samedi 10 septembre 2016

What's your experience using Uhaul furniture pads?

Hello everyone,

I used Zorb fabric for my first batch of cage liners. They work really well, and I can go perhaps a week before needing to change them out. Which is good because I only do laundry on the weekends :-) I think it was a total cost of $95 for the Zorb with shipping from Amazon, and I got (8) liners for my FN out of that 8YD shipment.

So, while I'm quite happy with the performance of Zorb, I need to find a cheaper alternative. Now I'm looking into the Uhaul furniture pads. When I averaged out the cost between the two materials, the Zorb cost $1.70/sq.ft. while the furniture pads cost only $0.16/sq.ft.

I'm wondering if any of the DIY'ers in this community have used the Uhaul blankets for the absorbent layer of their fleece cage liners? I like that they are made out of recycled denim... just wondering about how absorbent and how resistant to odors they are. Not to mention how they hold up to multiple washes!

My thanks in advance for any information you could provide.

Teppi, Taro & Toby

You can check us out on Instagram!

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