Is there anything I should do for my chins when it's the 4th of July and New Years? Two of my nearby neighbors tend to set off a good amount of fireworks on those two holidays, varying on intensity.
mardi 31 décembre 2019
Looking for the safe wood list...
I know I have seen lists of safe wood for chinchillas, but searching for "safe wood" brings me pages upon pages but none is with the list of which wood types are safe :-(
Can someone link me to the right page?
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Can someone link me to the right page?
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Bandit & Buttons
I've done a personal introduction when I first joined the forum, but I've never properly introduced my two chins Bandit & Buttons. They're standard gray twin brothers, and they've been with me for three months now, and they've definitely come out of their shell and have no fear showing me what they like and dislike. So, I figured it'd be fun to type out little descriptions about the B Boys (the household nickname for them at this point, lol) so you guys can really see what they're like if...
Bandit & Buttons
Bandit & Buttons
Chinchi scoots on wet towels
So, this isn’t an issue really, more of a query as far as behavior.
My chinchi, Chinchi, will scoot her butt on wet towels. Any wet fabric really... and when my mom was chinchi-sitting for me, she twice shot piss after encountering a Diet Coke and then a glass of wine sitting on the floor with my mom. It’s like she is a weirdo with liquids... is this a thing for anyone else?
Sincerely, Chinchi
My chinchi, Chinchi, will scoot her butt on wet towels. Any wet fabric really... and when my mom was chinchi-sitting for me, she twice shot piss after encountering a Diet Coke and then a glass of wine sitting on the floor with my mom. It’s like she is a weirdo with liquids... is this a thing for anyone else?
Sincerely, Chinchi
Hello chinny lovers!
Hi everyone! I'm Savannah! I'm a full time musician professionally and new to the chinchilla owner world! It started as a love of chinchillas when I first saw one when I was 5 but never had the money to get one. Then I was offered two chinchillas that had been adopted out from two sets of owners who had neglected them/not really learned how to take care of them. The chins were not happy or super healthy, and I literally adopted them to learn about them and give them the best and most loving...
Hello chinny lovers!
Hello chinny lovers!
Crash course on sick Chin care (my chin is on Meloxicam and not eating much now)
I've had my chinchilla, Mr. B, for about a month now. I adopted him from a Chinchilla adoption center and he was a bright happy chin! Been feeding him Oxbow Essential pellets, timothy hay, occasional chinchilla safe dried flowers/herbs, and spoiling him with apple sticks, chew toys etc. Unsure of his history tho.
A few days ago he had some obvious mouth pain (rubbing mouth, loud/constant teeth grinding, wincing/flattening ears), I posted this in the other topic thread under health. After...
Crash course on sick Chin care (my chin is on Meloxicam and not eating much now)
A few days ago he had some obvious mouth pain (rubbing mouth, loud/constant teeth grinding, wincing/flattening ears), I posted this in the other topic thread under health. After...
Crash course on sick Chin care (my chin is on Meloxicam and not eating much now)
lundi 30 décembre 2019
Reluctant to eat (X-ray)
I'd noticed for a while that Henry wasn't eating everything, especially all his herbs, but since I'd got few nicer bits in and he was eating those and still eating harder food incl. pellets, and I think more of them, I thought he was being fussy at first and maybe just bored of some of the herbs, till he stopped eating his favourite things too. On the 17th he had a spur on his front teeth clipped. Unfortunately, the vet caught his tongue while he was doing it. I wish it'd been burred under...
Reluctant to eat (X-ray)
Reluctant to eat (X-ray)
Reluctant to eat
I'd noticed for a while that Henry wasn't eating everything, especially all his herbs, but since I'd got few nicer bits in and he was eating those and still eating harder food incl. pellets, and I think more of them, I thought he was being fussy at first and maybe just bored of some of the herbs, till he stopped eating his favourite things too. On the 17th he had a spur on his front teeth clipped. Unfortunately, the vet caught his tongue while he was doing it. I wish it'd been burred under...
Reluctant to eat
Reluctant to eat
How to prevent molar spurs
Hi! I'm a new chinnie owner and have had my Chinchilla, Mr. B, for about a month now.
On Friday he started rubbing his mouth/grinding his teeth and kind of wincing in pain. I brought him to the vet and she says he has points on his molars that are causing inflammation in his mouth, so I am going to take him to get them shaved down by a specialist vet soon. Right now he seems fine and is still eating/drinking at least, but a bit underweight which might be bc of the molar spurs. I feed him...
How to prevent molar spurs
On Friday he started rubbing his mouth/grinding his teeth and kind of wincing in pain. I brought him to the vet and she says he has points on his molars that are causing inflammation in his mouth, so I am going to take him to get them shaved down by a specialist vet soon. Right now he seems fine and is still eating/drinking at least, but a bit underweight which might be bc of the molar spurs. I feed him...
How to prevent molar spurs
Rehoming Chinchilla in Arizona
Due to allergies, I'm having to rehome my 1 year old mosaic male chinchilla. He's the sweetest little guy ever, so I want to be sure he is going to a good home. He comes with a double ferret/critter nation cage, several hammocks, some ledges, his food, dust bath house, blue cloud dust, and everything else in his cage (no plastic).
He's very social and loves to meet new people. He knows a couple tricks and loves training. So far he knows 'crate', 'paw', 'high five', 'spin', 'hop on hand'...
Rehoming Chinchilla in Arizona
He's very social and loves to meet new people. He knows a couple tricks and loves training. So far he knows 'crate', 'paw', 'high five', 'spin', 'hop on hand'...
Rehoming Chinchilla in Arizona
Chin too thin?? Please help!
Okay so I have a lot of chinchillas. Backstory, we adopted two chinchillas who had not been cared for properly by either sets of previous owners. (Yes, these poor babies have had two different sets of bad past owners. This is why I took them immediately) All we knew about them was that 1 of them was 1 year-old, the other was almost 2 years old. They were not related, and they were both males and caged together.
Two weeks later. One of my "males" popped out two babies while we were asleep. I...
Chin too thin?? Please help!
Two weeks later. One of my "males" popped out two babies while we were asleep. I...
Chin too thin?? Please help!
Ryerson style carrier
Does anyone have a used ryerson style travel carrier they'd be willing to part with? Their website is no longer operational
dimanche 29 décembre 2019
My Troublesome Chin "Fluffy"
So I have a chin who is around 1 year or 2 years old. His names Fluffy because when we got him my mom was so surprised by how fluffy he was that she was like "You are now called Fluffy!" So we made it his name. But, he loves trouble and scaring me. I just had him in playtime and he started to jump up the walls and cage! I assume it's normal but, he loves to jump from a box in the one corner to my shoulder and sometimes he misses. He's sometimes scary and funny to watch...... And as im...
My Troublesome Chin "Fluffy"
My Troublesome Chin "Fluffy"
Greetings all!
Hello all! I’ve been reading a ton of stuff on this forum and associated links learning about chinchillas over the past year before we took the plunge and surprised our daughter this Christmas with chinchillas! She has been saving up for the past 2.5 years and helped purchase the trio we adopted. We were super fortunate that the car ride method worked well to bond the three as none of them had been together prior to this. Looking forward to continuing learning more from all of you...
Greetings all!
Greetings all!
samedi 28 décembre 2019
Feeding meds
My two boys were diagnosed with a fungal infection on their ears yesterday. They got it from past owners, and it just didn't show up until it got into the later stages with me. They now have meds for it, but I have to feed it to them with a syringe. Is there any specific method that's easiest to do it? Also, what should I do if I get some medicine on the fur near their mouth?
Wire floor covering help
Hi everyone,
I recently got a new cage for one of my chinchillas that i'm setting up for her, however it has a wire floor which definitely looks unsafe to me. I've been trying to figure out the best way to cover it and I just can't figure it out. I have a wooden ledge that will cover about 2/5 of it.
I know fleece is a popular option and my chinchilla is litter trained so she wouldn't be peeing on it often (I think) but my concern with the fleece is how to get the hay out of it for...
Wire floor covering help
I recently got a new cage for one of my chinchillas that i'm setting up for her, however it has a wire floor which definitely looks unsafe to me. I've been trying to figure out the best way to cover it and I just can't figure it out. I have a wooden ledge that will cover about 2/5 of it.
I know fleece is a popular option and my chinchilla is litter trained so she wouldn't be peeing on it often (I think) but my concern with the fleece is how to get the hay out of it for...
Wire floor covering help
The Ferret Nation Club
We can all post our FN's here, to give people ideas on how to set up the interiors!!
Here's my Rodent Room:
Both cages are laid out basically the same, here's the top:
and bottom:
So, what did you do with YOUR Ferret Nation?
Here's my Rodent Room:
Both cages are laid out basically the same, here's the top:
and bottom:
So, what did you do with YOUR Ferret Nation?
Best Vacuum Cleaner
I wanted to know if anyone has suggestions as to which vacuum cleaner is the best for chin poop. I have went through 3 nice vacuums in the past 2 years thanks to my fuzzy. :thumbsup: Thanks in advance everyone
What to do in a pinch?
I have been using fleece liners for the past year or so, with no problems at all. Recently one of my chis has started chewing. Theres a golfball size hole in the liner now. I'm planing on tiling the floor, but I wont have the money until my next payday, which is next friday. I would prefer to not use bedding, as I have a FN, and it makes a HUGE mess! But I know the fleece has to come out today! If need be, I will use bedding until I can tile, I was just wondering if anyone has any other...
What to do in a pinch?
What to do in a pinch?
vendredi 27 décembre 2019
Best Humidity
I recently got a dehumidifier, so I was just wondering what percentage is best for 64-68 degrees F?
Fur Tufts

Fur Tufts
Spirit of Xmas but someone can help with the happy ending
Could write a book on the last 4 days, I need some simple advice but will post the question at the end
Day before xmas eve, come home from work slightly early, keep up the habit of saying hello to my two chinchillas. Barney greets me, Bertie follows. I notice Bertie has a train track of drool on his right hand side. Having lost Bunty aged 23 I am fully aware of dental issues, and assume this is the case. I IMMEDIATELY phone his vet. "Sorry Alan, she's not around until Friday, you have the...
Spirit of Xmas but someone can help with the happy ending
Day before xmas eve, come home from work slightly early, keep up the habit of saying hello to my two chinchillas. Barney greets me, Bertie follows. I notice Bertie has a train track of drool on his right hand side. Having lost Bunty aged 23 I am fully aware of dental issues, and assume this is the case. I IMMEDIATELY phone his vet. "Sorry Alan, she's not around until Friday, you have the...
Spirit of Xmas but someone can help with the happy ending
mardi 24 décembre 2019
Are these safe??
So I have recently bought this for my little man, I was wondering what these types of toys are made of and whether they're safe? Thanks 
lundi 23 décembre 2019
Wasteful Chins
My two chins enjoy pulling a pretty decent amount of hay out of the hay holder and then peeing all over the layer of hay they made on the cage floor. This is not only wasteful, but also makes it difficult to know how much hay they actually eat. Does anyone know how to stop or at least lessen this habit of theirs?
dimanche 22 décembre 2019
Vaginal Discharge from Chinchilla
My chinchilla is very sick right now, she is barely moving, eating, drinking, and breathing for her seems difficult (her chest is rising out a lot and she is kind of gasping). Shes been like this for about 3 days now. I took her to the vet yesterday and they gave her antibiotics, and im waiting to see how they work but im very nervous for my chinchilla. She doesnt look well, and when I picked her up to give her her medicine, lots of discharge leaked out from her vagina. It was kinda cloudy...
Vaginal Discharge from Chinchilla
Vaginal Discharge from Chinchilla
ISO: Wilson White, Mosaic or Extreme Mosaic
I know this is a long shot but i am ISO: Wilson White, Mosaic or Extreme Mosaic to join my fur family in MILWAUKEE. Age and Gender does not matter but would prefer a younger one. I have others so they won't be lonely. I have a room they get to play in everyday for hours. My chins are kept in ferret or critter nation cages. I make my own ledges and they have TONS. I have hammocks and TONS of chews. My chins are VERY spoiled. I only would like to spend up to $50 but may negotiate especially if...
ISO: Wilson White, Mosaic or Extreme Mosaic
ISO: Wilson White, Mosaic or Extreme Mosaic
jeudi 19 décembre 2019
Urine Color
I got my Lea about a month ago now. She's 10 years old and the family said she wanted a good place for her. She's my first chinchilla and I want her to have the best life possible.
My problem started about a week ago. I let her out into her play area and saw that her urine is a reddish color. I read online that this could be a problem with her diet. I ask the past family about her diet and they said "We gave her the usual Chinchilla food you get at petsmart, but we would also give her...
Urine Color
My problem started about a week ago. I let her out into her play area and saw that her urine is a reddish color. I read online that this could be a problem with her diet. I ask the past family about her diet and they said "We gave her the usual Chinchilla food you get at petsmart, but we would also give her...
Urine Color
My chin can't eat. I need help!
Hi! My chinchilla Chila fell yesterday and since then she can't eat anymore and she is lethargic. She takes the food in her hands and she tries to bite it but she can't.
Today i took her to the vet and he looked at her mouth and didn't find anything wrong with it and he gave her an anti inflammatory injection. He also said that she might be scared because of the fall.
Chila doesn't feel any better and she doesn't drink water. I crushed a biscuit for chinchillas and she ate it from my...
My chin can't eat. I need help!
Today i took her to the vet and he looked at her mouth and didn't find anything wrong with it and he gave her an anti inflammatory injection. He also said that she might be scared because of the fall.
Chila doesn't feel any better and she doesn't drink water. I crushed a biscuit for chinchillas and she ate it from my...
My chin can't eat. I need help!
mercredi 18 décembre 2019
Fleece Issue
My cat Shadow can have some pretty hideous hairballs. Sometimes he's a brat and hacks it up onto his fleece padded wooden ledge that was built to a wall. But, I can't wash the fleece because it's stapled onto the wood. Does anyone know how to remove hairball stains from fleece without having to remove it from the wood?
mardi 17 décembre 2019
Eye problems
Hello, my chinchilla looks to have something wrong with her eye. It almost looks like she slipped some of the fur around it. She’s not bleeding and she’s still eating and jumping around like usual. She was fine last night and I noticed it this morning. I added pictures of her right now. Please help
Another Question List
- In March, I'm having construction happen which makes me have to move out of my house for a max of 3 months. My two chins will be boarded for that amount of time. Since their wheel is bulky, and I'd like to limit as much stuff I have to transport back and forth as possible, could they be okay without a wheel temporarily? They will also be boarded for about 10 days in July. For those amounts of time, should I be aware of any behavior from them, like them not being as friendly...
Another Question List
dimanche 15 décembre 2019
Fleece inquiry
Should I prewash my fleece before placing in the cage? If so, should I hang dry or put it in the dryer?
vendredi 13 décembre 2019
Vitamin E
How long should I wait to see any good results after applying vitamin E daily to my chin's ears? I'd like to schedule a vet visit if I see no changes, so knowing how long it takes to notice results will help.
My chins will be getting a new cage in about two months with actual bedding, but right now I'm a bit stuck. I've asked this before, but didn't get a very clear answer. Will they be okay with no bedding and three litter pans with aspen shavings inside, so only the Critter Nation plastic pans and shelves? They haven't been chewing on them at all. Should I put some aspen shavings on the pans for bedding, or would they be fine for two months until their new cage arrives?
Chinnie Cuddles
Just thought I'd post Bandit (left) & Buttons (right) snuggling and napping on their 1st birthday.
I had to take the picture through the cage bars, as they might've scurried away if I got closer.

Herbee the Hedgehog

'GMA' Pet of the Year Awards honor viewers' favorite furry and feathered friends
"GMA" Pet of the Year Awards celebrate viewers' pets from ducks and dogs to horses and kittens.

Most Instagram animal - Herbee the Hedgehog
Instagram name: herbee_fanpage

jeudi 12 décembre 2019
Weighing Chins
Should I weigh my chins regularly? I already plan on getting a scale in the future, but is it even necessary if they don't show any signs of being under/overweight? I was thinking that handling them and putting them on the scale repeatedly might stress them out.
Bonding with my Chins
What are some of your suggestions on how I should begin the bonding process with my baby chins? Is it ok to introduce treats to 10 week old chins? If so what kind of treats should I have? I know that they will always have to have hay in their home but how much pellets should I be feeding them per day/hour?
Raspberry Leaves?
My boys' birthday is tomorrow, and one of their gifts came with some organic raspberry leaves. I know they're safe, but how much should give? I'm assuming a small pinch?
Lacking Pellets
I made the mistake and overestimated how much pellet food I have for my chins. I'm not sure how much they have left, maybe two days. But their new food is arriving on Sunday. Can a chinchilla go without pellets for multiple days, or would I have to take an emergency trip to the nearest pet store and hope that they have it?
mercredi 11 décembre 2019
Hedgie dreams of being an Instagram star
Hello! I have a 9 month old male hedgie and he now has an Instagram! Go checkout pirate_pendleton to help him live out his dream of being a 

My Hedgies new Instagram
I made an Instagram for my hedgie Penny! Please go check out pirate_pendleton on Instagram!
Should My Chin Go To The Vet?
My chinnie has had dry ear issues for about a month or so now, as some of you have seen. But now it has worsened to painless cracking and flaking of his outer ears. I'd hate for him to go to the vet as he's already gone through enough stress, and his carrier isn't prepared yet. But of course if you guys think he should go, I'll take him. Here's a picture of his ears. Excuse the awkward angle and lighting. His ears are a tad darker than usual because I just applied some balm.[ATTACH...
Should My Chin Go To The Vet?
Should My Chin Go To The Vet?
mardi 10 décembre 2019
How long can bonded chins be separated until their bond is broken, example being one of them needs to go to the vet?
Confused about bathing dust
Hi guys!
As I understood, chinchillas need dust rather than sand for bathing. So I ordered a bag of this as it specifically stated it was dust. But the particles looks quite large and "sandy" to me (attaching a close-up).
Is it safe to give to chins?
As I understood, chinchillas need dust rather than sand for bathing. So I ordered a bag of this as it specifically stated it was dust. But the particles looks quite large and "sandy" to me (attaching a close-up).
Is it safe to give to chins?
lundi 9 décembre 2019
Water Bottle
While browsing the forums, I came upon someone saying that water bottles that leak are a no-go as chins shouldn't get wet. I agree, but I have water bottles that do occasionally leak and I've almost never seen my boys get water on them. They never use the bottles when they are leaking. The bottles usually leak when I refill them, and when their wheel is being used. The cage they have isn't the sturdiest, so the cage walls shake when they run on the wheel, which causes the bottle nozzles to...
Water Bottle
Water Bottle
First pics of my Chins
Being that I am so anxious about my Chins coming home soon, I reached out to my Breeder for pics and this is what she sent me...
Reintroducing Cagemates
I have 2 chinchillas that have been cagemates for about 2 years. They are both female. They have never had fights, and always loved to cuddle together. About a month ago, I noticed one of them limping, and took her to the vet. The vet diagnosed it as torn soft tissue, and issued cage rest. I separated the two, and kept the one on cagerest in a smaller cage, right next to the original cage, where the two chins can see each other and smell each other. I finally got the ok today from...
Reintroducing Cagemates
I have 2 chinchillas that have been cagemates for about 2 years. They are both female. They have never had fights, and always loved to cuddle together. About a month ago, I noticed one of them limping, and took her to the vet. The vet diagnosed it as torn soft tissue, and issued cage rest. I separated the two, and kept the one on cagerest in a smaller cage, right next to the original cage, where the two chins can see each other and smell each other. I finally got the ok today from...
Reintroducing Cagemates
Chinchilla cat scratch
Hi! My name is Cameron and I have a little chin named yoisho
Ive had her for a year and a half and shes been very loving and has been very well! I also own two cats which are separated when yoisho is out. But recently she was playing in my room with the door closed and one of the cats scratched her back paw under the door. the cut was pretty bad. I didn't know what to do except keep it clean and put medicine on it. It started to scab up and she was doing fine. But like most scabs, it...
Chinchilla cat scratch
Ive had her for a year and a half and shes been very loving and has been very well! I also own two cats which are separated when yoisho is out. But recently she was playing in my room with the door closed and one of the cats scratched her back paw under the door. the cut was pretty bad. I didn't know what to do except keep it clean and put medicine on it. It started to scab up and she was doing fine. But like most scabs, it...
Chinchilla cat scratch
Humidity Issue (Again)
Sometimes, for some reason, the humidity jacks up from about 56% to in the mid 60% range. I'm not sure when it starts to die down, as it's mostly in the evening and/or while it's raining. (I live in a quite wet state.) But I know it's not constant. Would I have to figure out someway to fix it, even though I have no clue how, or would my chins be fine with a few hours of temporary high humidity? Also, but off-topic, once every week at most my two chins do what I call a Chin Commotion...
Humidity Issue (Again)
Humidity Issue (Again)
dimanche 8 décembre 2019
Need a new home for my mosaic boy.
Hi everyone.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me. I am very sad to say that I will need to find a new home for my mosaic boy. He's about 6 years old. I would be happy to re-home to anyone here for free, along with his two story ferret nation, his hammock, his snuggle tube, and his steel saucer. I just want him to go somewhere that will treat him right. I wouldn't offer him free elsewhere, for fear of him being harmed.
I am located in Ann Arbor, MI. I can drive to you if you're...
Need a new home for my mosaic boy.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me. I am very sad to say that I will need to find a new home for my mosaic boy. He's about 6 years old. I would be happy to re-home to anyone here for free, along with his two story ferret nation, his hammock, his snuggle tube, and his steel saucer. I just want him to go somewhere that will treat him right. I wouldn't offer him free elsewhere, for fear of him being harmed.
I am located in Ann Arbor, MI. I can drive to you if you're...
Need a new home for my mosaic boy.
Persistent eye infections
Hi everyone, I’m new to the community and was wondering if anyone could help me out. My Single chin Roo is 7years old. Up until this year she has had 0 health problems. I have had her in the vets office 4 times in the last 6 months for persistent eye infections. I have followed through with every antibiotic and also switched from paper bedding to fleece cage liners. It seems that no matter what I do her eye infections are coming back! Is there a possibility that she can be allergic to her...
Persistent eye infections
Persistent eye infections
samedi 7 décembre 2019
Bandit's Dry Ears (UPDATE)
So, as some of you may have seen, one of my chins has a case of extremely dry ears. I've continued the normal schedule, dust baths Wed. and Sun. with balm a day after each dust bath. But, yesterday and today it seems to have worsened. The dry skin now has a cracked pattern throughout both of the outside of his ears, and the raw skin has spread. Whenever I touch the raw skin, he doesn't flinch or give any signs of sudden pain. It's not bright red, just skin pink. The cracked skin does rub off...
Bandit's Dry Ears (UPDATE)
Bandit's Dry Ears (UPDATE)
Room Temperature??
I’m curious to know what the room temperature should be?... My chins will be housed in my living room area and being that it is winter here, I tend to turn the temperature to 80 degrees to knock off the chill... should I buy a thermometer to keep track of the temperature?
vendredi 6 décembre 2019
Who makes this cage please???
Hi, can anyone tell me where this cage can be purchased please??
Thank you!
Thank you!
What supplies do hedgehogs have to have (besides tons if toys)?
I am wondering, what do you guys think you need for a hedgehog? Shelters and breeders have given me lists, but I want to know what you guys think. 
jeudi 5 décembre 2019
Dust Bath & Chin Ear
- I currently have one dust bath for my two chins. It's one of these:

Should I get a second one? They don't seem to fight over sharing one, but I want to double check.
2. After a day or so of putting balm on my chin's ears repeatedly for about 1 week (I apply more when his ears start to have dry spots, so every other day or so), I noticed that one of his ears started to bend slightly, mainly around the edge or...
Dust Bath & Chin Ear
Dust Bath
I currently have one dust bath for my two chins. It's one of these:

Should I get a second one? They don't seem to fight over sharing one, but I want to double check.

Should I get a second one? They don't seem to fight over sharing one, but I want to double check.
Chinchillas & Cage
Hello. Unfortunately we can no longer care for our chinchillas. They will come with everything they need including cage and traveling cage for rehoming. Asking a rehoming fee of $175. For both chinchillas and everything. The cage is bigger than my refrigerator.
Eye Discharge?
Hi All,
I've come home today and noticed something different in one of my chin's eyes (photo attached- sorry it's not better, he's a little skittish, hence the luring him with an apple stick). It seems crusty to me, as though there's discharge.
Would you see how it goes over the next few days, or take him to the vet as soon as possible?
Thanks in advance!
I've come home today and noticed something different in one of my chin's eyes (photo attached- sorry it's not better, he's a little skittish, hence the luring him with an apple stick). It seems crusty to me, as though there's discharge.
Would you see how it goes over the next few days, or take him to the vet as soon as possible?
Thanks in advance!
Cage Inquiry
I would like to know if it will be ok/safe to have the two story Critter Nation Cage setup for my 10 week old chinchillas? Also I bought fleece and ledges for the cage and want to know will that be ok? I rather not use bedding bc it can become expensive. If I’m using fleece will my chins pee on it? I know I have to clean the cage daily of poop and hay and fresh water but how often should I clean the fleece? Please help
mercredi 4 décembre 2019
Soon to be new owner of 2 male chinchillas
I will be getting 2 male chinchillas in a few weeks at the age of 10 weeks. I have been doing a lot of research and I am in love with them already. I purchased the two story Critter Nation Cage and want to know was that best option? What are some of the must haves and suggestions should a first time Chin owner have?
mardi 3 décembre 2019
New place/unhappy Chinchilla
I just moved to a new apartment. My chinchilla has been used to playing in a room where she could run in and out of her cage freely. Unfortunately in this new place that's not really an option. I have to carry her to the bathroom to play and she's never really liked being picked up. She seems unhappy/a bit distressed that she isn't able to see her cage or go in it whenever she wants. I'm not really sure what to do to make her more comfortable here in this new place. So much has changed for...
New place/unhappy Chinchilla
New place/unhappy Chinchilla
lundi 2 décembre 2019
Grand master chin supplier list
Hopefully this list is current for USA and Candian buyers. If you find any links that are not working, please let us know and we can remove them from the list.
Username - Country - Website or Email - Provides
AnnieO - USA - - Fleece cage accessories and cuddle buddies.
AZ Chins - USA - - Feed, Hay Cubes, Suppliment, Toys, Blue Cloud/Sparkle, Treats, Cage Accessories, Cages and...
Grand master chin supplier list
Username - Country - Website or Email - Provides
AnnieO - USA - - Fleece cage accessories and cuddle buddies.
AZ Chins - USA - - Feed, Hay Cubes, Suppliment, Toys, Blue Cloud/Sparkle, Treats, Cage Accessories, Cages and...
Grand master chin supplier list
Hay Holders
Does anyone know any good websites that sell safe wooden hay holders?
Is this a good wheel?
Hi guys!
Soon I'll be fostering two chinchillas but I've never owned one so need your experienced advice
I'd like to order a wheel from local crafty people but not sure whether its surface will be suitable for chins. (Diameter is 40cm so a check here)
Not sure how well you can see on the picture but it's made with little dowels so the surface isn't perfectly smooth.
Do you think it may be an issue?
P.S. I can order a wheel online too but would like to support a local business +...
Is this a good wheel?
Soon I'll be fostering two chinchillas but I've never owned one so need your experienced advice
I'd like to order a wheel from local crafty people but not sure whether its surface will be suitable for chins. (Diameter is 40cm so a check here)
Not sure how well you can see on the picture but it's made with little dowels so the surface isn't perfectly smooth.
Do you think it may be an issue?
P.S. I can order a wheel online too but would like to support a local business +...
Is this a good wheel?
Where to buy Kiln-Dried Pine in the West Covina, California area
Lately I've been wanting to build my chinchillas a new house to go inside their cage. I was searching around the internet and found that they can be quite expensive to buy built already. My chinchillas are around 6 years old and I wanted to show them that i still love them all these years by creating a new and improved cage design for them. The problem with all of this is that I have no idea where to buy the wood and if it is safe enough for them. I don't believe I've ever given them...
Where to buy Kiln-Dried Pine in the West Covina, California area
Where to buy Kiln-Dried Pine in the West Covina, California area
dimanche 1 décembre 2019
Cage Pictures ~ Playtime
We have four chins who get out for 30 minutes each night. We close the bedroom doors and they have free run of the house. Although this has been fun (around 10 years) our home is due for an update and before we replace things we have to confine them to some degrees. We have the double Critter Nation cage.
I would love to see pictures of others setups. Blocking them off is tricky because we have large openings and not letting them out is not an option. Maybe adding onto their cage...
Cage Pictures ~ Playtime
I would love to see pictures of others setups. Blocking them off is tricky because we have large openings and not letting them out is not an option. Maybe adding onto their cage...
Cage Pictures ~ Playtime
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