vendredi 2 mai 2014


So one of our chinchillas is not eating much lately. He will accept treats (cheerios) but we only give him a couple a day. He eats some of his hay but it doesn't seem like he wants to touch his pellets. There is no stretching with his stomach yet, but his poops are small and hard. We tried giving him some simethicone yesterday and there are some more poops in his cage but not as much as usual. When we feed him things or he eats he will begin to paw at his mouth. Is this because he is having a dental issue? I checked the color of his teeth and they were normal coloring, but I don't know what else could be causing him to do this. He has enough to chew on, wooden shelves in his cage and a wooden house. He runs fine and is perky outside of the cage, but when he is inside his cage he does nothing but sleep and is really tired. Has anyone had any experience with these kind of symptoms before?

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