lundi 5 mai 2014

new(ish) owner question

I have two chins, a male and a female, Buddy and Puff. I got the male from a friend who got him from a breeder on craigslist (reputable enough-- i gave them a call and asked about his pedigree) around christmas last year, and the female i bought off a different breeder around town and plan on breeding the pair.

The male's breeder gave me a few tips and the info i would need to care for him, and here-in lies the problem.

He told me i was able to feed him alfalfa or timothy and pellets.

I have consistently fed the two of them solely timothy hay and pellets, however, i sent my fiance to the store and he brought back an enormous bag of alfalfa because he couldn't remember which i had said and grabbed the type that was nearest the pellets i wanted.

Considering the breeder told me alfalfa was alright, i wasn't too concerned, however, my research prior to deciding to breed them showed that alfalfa should be used as a treat, and not a complete diet.

I am out of timothy, and don't want them to starve until i am able to make the hour long drive out to the store, would it be safe to allow them alfalfa instead of timothy until i am able to purchase another bag of timothy?

tl:dr; can i use alfalfa instead of timothy short term?

---- I apologize for the length of my question, I tend to be overly wordy

~~ Thanks in advance for your patience

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