Hello I was just wondering roughly how long after you see kit(s) moving in moms belly will she give birth? :)
lundi 30 septembre 2019
Bald spot underneath mommas armpits
So my chinchilla gave birth to a healthy baby boy last week! But today I noticed that underneath both of her armpits she has bald spots! I was thinking maybe since they are right above her nipples that maybe it’s because of the little guy feeding. But i’m also not sure if she is fur chewing from stress. So I just was wondering your thoughts? Should I be concerned?
samedi 28 septembre 2019
Sudden odd behavior please help
Hi, I’ve had Bilbo, my second chinchilla, for a couple of months now. He and Rocket, my first chinchilla, share a room. Recently I reorganized the room, putting Bilbo and Rocket on the same wall with their cages about 8 inches away from each other. I also put a new waterproof rug on the floor that might be an odd smell to them. However, over the past few days Rocket has been behaving very oddly. During playtime, he continuously tries to cause trouble by attempting to climb Bilbo’s cage to get to him. (I lock Bilbo/Rocket on his top floor so they can’t reach each other when the one of them is out). Not only this, but he makes loud odd noises and releases the burnt almond smell from his glands. He does this around the area beneath their cages. He doesn’t take too much interest in the toys out, he just tries to cause whatever trouble he can. He just acts crazy and it seems like the only thing on his mind is to get to Bilbo. He tries to climb his cage, dig at the rug, and bite on obstacles that’s between him and Bilbo. The noise he makes sounds like a squeak that gradually grows more intense. Bilbo, on the other hand, doesn’t do anything wrong during playtime; he leaves Rocket’s cage alone. Please help, I’m worried about Rocket and I may have to give up Bilbo if Rocket continues to act this way. I’m trying to do everything I can to prevent having to do this. I want both Rocket and Bilbo to be happy and relaxed. Please respond ASAP
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
mercredi 25 septembre 2019
Chinchilla ate aluminum tube
Hi everyone, so i have a lacto vite paste which i feed my chinchillas sometimes which's tube is aluminum. one of them chewed part of the tube and ate it. I was very concern and have kept close attention on her to make sure she's doing well. She seems to poop less and when she does, I found a little piece of aluminum wrapped inside her poop and I assume there's more in her system.The poop seemed to be normal size and shape. I've called a vet and going to take her in the day after tomorrow; however i would like to know if she's going to be okay and what I can do now before the checkup. Since I found this little piece does it mean she's able to pass the tube naturally? Thanks a lot for your help!
samedi 21 septembre 2019
Not drinking while on antibiotics
My chinchilla was prescribed oral antibiotics with a probiotic as well as eye drops a week ago. We noticed that he has not been really drinking, but he is still eating. Yesterday, his droppings were very small, dry, and a very light color. This tells me he is dehydrated. Is this a normal reaction to antibiotics, or should I be concerned? I am going to start syringing water in his mouth just so I know he is getting some type of fluid.
My chinchilla was prescribed oral antibiotics with a probiotic as well as eye drops a week ago. We noticed that he has not been really drinking, but he is still eating. Yesterday, his droppings were very small, dry, and a very light color. This tells me he is dehydrated. Is this a normal reaction to antibiotics, or should I be concerned? I am going to start syringing water in his mouth just so I know he is getting some type of fluid.
Hair rings
I've been leaning toward getting two males since I've heard females can be the territorial ones. However, this one subject is holding me back a little. If I knew how do to this in advance, I'll be 100% sure I'll be getting two male chins. How do you check for hair rings? I'd hate to not be completely sure and do it incorrectly and miss it or injure the chin.
jeudi 19 septembre 2019
Male or female
I've been getting some conflicting information on this. What pairing would be better for bonding and have a stronger chance of staying bonded and not fighting? A male pair or a female pair? Most sources I've seen say that male pairs get along just as well as female pairs or vice versa. Other sources say that males get along better than females. Some other sources say that females get along better than males. What do you guys think?
How many PET chins is too many?!?
Hi guys! I have been on here on and off over my 10 years of having chins. I have owned 5 chins total, but only 4 at a time in bonded pairs of 2. I have recently been feeling drawn toward adopting another chin or chins that need a home. We have the space and funds and I make an effort to spend time with my girls daily. It’s just gotten me curious, what is the largest number of fluffs you have had at once? For pet purposes, I have no interest in breeding! And at a certain number did you feel like you lost the ability for valuable one on one time?
Advice for stressed or depressed chinchilla
I’m a new chinchilla mom, I got a 9 month old chinchilla named kuro
He’s a happy go lucky brat but as of yesterday he’s been acting strange he’s not as playful, bites pretty hard, when he’s on my bed he hides instead of running around or escaping by bed to go under my bed and when he did go under my bed he’s barking..I recently bought in a dog who’s owner couldn’t take care of him anymore (or at all for the matter) and it was very unexpected..unfortunately again my new dog has to sleep in my room because my other old dog isn’t used to him yet..if anyone has any advice on how to calm that stress or it’s a vet situation please let me know
He’s my baby and it’s starting to stress me out too
He’s a happy go lucky brat but as of yesterday he’s been acting strange he’s not as playful, bites pretty hard, when he’s on my bed he hides instead of running around or escaping by bed to go under my bed and when he did go under my bed he’s barking..I recently bought in a dog who’s owner couldn’t take care of him anymore (or at all for the matter) and it was very unexpected..unfortunately again my new dog has to sleep in my room because my other old dog isn’t used to him yet..if anyone has any advice on how to calm that stress or it’s a vet situation please let me know
He’s my baby and it’s starting to stress me out too
Chinchilla Weight Loss - What is normal?
Long time lurker, and thankfully have not had to post anything up until now.
I am the proud dad of an approximately 6 year old female chinchilla.
The following is her general current state:
She has been with us since she was about 6 months old, always fed oxbow pellets, timothy grass and varying oxbow treats through out the years (treats were inconsistently fed on and off).
Within the past 6 months, her diet has consisted of oxbow pellets, timothy grass/orchard grass, a small pinch of plain steel cut oats maybe once a week as a treat, apple sticks and newest addition is a kiwi stick chew.
She is generally in good health, and does not appear to be out of sorts or doing anything out of the ordinary. She still comes out on her nightly runs, bouncing off walls. Her eating/drinking habits do not seem to be any less or more then usual. Poop seems well formed and of her normal shape/size and color.
No visible physical abnormalaties, no drooling, teary eyes, no tongue or teeth sticking out.
Usually during the summer months we move her into our basement, and during the cooler months we move her back up to the second floor of our home.
My concern now though is that within the past 6 months I am noticing that she seems to be gradually losing weight.
The following is her weight over the past year or so (all in grams)
2018-08-01 644
2018-10-07 648
2019-01-22 667
2019-02-04 665
2019-06-12 628
2019-07-10 630
2019-08-18 593
2019-08-19 588
2019-08-20 589
2019-08-27 596
2019-08-30 585
2019-08-31 601
2019-09-04 584
2019-09-08 593
2019-09-15 597
2019-09-16 581
2019-09-18 578
From her last years weight to today, she has lost about 66 grams total. Since about August of this year to today, she seems to be holding steady in the range of 580 ish, though today she seems to be down to 578.
As I mentioned, she SEEMS to be totally fine, still doing her thing. Her weight SEEMS to be ok, though over the past while it seems to be trending down a bit.
So I was just wondering, is this considered "normal"?
I understand that maybe shes getting older. Also when we recently moved her into our basement (July) she was still a hefty 630 gm. But she hated the basement and never came out at night, so there is a possiblity that maybe she lost muscle mass from not coming out to bounce around as well.
I just want to be as proactive as possible, and avoid any possible issues as I know that weight loss in any animal is a bad sign. But my chins weight loss seems so gradual, I cant tell if this is "normal"? Or if its a more serious issue
Any insight much appreciated!
I am the proud dad of an approximately 6 year old female chinchilla.
The following is her general current state:
She has been with us since she was about 6 months old, always fed oxbow pellets, timothy grass and varying oxbow treats through out the years (treats were inconsistently fed on and off).
Within the past 6 months, her diet has consisted of oxbow pellets, timothy grass/orchard grass, a small pinch of plain steel cut oats maybe once a week as a treat, apple sticks and newest addition is a kiwi stick chew.
She is generally in good health, and does not appear to be out of sorts or doing anything out of the ordinary. She still comes out on her nightly runs, bouncing off walls. Her eating/drinking habits do not seem to be any less or more then usual. Poop seems well formed and of her normal shape/size and color.
No visible physical abnormalaties, no drooling, teary eyes, no tongue or teeth sticking out.
Usually during the summer months we move her into our basement, and during the cooler months we move her back up to the second floor of our home.
My concern now though is that within the past 6 months I am noticing that she seems to be gradually losing weight.
The following is her weight over the past year or so (all in grams)
2018-08-01 644
2018-10-07 648
2019-01-22 667
2019-02-04 665
2019-06-12 628
2019-07-10 630
2019-08-18 593
2019-08-19 588
2019-08-20 589
2019-08-27 596
2019-08-30 585
2019-08-31 601
2019-09-04 584
2019-09-08 593
2019-09-15 597
2019-09-16 581
2019-09-18 578
From her last years weight to today, she has lost about 66 grams total. Since about August of this year to today, she seems to be holding steady in the range of 580 ish, though today she seems to be down to 578.
As I mentioned, she SEEMS to be totally fine, still doing her thing. Her weight SEEMS to be ok, though over the past while it seems to be trending down a bit.
So I was just wondering, is this considered "normal"?
I understand that maybe shes getting older. Also when we recently moved her into our basement (July) she was still a hefty 630 gm. But she hated the basement and never came out at night, so there is a possiblity that maybe she lost muscle mass from not coming out to bounce around as well.
I just want to be as proactive as possible, and avoid any possible issues as I know that weight loss in any animal is a bad sign. But my chins weight loss seems so gradual, I cant tell if this is "normal"? Or if its a more serious issue
Any insight much appreciated!
mercredi 18 septembre 2019
Ferret Nation question
I plan on using a double FN cage for my future two chinchillas. For my main edits to the cage, I'll be removing the floor to the first level and replacing it with a metal pan with tile inside, removing the first floor shelf, removing the second level floor, and keeping the second floor shelf and putting a fleece liner on/around it. I will also be adding multiple wooden ledges. One 10 x 6 inch, one 16 x 8 inch, four 4.5 x 6 inch, and four 2.5 x 6 inch. So ten ledges in total. Most of them will be in a stair-like formation, leading up to other ledges/items. However, will the second level floor not being there be a safety hazard?
Need a new home for my mosaic boy.
Hi everyone.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me. I am very sad to say that I will need to find a new home for my mosaic boy. He's about 6 years old. I would be happy to re-home to anyone here for free, along with his two story ferret nation, his hammock, his snuggle tube, and his steel saucer. I just want him to go somewhere that will treat him right. I wouldn't offer him free elsewhere, for fear of him being harmed.
I am located in Ann Arbor, MI. I can drive to you if you're within 3-4 hours of me, but then I may not be able to bring the FN.
Chillermo (pronounced like Guillermo) is a great little guy. He's got a special little spot on his one side. He's sassy, stubborn, knows what he wants, and will be sure he let's you know too. He's also very sweet and enjoys hanging out on your shoulder, nibbling and grooming you (or your glasses). He does not entirely enjoy being held but will tolerate being handled in other ways. He absolutely loves his saucer. He can be a picky eater. Poplar used to be his favorite wood but I think with age that has changed a bit and he's less picky. He of course loves his dust baths and his treats, too.
If anyone is interested or can help me out, please reply below or send me a message. I can also post photos.
I am hoping to find him a home before November.
Thanks everyone.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me. I am very sad to say that I will need to find a new home for my mosaic boy. He's about 6 years old. I would be happy to re-home to anyone here for free, along with his two story ferret nation, his hammock, his snuggle tube, and his steel saucer. I just want him to go somewhere that will treat him right. I wouldn't offer him free elsewhere, for fear of him being harmed.
I am located in Ann Arbor, MI. I can drive to you if you're within 3-4 hours of me, but then I may not be able to bring the FN.
Chillermo (pronounced like Guillermo) is a great little guy. He's got a special little spot on his one side. He's sassy, stubborn, knows what he wants, and will be sure he let's you know too. He's also very sweet and enjoys hanging out on your shoulder, nibbling and grooming you (or your glasses). He does not entirely enjoy being held but will tolerate being handled in other ways. He absolutely loves his saucer. He can be a picky eater. Poplar used to be his favorite wood but I think with age that has changed a bit and he's less picky. He of course loves his dust baths and his treats, too.
If anyone is interested or can help me out, please reply below or send me a message. I can also post photos.
I am hoping to find him a home before November.
Thanks everyone.
My family uses a water cooler as our drinking water source, as our tap water isn't that great. Would a chinchilla be okay from drinking water from the water cooler, or do I need to get water that's more purified?
What are the best ways to prevent malocclusion? Apologies for all of the questions y'all.
mardi 17 septembre 2019
Water in carrier
The only time I'd be putting my future chins in their carrier would be for vet visits (25 minutes) and to take them home from the person I'd be getting them from (around two hours). Should I somehow put a water bottle and/or food inside the carrier, or would they be okay?
lundi 16 septembre 2019
Litter Box
Hello, does anyone know a good chin-safe litter box/pan that could easily fit in a Critter Nation cage?
I'm getting two bonded chinchillas in the future, will I have to buy two carriers or one for travelling (vet visits for example)? The carrier I have on my list measures 11.8 inch length by 9 inch width by 8.3 inch height.
jeudi 12 septembre 2019
Chinchilla Malo
I am asking for input on my chinchilla. He has had eye discharge for about 3 months now that has been pretty mild. He went to the vet, for a corneal ulcer test done, and results came back with no injury. He was prescribed antibiotic eye drops, which did not work. He then was prescribed ointment, which also did not work. He has been fine for a while, with the discharge not worsening or getting better. Today, his eye was closed shut and had goopy, yellow discharge. He has been eating fine, drinking, pooping, peeing, active, and still chews on toys, and also does not show signs of drooling. Is it possible he could have Malo with this type of discharge, or would it be more watery? He also has a very red eye, as well as hair loss and red dining around the eye. Does it seem more like an infection?
I am asking for input on my chinchilla. He has had eye discharge for about 3 months now that has been pretty mild. He went to the vet, for a corneal ulcer test done, and results came back with no injury. He was prescribed antibiotic eye drops, which did not work. He then was prescribed ointment, which also did not work. He has been fine for a while, with the discharge not worsening or getting better. Today, his eye was closed shut and had goopy, yellow discharge. He has been eating fine, drinking, pooping, peeing, active, and still chews on toys, and also does not show signs of drooling. Is it possible he could have Malo with this type of discharge, or would it be more watery? He also has a very red eye, as well as hair loss and red dining around the eye. Does it seem more like an infection?
mercredi 11 septembre 2019
Please help don’t know if he is hurt
hi Guys I have an emergency question
My chin was hanging out on the edge of his cage while I had it open from the top. I always watch him when he does this because his cage opens from the top and not the side . The door is big so I have to hold it when he’s on the edge or else it would fall on him if it swings closed . He made a quick movement while I wasn’t holding it and it fell and hit his back I tried to stop it but it happened too fast . He didn’t make a weird noise or anything but I’m really worried that he has a bump or bruise idk if it’s my paranoia but it looks like he has a bump or bruise on his back. Kinda like a humpback. Again idk if it’s my paranoia and I’m noticing more things but his breathing looks a little harsh and he was sneezing after it happened. I feel horrible and don’t know what to do. I can’t afford to take him to the vet today but if I have to I’ll take him :cry3::cry3::cry3:
My chin was hanging out on the edge of his cage while I had it open from the top. I always watch him when he does this because his cage opens from the top and not the side . The door is big so I have to hold it when he’s on the edge or else it would fall on him if it swings closed . He made a quick movement while I wasn’t holding it and it fell and hit his back I tried to stop it but it happened too fast . He didn’t make a weird noise or anything but I’m really worried that he has a bump or bruise idk if it’s my paranoia but it looks like he has a bump or bruise on his back. Kinda like a humpback. Again idk if it’s my paranoia and I’m noticing more things but his breathing looks a little harsh and he was sneezing after it happened. I feel horrible and don’t know what to do. I can’t afford to take him to the vet today but if I have to I’ll take him :cry3::cry3::cry3:
Cage/Bonding Question
Hello, I plan on getting two female chinchillas in the future. I will be buying the Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation Cage. Will I have to bond a sibling pair, or will they already be bonded? If, let's say, I've had them for multiple years, they are completely bonded, but they suddenly hate each other, is it possible for me to block off the entrance to the second level of the cage and keep them separated, one on each level? If they wouldn't be bonded, even as siblings, what's the best way to bond them? Thanks!
lundi 9 septembre 2019
chins for sale
Hello! I’m going back to school and no longer have time to give these chins the proper care they need. Everything in the pictures will be included: 1 Prevue Hendryx cage with accessories also comes with 2 wheels and the cage/poop guards, an external hay feeder, an extra water dispenser, wooden chew toys, treats, hay, chinchilla pellets, travel case, and wooden shavings bedding. Basically everything and more needed for them. There is one white mosaic chin (eve) who is roughly 4 months and one light grey chin (mochi) who is roughly 7 months, both super friendly and allow you to touch/hold them once they get used to you and they love treats! If a new owner, please do research on chinchilla’s as they are very fragile and have specific temperature requirements. Both chinchillas and all accessories are selling for $700 obo, text 8186790860 for any other questions. Thank you!
Chinchilla color question
A few months ago one of my chins passed away. He was nearly 18 years old, but we were still very sad. After a while it was more and more apparent that the other was very lonely. So we ordered a pair of standard grey females but got a couple in a color we aren't sure of. We called them Fiona and Robbie. But for the possibility of letting them have babies we need to know, cause I read if they are both velvet it can easily end deadly for both the female and the babies.
I tried to get good enough pics from both of them. As you can hopefully see, they both have the mask. Plus the typical dark stripes on the front paws. Her belly is dark aswell while his is a light grey (not as the usual white) and the fur from their back doesn't have the usual band.
As far as I found the informations her color could be ebony velvet, not sure about his. But maybe someone with more experience in chinchilla color identification can help me with it. If more pics are needed I can try to take better ones.
I tried to get good enough pics from both of them. As you can hopefully see, they both have the mask. Plus the typical dark stripes on the front paws. Her belly is dark aswell while his is a light grey (not as the usual white) and the fur from their back doesn't have the usual band.
As far as I found the informations her color could be ebony velvet, not sure about his. But maybe someone with more experience in chinchilla color identification can help me with it. If more pics are needed I can try to take better ones.
Chinchillas wanted in Victoria, British Columbia
I would love to take on some young or youngish chinchillas. I don't mind too much about colours, although I prefer grey or black. I've had chinchillas before. I could travel anywhere in Greater Victoria, or possibly to the mainland, or to somewhere like Port Angeles. I would be happy to pay for them.
Thank you!
I would love to take on some young or youngish chinchillas. I don't mind too much about colours, although I prefer grey or black. I've had chinchillas before. I could travel anywhere in Greater Victoria, or possibly to the mainland, or to somewhere like Port Angeles. I would be happy to pay for them.
Thank you!
mercredi 4 septembre 2019
is this ear mites/infection?
okay i know you guys are probably sick of me sending so many questions but i'm a first time owner and even the tiniest things make me freak out and run to google to see if my chin is healthy or not so basically my chin has dry ears from dust baths i saw someone say that i shouldn't apply anything on his ears aka no vaseline or balm and that i should just limit his bath time my problem is that his ears don't like dry it kind of looks like ear mites i've seen rabbits with mites before and it kinda looks similar i'll post a link to the video even though chinchilla's and rabbits are different and even though my chin poops just fine eats and drinks water just fine and isn't showing signs of illness i can't help but freak out since ear mites/infection are pretty serious here's a video i took of his ears: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AE8fdl...d=b44piqsb7z8b if the link doesn't work the IG is called chinchillano7 i made it just so i can post the video
dimanche 1 septembre 2019
I just noticed (and on a holiday weekend no less) that my 11 y/o female chinchilla has a brownish crusty urethra. No vets are open until Tuesday. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I just noticed (and on a holiday weekend no less) that my 11 y/o female chinchilla has a brownish crusty urethra. No vets are open until Tuesday. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey everyone!
Hey people! My name is Amaine, or Jayce. I have two chinchillas - both male, brothers, named Bugs and Casper. They’re about five years old now, though I’ve only had them for two of those years. I figured I should finally join a forum and chat with some fellow owners!
My interests include,
As well as my chinchillas, I have an old leopard gecko (she just hit fourteen!), a Pac-Man frog (about a year old now), and a betta fish (a year and a half or so). I’m unfortunately allergic to cats and dogs, hence my smaller critters. Thankfully I’m somehow not allergic to the chinchillas at all, even though I am allergic to all other fuzzy animals!
Anyway, nice to meet you all! Feel free to hit me up if ya wanna chat! :)
My interests include,
- Video games (PC, PS4, Switch)
- Horror films
- Writing horror stories for the internet
- Drinking a TON of coffee
- Playing double bass
- Planning parties for youth organizations
- Little critters, obviously
As well as my chinchillas, I have an old leopard gecko (she just hit fourteen!), a Pac-Man frog (about a year old now), and a betta fish (a year and a half or so). I’m unfortunately allergic to cats and dogs, hence my smaller critters. Thankfully I’m somehow not allergic to the chinchillas at all, even though I am allergic to all other fuzzy animals!
Anyway, nice to meet you all! Feel free to hit me up if ya wanna chat! :)
Quality Cage Crafters Mansion Deluxe Set Up
Hello! I'm new here, but not new to chinchillas. I've had Diego for about three months and he is happy and healthy. I splurged and got the Quality Cage deluxe bundle mansion... It has basically everything, and I also got the litter pan.
Problem and questions. I've had it set up, but it's not ideal. How do you use the cage guards? We figure out the shelf guards but really can't make the bottom cage guards work. He's still a baby, potty training isn't really going well, so I use pellet bedding.
I am trying to figure out an ideal set-up to make it easier to clean up and there were no instructions with any of the products. I spent over $800 on everything, so I want it to be the best it can be!
Another question. How do you clean the pine shelves and accessories if the chinchilla urinates on them? He doesn't usually, it's only happened once, but I'm not sure the most effective and safest way to do it!
Thanks for any input, I tried searching the forums, but I'm new and came up with nothing.
Problem and questions. I've had it set up, but it's not ideal. How do you use the cage guards? We figure out the shelf guards but really can't make the bottom cage guards work. He's still a baby, potty training isn't really going well, so I use pellet bedding.
I am trying to figure out an ideal set-up to make it easier to clean up and there were no instructions with any of the products. I spent over $800 on everything, so I want it to be the best it can be!
Another question. How do you clean the pine shelves and accessories if the chinchilla urinates on them? He doesn't usually, it's only happened once, but I'm not sure the most effective and safest way to do it!
Thanks for any input, I tried searching the forums, but I'm new and came up with nothing.
Tail SOS
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to see if this has occured to any of your chins and if there's a solution to this mystery.
My white chinchilla's tail is shedding and her tail is getting thinner and thinner. We have no idea what is causing this seeing as nothing has changed. It also seems that it's taken a long while to grow back. Right now there's only baby furs trying to grow.
Any help and guidance will be awesome.
I'm trying to see if this has occured to any of your chins and if there's a solution to this mystery.
My white chinchilla's tail is shedding and her tail is getting thinner and thinner. We have no idea what is causing this seeing as nothing has changed. It also seems that it's taken a long while to grow back. Right now there's only baby furs trying to grow.
Any help and guidance will be awesome.
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