didn't know if something like Neosporin was safe for a chin. And if I wrapped it after applying to prevent them from licking the Neosporin, wouldn't they just chew off the bandage?
The dust bath is not in the cage right now, figured dust on a skin abrasion wouldn't be good. They mostly spend their time at the top of cage under their house during the day. Injured chin rarely goes to bottom of cage.
My chins are not used to being handled, avoiding doing so until I have to so I don't stress him out more. Whatever went down this morning obviously stressed him enough.
Looking for a New England Rescue...
for a pair of elderly male chinnies.
My home has become completely unsuitable for these poor animals :(
They have a long pet owner history that did not include proper bonding and interaction, and so they really cannot be handled out of the cage, stresses them out to try to catch them later, naturally. Sweet guys, no aggression or bad habits, just not the cute and cuddly ride around on your shoulder kind of pets most people imagine with chinchillas. They are getting on in their years so I am not sure how much they can be taught and be bonded with at this point, but it stands to reason that they would tolerate some handling with an owner who understands how to help them.
One chinny suffered an injury at the hands of my 4 year old this morning. I expect a full health recovery, but it is just another reason that my home is not the ideal placement for these guys. My children are special needs, and so they very well may be behind the average child in terms of empathy development for other creatures.
I will be happy to go into detail through messaging. Simply placing these guys up on Craigslist would not do them any favors, I am really aiming to find a rescue or very experienced chinchilla owner who can give these guys adequate love and care.
In the event that I forget to check this, you can also email me.
My home has become completely unsuitable for these poor animals :(
They have a long pet owner history that did not include proper bonding and interaction, and so they really cannot be handled out of the cage, stresses them out to try to catch them later, naturally. Sweet guys, no aggression or bad habits, just not the cute and cuddly ride around on your shoulder kind of pets most people imagine with chinchillas. They are getting on in their years so I am not sure how much they can be taught and be bonded with at this point, but it stands to reason that they would tolerate some handling with an owner who understands how to help them.
One chinny suffered an injury at the hands of my 4 year old this morning. I expect a full health recovery, but it is just another reason that my home is not the ideal placement for these guys. My children are special needs, and so they very well may be behind the average child in terms of empathy development for other creatures.
I will be happy to go into detail through messaging. Simply placing these guys up on Craigslist would not do them any favors, I am really aiming to find a rescue or very experienced chinchilla owner who can give these guys adequate love and care.
In the event that I forget to check this, you can also email me.
Hedgehog Questions
Hi, I have a couple questions about getting hedgehogs. I already know the care that goes into a hedgehog but I can't decide if I should get one. Or two. Or three. Lol. The reason I am conflicted is because I have 2 dogs currently and 3 chinchillas. I can never have just one of the animals I have. The dogs aren't a problem we already established that. But would I have too many animals if I got two or three hedgehogs? I have enough space in my house but would the hogs be affected if they shared a room with chinchillas? Don't worry, they have their respected habitats a critter nation for the chinchillas and I would keep like an enclose for the hogs. Like 5 foot by 7 foot on the ground but with fleece, a fence sort of thing, an upstairs level with a not steep ramp. The chinchillas have the basement because the temperature is easy to control. We would put the hogs in there. Thanks in advance.:)
Just reserved my first chin...
I'm happy to say I've reserved my first chinchilla!
He is still a baby and therefore will not be coming home for another 3 weeks and in that time I have to buy EVERYTHING as the only thing I've bought at the minute is the actual chin...:facepalm:
The cage I'm probably getting is this one:

Here's a picture of the little man himself

He is a tan male and should be darker by the time I bring him home.
He's really tame and fluffy. Can't wait to bring him home! :)
He is still a baby and therefore will not be coming home for another 3 weeks and in that time I have to buy EVERYTHING as the only thing I've bought at the minute is the actual chin...:facepalm:
The cage I'm probably getting is this one:
Here's a picture of the little man himself
He is a tan male and should be darker by the time I bring him home.
He's really tame and fluffy. Can't wait to bring him home! :)
dimanche 12 octobre 2014
We need wood!
My house beavers informed me their supply is getting far too low, looking for a small/med box of mixed sticks and twigs. Any mix is fine as my girls do not discriminate, all wood is devoured equally.
PM with with a price and Ill get back to you, if not tonight then tomorrow. Thanks!!!!!
PM with with a price and Ill get back to you, if not tonight then tomorrow. Thanks!!!!!
How many chins to keep
Hi all I currently have 3 chins who live happily in one cage.
I was considering getting some more chins. Right now they are prettu low maintenance but has anyone hit a poiny where it has become high maintenance with too many chins and if so how many.
I was considering getting some more chins. Right now they are prettu low maintenance but has anyone hit a poiny where it has become high maintenance with too many chins and if so how many.
What's your routine for your chins
Hey everyone
What's your daily and weekly rountine with your chins. I wanted to get a good routine goig and am interested in what others do??
What's your daily and weekly rountine with your chins. I wanted to get a good routine goig and am interested in what others do??
How often to hold my chin
I have a really friendly chin I mostly hold her in the day and she sleeps in my arms. The thing is due to new work commitments I wont have much time for handling. So my question is how often should I hold her or for how long so that she stays friendly
How big should a cage be for 3 chinchillas
Hi all
I currently have 3 chins the cage is 80cm by 80cm or 30inches by 30inches. Is this big enough? I have filled it with shelves, toys, houses and a wheel.
I currently have 3 chins the cage is 80cm by 80cm or 30inches by 30inches. Is this big enough? I have filled it with shelves, toys, houses and a wheel.
Chinchilla safe plastic?
I bought a chinchilla cage from zooplus.com and it contained plastic. So when I asked my mom if she could buy wood for new shelves she just said that it's probably chinchilla safe plastic, so I sent then an e-mail. They said that it's chinchilla safe.
Is it really chinchilla safe? If not, can I cover them with fleece or newspaper, or is newspaper too thin?
Cage: http://ift.tt/1qNw3gw
(I'm not using the ramps.) I'm getting him a few days.
Is it really chinchilla safe? If not, can I cover them with fleece or newspaper, or is newspaper too thin?
Cage: http://ift.tt/1qNw3gw
(I'm not using the ramps.) I'm getting him a few days.
Is this cage ok?
Looking at cages online to buy and I have found 4 did post in another topic about three but I've found an even better one (the website is having a sale aswell so it's cheap)

It is 90.5cm tall, 64cm wide and 46.5cm deep. I read on a website (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the minimum size for a chinchilla cage for a single chin is 90cm high, 60cm wide and 45cm deep. The other cages I found where all smaller than this. Does it look ok?
Thanks :)
P.S If the ledges are unsuitable I will replace them for wood and I will provide bedding aswell.
It is 90.5cm tall, 64cm wide and 46.5cm deep. I read on a website (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the minimum size for a chinchilla cage for a single chin is 90cm high, 60cm wide and 45cm deep. The other cages I found where all smaller than this. Does it look ok?
Thanks :)
P.S If the ledges are unsuitable I will replace them for wood and I will provide bedding aswell.
chins cant drink tap water?
Not sure if this goes here or in the new owner bit.
Well I was browsing the forums and read that you cannot give chinchillas tap water? :hmm: Is this true? I had planned to give them tap water all along as I have done with other pets (none had problems) just wondering if its poisonous to them or it is just not the "best" thing to do. Obviously if it's really harmful I'll use another water but if it's not should I just use tap water?
Well I was browsing the forums and read that you cannot give chinchillas tap water? :hmm: Is this true? I had planned to give them tap water all along as I have done with other pets (none had problems) just wondering if its poisonous to them or it is just not the "best" thing to do. Obviously if it's really harmful I'll use another water but if it's not should I just use tap water?
samedi 11 octobre 2014
One of my chins is litter trained so well that he has never had an accident.
Because of this, I was considering switching out his fleece pans for tile. I feel that it would make cleaning easier(the cage I'd be tiling is a CN 162).
However, I had a few questions for others who use tile.
1.How do you get them to fit? I've never had tile cut or anything so I'm not sure how that works.
2. What tile should I use?
3. How easy is it to remove the tile to clean around the edges and under them?
4. Opinions on using tiles in general?
My other chin has accidents and I don't want him stepping in the pee or anything, so I'll only be doing this for one chin.
Because of this, I was considering switching out his fleece pans for tile. I feel that it would make cleaning easier(the cage I'd be tiling is a CN 162).
However, I had a few questions for others who use tile.
1.How do you get them to fit? I've never had tile cut or anything so I'm not sure how that works.
2. What tile should I use?
3. How easy is it to remove the tile to clean around the edges and under them?
4. Opinions on using tiles in general?
My other chin has accidents and I don't want him stepping in the pee or anything, so I'll only be doing this for one chin.
vendredi 10 octobre 2014
Manna Pro Sho
I have two 50 pound bags of Manna Pro Sho that I need to sell. I don't have a container to store it in once it is opened, so I need to move it quickly.
If you can pick it up, it'll be $17.00 per 50 lb. bag.
If you'd like to have it shipped to you in smaller quantities, it'll be .40 cents per pound plus actual shipping.
I will be at the show in Rock Hill on November 8th and can deliver.
If you can pick it up, it'll be $17.00 per 50 lb. bag.
If you'd like to have it shipped to you in smaller quantities, it'll be .40 cents per pound plus actual shipping.
I will be at the show in Rock Hill on November 8th and can deliver.
What happen to my chin
hi all,
4 day ago i introduce a new chin to my original chin, for the past 4 day My original chin sometime chased the new chin but no fur pulling. But today after work i came home and found that the new chin was chasing my original chin and there was lot of fur laying around. I quickly separate them to different cages. After that i notice that my original chin was hiding under the running wheel, i try to use treat to lure her out but fail. Normally when i shake the treat bottle she will run to me and wanting to eat her treat but today was abnormal. I though it was ok, she was scare by the new chin. But after about 2 hour, she was still hiding below the running wheel, same again i use treat to lure her out but i fail again. So i was wondering if she is sick and the new chin bully her?
4 day ago i introduce a new chin to my original chin, for the past 4 day My original chin sometime chased the new chin but no fur pulling. But today after work i came home and found that the new chin was chasing my original chin and there was lot of fur laying around. I quickly separate them to different cages. After that i notice that my original chin was hiding under the running wheel, i try to use treat to lure her out but fail. Normally when i shake the treat bottle she will run to me and wanting to eat her treat but today was abnormal. I though it was ok, she was scare by the new chin. But after about 2 hour, she was still hiding below the running wheel, same again i use treat to lure her out but i fail again. So i was wondering if she is sick and the new chin bully her?
Stop eating Critical Care!!! Advice needed!
I've added molasses to the original flavor of Critical Care and that helped for one feeding. Now I cannot get chin to take the Critical Care. When I tried force feeding he seemed to be just spitting it out. Can I add Apple Juice or Pedialyte or something else to lure him into eating?
jeudi 9 octobre 2014
One door closes; Another opens
You may be aware that my baby and first hedgie, Watson, passed away just recently. While I miss him terribly, I believe it was a good thing as it allowed a little girl to find a new home.
1 year old Harriet Marmalade was in need of rehoming as her previous mommy didn't feel she could give her the attention she deserved. Her mommy posted the add for her, including her custom built cage and adorable custom made strawberry house, less than a week before Watson passed away. Two days after he passed, I knew I need another hedgie - I missed the sound of little feet on the wheel at night and checking on the little quilly ball during the day - so I looked online to see if one was for sale and low and behold, the only add for a hedgehog was for Harriet. I contacted the lady and the very next day, Harriet came home with me. And while she was very well cared for at her old home, she's made me very happy.
She's quite the spirited little girl, as she's done nothing but huff and point her quills at me since she came home two days ago, but she's slowly warming up to me and I look forward to the time when she won't be so shy.
Welcome Harriet Marmalade. I love you already. (Pictures to come!)
1 year old Harriet Marmalade was in need of rehoming as her previous mommy didn't feel she could give her the attention she deserved. Her mommy posted the add for her, including her custom built cage and adorable custom made strawberry house, less than a week before Watson passed away. Two days after he passed, I knew I need another hedgie - I missed the sound of little feet on the wheel at night and checking on the little quilly ball during the day - so I looked online to see if one was for sale and low and behold, the only add for a hedgehog was for Harriet. I contacted the lady and the very next day, Harriet came home with me. And while she was very well cared for at her old home, she's made me very happy.
She's quite the spirited little girl, as she's done nothing but huff and point her quills at me since she came home two days ago, but she's slowly warming up to me and I look forward to the time when she won't be so shy.
Welcome Harriet Marmalade. I love you already. (Pictures to come!)
Cardboard play structure?
Hi All,
I am trying to come up with a way to build some sort of play structure with tunnels and steps and ledges. I figure cardboard is the best option as far as materials go, but I don't know much about planning the design. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I am trying to come up with a way to build some sort of play structure with tunnels and steps and ledges. I figure cardboard is the best option as far as materials go, but I don't know much about planning the design. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Can't get Pic to post to Profile...HELP
:hair: Ive tried and tried it wont load...it is the right size
Dying Chinchilla
Posted Today, 08:25 PM
Hi Guys
Our Chinny is 9 years Old and stopped eating last week
he went in for teeth surgery on Monday to file down his molars and initially all was well and he started eating again.
Since Monday he has gone downhill very quickly - He is now no longer moving, eating, drinking and barely responding even when we open the cage and stroke him - He used to hate having his head touched and now is not responding.
He did bark and become agitated and moved when we tried to pick him up 2 hours ago - but since then he's gone back to the same spot and isn't moving again.
Is there any hope of a recovery or should we euthanize him tomorrow :(
Hi Guys
Our Chinny is 9 years Old and stopped eating last week
he went in for teeth surgery on Monday to file down his molars and initially all was well and he started eating again.
Since Monday he has gone downhill very quickly - He is now no longer moving, eating, drinking and barely responding even when we open the cage and stroke him - He used to hate having his head touched and now is not responding.
He did bark and become agitated and moved when we tried to pick him up 2 hours ago - but since then he's gone back to the same spot and isn't moving again.
Is there any hope of a recovery or should we euthanize him tomorrow :(
Really would like a female but can't find any
Hi as you may know already I am getting my first chinchilla soon and I would really like a female. I have looked everywhere and I have found 5 breeders. I have emailed them all. 1 doesn't seem very knowledgeable (the chin is male aswell and she is trying to sell the chin at 7 weeks when we were told by another breeder the leaving age is 12 weeks) one doesnt have any available, one has two females however they need to be kept together (don't have the room for two) and one has two males. The lady with two males sound slovely but I would really love a female as the only thing that is putting me off with males is that I have NEVER had a female pet before and would like one and also the hair ring thing. I know it sounds silly but I'd rather not be touching my chins penis every day. Really unsure on what to do because although the first reason doesnt necessarily bother me the hair ring thing does, is it really as disgusting as it sounds (I am quite squeamish sorry haha)
Pregnant chinchilla stopped eating treats???
My chinchilla always looks forward to eating her shredded wheat every night. Last night she wouldn't touch it which is very unnormal. What do you think this means? She is pregnant and of course I don't know when she's due but maybe this is a pregnancy sign or??
Sugar glider?
I've heard about these pets called sugar gliders but I have no clue what they are as I don't think it is possible to get them in the uk. What are they? :hmm:
Nasal Discharge...
To y'all that have had chins with nasal discharge: What was the cause?
Introductions? How?
For the past couple months I have been doing the side by side method and swapping my two males in each others cages, a couple weeks ago I had put them together for the first time, all seemed alright, it didn't look like anything major, (no fighting or squeaking, mounting, ect). The second time was different, there was a little talking between animals and chasing each other, then, then third time there was loud squeaking and more chasing and what it LOOKS like fighting, though, there was no blood.
So, mainly, how can you exactly tell if introductions are going well?
For the past couple months I have been doing the side by side method and swapping my two males in each others cages, a couple weeks ago I had put them together for the first time, all seemed alright, it didn't look like anything major, (no fighting or squeaking, mounting, ect). The second time was different, there was a little talking between animals and chasing each other, then, then third time there was loud squeaking and more chasing and what it LOOKS like fighting, though, there was no blood.
So, mainly, how can you exactly tell if introductions are going well?
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