My hedgie Neville is about a year and a half and has not yet experienced any serious health problems that have required a vet. About 4 days ago, I moved which involved switching Neville's cage (the only difference is the size of the safe as it is set up the same and he has the same accessories), and taking Neville for about an hour drive in a carrying case. He's been I the car a few times before and has never enjoyed it. A while ago after travelling I noticed diarrhea in his cage, however it stopped a day or 2 later. This time it has not stopped yet after more than two days. I was not worried because his activity has been completely normal - he's been running, eating, and drinking and was very active when I had him out of his cage yesterday. I'm worried because it has yet to stop, however I also don't want to bring him in the car to the vet if this is just a longer episode of stress from travelling. Any suggestions?
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