samedi 22 novembre 2014

Scared/Stressed Chin... PLEASE HELP!!

When I rescued Sky she had TONS of matts on her belly and i went to try to get them out and she bit me. I finally just took her to the vet and they took care of it.

Now she doesn't want anything to do with me or my roommate. She pees on me and my other chins when they come near her. She will even sit outside the cage of my other female and pee at her. She doesn't bark but makes the coughing warning sound when I'm even near her cage, putting food or changing water in her cage.

Anytime I pick her up for playtime she releases fur and when i do get her out she just runs, hides in a corner and does nothing.

It's been almost two months since i got her and she does't seem to be improving. I work with her everyday for at least an hour. I give her treats, put my hand in/around the cage so she can sniff it but she bites it, not hard, it's actually more of a warning nibble.

She "throws" her food, hay and droppings out of her cage.

She also sits in he cage and chatters her teeth all the time.

I knew she wasn't treated well before I got her but maybe she was abused or something.

What do I do?

Proud Mommy Of:

Chinchillas: Sassy,Sky,Batman,Pepper,Jekyll,Hyde

Degus: Lily,Rose

Hamsters: Nibbler,Who,Serenity

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