Does anyone know of a cost effective option for scatter guards. I can’t bring myself to spend that much money on scatter guards that aren’t a necessary item.
jeudi 29 juillet 2021
lundi 26 juillet 2021
Needing to rehome two beauties: Owner passed
Good evening,
I took in two beautiful chinchilla females about two months ago to help out when a close friend suddenly became ill. At the time we thought it was COVID, but it turned out to be leukemia. She very tragically passed a few weeks ago and we have been trying to find a good home for her girls Chloe and Zoe.
Sadly, I am unable to keep them permanently, as I am in a graduate healthcare program and am gone 15-16 hours a day. I also have two cats and one is far too interested in...
Needing to rehome two beauties: Owner passed
I took in two beautiful chinchilla females about two months ago to help out when a close friend suddenly became ill. At the time we thought it was COVID, but it turned out to be leukemia. She very tragically passed a few weeks ago and we have been trying to find a good home for her girls Chloe and Zoe.
Sadly, I am unable to keep them permanently, as I am in a graduate healthcare program and am gone 15-16 hours a day. I also have two cats and one is far too interested in...
Needing to rehome two beauties: Owner passed
mercredi 21 juillet 2021
Two rescues
I have two rescue chinchillas from a raid of a exatic animal distribution center in Nee Orleans. I participated in a driving relay to get chinchillas to adoptive homes up in Illinois. My chins names are Nora and Nola.
Rest In Peace Mazikeen
Today my new baby died at the vet. She had been taken in for diarrhea because my husband gave her too many treats. On the first day there, she was already doing much better. She was supposed to be kept for 7 days at the vet for her medication administration and monitoring. She took her meds like a champ the entire time and was so well behaved. I even got to visit her and she was doing so much better. Full of life and energy, nice hard pellets, and loving that I was there. The vet has no idea...
Rest In Peace Mazikeen
Rest In Peace Mazikeen
Chins-n-Hedgies 2021 Survey
I am going to start doing an annual survey so I better know what to improve on here at Chins-n-Hedgies Forum.
Would really appreciate a few minutes of your time. I will also be sending this request via e-mail newsletter.
Chins--n-Hedgies 2021 Survey
Would really appreciate a few minutes of your time. I will also be sending this request via e-mail newsletter.
Chins--n-Hedgies 2021 Survey
Adorable Chinchilla Kits for sale
Wanting good forever homes for these adorable chin kits. Chocolates, Ebonies, Black Velvets, Grey's,
mardi 20 juillet 2021
Leg injury
Sunday morning my son and I sadly learned the importance of having ramp covers that will not slide down. Our male chinchilla had his foot caught and leg all twisted in the rungs and he was stuck in an awkward position. We feared his leg was broken. We took him to the nearby university's vet hospital associated with their veterinary school, so I am confident he is getting good care. They recommended a CT to determine if there was a fracture or hip joint injury and also if an area of...
Leg injury
Leg injury
lundi 19 juillet 2021
Cochorus plant?
My chinchilla broke one of his toys and I was wondering if I could use jute cord to fix it? I tried to google if it was safe and couldn’t find anything. I’ll add a picture.
Can I give extra medication for my chinchilla
I had taken in my chinchilla for a tooth trimming because he was drooling not too long ago and afterward the doctors told me to give him some antiinflammatory medicine for 2 days which I did. About a week later he is still drooling and having trouble eating, is it safe to give him more antiinflammatory medicine or is this bad for his health.
How much fighting is normal?
I have a bonded pair of brothers and a male I rescued a little over a year ago. I worked on bonding them for months and they are now housed together. The vast majority of the time they all do well together/sleep with each other. But there are some occasions at night or during playtime they will chase each other and have some fur slips. The fur slips are never by the neck, but are on their rump, and blood has never been drawn.
Is there some level of fighting that is to be anticipated like...
How much fighting is normal?
Is there some level of fighting that is to be anticipated like...
How much fighting is normal?
dimanche 18 juillet 2021
Chins talking to each other?
Hello! I'm new here, not a new chinchilla owner. I started out with two chinchillas, both male, standard grey, Butters and Dougie. Everything was perfectly fine until one day Dougie passed. Butters was so depressed, he wouldn't let us pet him anymore. Just kacked. We bought a baby boy and named him Timmy. He's such a sweet baby! Too little to house with Butters, I had them seperated to quarantine him for a few months. Eventually I split Butters' 2x2x5 foot cage in half so Timmy got the top...
Chins talking to each other?
Chins talking to each other?
vendredi 16 juillet 2021
Chinchilla acting different
Hi guys. I have a 3 year old female named Sprinkles. I've had her since December and she always had the same behavior. For the past couple weeks she's been acting different. She's still peeing/pooping/drinking/eating like normal, but there are a couple of behavioral things different. She used to sleep through the day in her hanging bed but I've seen her outside of it a lot in the middle of the day or even just early for her to be awake. Sometimes she's just sleeping behind her wooden hut but...
Chinchilla acting different
Chinchilla acting different
I'm paranoid about my chin's behavior recently
This will be long, so stay with me.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of my chinchilla Mayu's behavior. Just a little background: I've had her for a little over a year and we went through so much together. We were both in a stressful environment and my ex husband yelled a lot. When I finally got out of that house and it was just me and Mayu, I went through a period where I didn't have a chin-proofed room for her to run around in and she started fur chewing. I had no idea how much our living...
I'm paranoid about my chin's behavior recently
I'm trying to get to the bottom of my chinchilla Mayu's behavior. Just a little background: I've had her for a little over a year and we went through so much together. We were both in a stressful environment and my ex husband yelled a lot. When I finally got out of that house and it was just me and Mayu, I went through a period where I didn't have a chin-proofed room for her to run around in and she started fur chewing. I had no idea how much our living...
I'm paranoid about my chin's behavior recently
jeudi 15 juillet 2021
New Chinchilla with diarrhea, could be my husband’s fault?
Hi everyone. I just got my chinchilla, Mazikeen 5 days ago. The first two days she had normal dry hard pellet poops and didn’t seem to have any issues whatsoever. On the second day my husband went and got her all kinds of stuff to spoil her and show he wasn’t mad at me for getting her lol. He bought a bunch of treats and proceeded to give her 4 Timothy fruit biscuits before I realized what he had done. By the time I figured it out, only half of one was left which I immediately removed. She...
New Chinchilla with diarrhea, could be my husband’s fault?
New Chinchilla with diarrhea, could be my husband’s fault?
This is Susu, the black velvet chinchilla. She's approximately 11 years old. I got her and her buddy who passed away last year from a rescue 10 years ago. She moved with me through grad school, first job, and now will be my travelling buddy to my new home.
She loves rose petals, rosehips, neck scritches, naps, jumping on my back while I'm trying to clean her cage, and cartoons.
Dislikes being watched too much, going to the vet, and being held.
[ATTACH type="full"...
She loves rose petals, rosehips, neck scritches, naps, jumping on my back while I'm trying to clean her cage, and cartoons.
Dislikes being watched too much, going to the vet, and being held.
[ATTACH type="full"...
mardi 13 juillet 2021
Asa Gray
My boy is Asa Gray. He is named after the famous American botanist. I got him about 10 years ago from Sycamore Chinchillas. He had been a show chin, but was too small to be a champion. He has been a great pet, though. He is very opinionated, but also very smart and cute. He is an International Chin of Mystery, as he moved with us to Germany for 5 years, and then back to the US. He is 14 now, and slowing down a bit, but he is still ridiculously cute.
Post YOUR Chinchilla Here - ADD IMAGES!
This forum is to showcase your Chinchilla(s).
You can title the thread as anything. Nickname, Your Name, Your Nickname, Location.
Please add:
You can title the thread as anything. Nickname, Your Name, Your Nickname, Location.
Please add:
- Photos
- Breed
- History
dimanche 11 juillet 2021
Separating Chinchillas
Hello, my female chinchilla recently gave birth to a kit. I separated the father from the female chinchilla and kit and he seems to be looking for them. I am trying to keep it this way for a week. What should I do?
My chinchilla, Cheese, likes to dig in her cage. She will also get to the point where she's being so rambunctious that she moves her hiding stump around. Does she need a bath or is there something else wrong?
jeudi 8 juillet 2021
Antibiotic prescribed: first time
My chin Timmy was just diagnosed with crystals in his bladder. My vet prescribed .85ml antibiotic twice a day, and it looks like a HUGE amount, but he's never had meds before. I'm just asking if you may have given that much to any of your chins. I have nothing to compare it to. Thank you.
Cage location
Hi, so I recently became super interested in wanting a chinchilla over the last couple months and have been browsing the web and different forums on their care. My biggest concern currently is the room I have to keep them. Because of the other pets (dogs and cats) in my house and my sister being allergic I would only be able to house them in my bedroom.
My bedroom is in the basement so it never really gets hot even in summer and I do get central A/c so I'm not worried about keeping my room...
Cage location
My bedroom is in the basement so it never really gets hot even in summer and I do get central A/c so I'm not worried about keeping my room...
Cage location
lundi 5 juillet 2021
2 Male Chinchillas Charleston WV
I have come to the incredibly difficult decision that I need to part ways with my two male Chinchillas, Milo and Tesla. This wasn’t an easy decision and am not looking for anyone to tear me down over this when I already feel terrible about it. I am adult enough to understand that I have issues that affect my ability to properly take care of them and that they deserve better care than what I am able to give them in my current health state.
They need to go together, I will not separate them...
2 Male Chinchillas Charleston WV
They need to go together, I will not separate them...
2 Male Chinchillas Charleston WV
samedi 3 juillet 2021
Ferret Nation Free to Good Home!
vendredi 2 juillet 2021
Running Saucer maintenance
Hi All,
I hope you and your chinchillas are doing OK during the planned pandemic.
I have the following running saucer I got 2nd hand.

I think these at some point need bearing replaced.
I have come across this manufacturer in US but I am...
Running Saucer maintenance
I hope you and your chinchillas are doing OK during the planned pandemic.
I have the following running saucer I got 2nd hand.

I think these at some point need bearing replaced.
I have come across this manufacturer in US but I am...
Running Saucer maintenance
jeudi 1 juillet 2021
Rest in peace Bazil
I'm still feeling a bit like "this isn't real" but... one of my two chins, Bazil, passed away in his sleep sometime Tuesday night or Wednesday morning
, he was 14+ years old (I don't know his exact age, just that he was 3 when I got him and his brother in January of 2010). He was in his house and it just looked like he was sleeping, his brother got up but he didn't (they often would get up together for a bit to eat) so I checked on him and he didn't wake up.
We are dealing with a...
Rest in peace Bazil

Rest in peace Bazil
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
(I also posted this in diet and nutrition but am copying it here as well!)
Hi everyone,
Just recently I had one of my babies (2 y/o, male) put to sleep due to a bladder stone that became stuck in his urethra - he went downhill very quickly over the course of 3 days and there was nothing that could be done.
Over the last few months I had noticed a chalky residue in his dried pee that I found out was calcium excess when I researched it.
When I first noticed this I spoke to my exotic vet...
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
Hi everyone,
Just recently I had one of my babies (2 y/o, male) put to sleep due to a bladder stone that became stuck in his urethra - he went downhill very quickly over the course of 3 days and there was nothing that could be done.
Over the last few months I had noticed a chalky residue in his dried pee that I found out was calcium excess when I researched it.
When I first noticed this I spoke to my exotic vet...
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
Hi everyone,
Just recently I had one of my babies (2 y/o, male) put to sleep due to a bladder stone that became stuck in his urethra - he went downhill very quickly over the course of 3 days and there was nothing that could be done.
Over the last few months I had noticed a chalky residue in his dried pee that I found out was calcium excess when I researched it.
When I first noticed this I spoke to my exotic vet for her advice and she suggested cutting down the calcium in his diet - I...
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
Just recently I had one of my babies (2 y/o, male) put to sleep due to a bladder stone that became stuck in his urethra - he went downhill very quickly over the course of 3 days and there was nothing that could be done.
Over the last few months I had noticed a chalky residue in his dried pee that I found out was calcium excess when I researched it.
When I first noticed this I spoke to my exotic vet for her advice and she suggested cutting down the calcium in his diet - I...
Calcium Surplus Question - Help
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