So yeah, last night after my two chins playtime my wife and I went to bed. Just getting into a good snore when I hear a whimper and it went for a long time. We have two Poms that sleep on the bed with us and at first I thought it was one of them it sounded so much like a dog whimper. So I look at the dogs, they are sleeping like the dead so my wife said it sounded as if it was coming from the Chinchillas direction. Kinda freaked out I got up to go check on them and they are both sitting on a pine ledge looking at me as if to say "what the heck are you looking at"? I looked them both over real good and they looked perfectly fine so I went back to bed. I heard this sound a few more times during the night and then again when I got up this morning. I have never heard this before and it seemed like when it happened it was when they were pretty active running around their cage. It was almost as if to say "We want out"! I listened to all the sounds here and didn't really hear anything that sounded like this.
Anyone else ever heard this and if so can you offer an explanation?
Anyone else ever heard this and if so can you offer an explanation?
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