My sister named her pikachu. She is very friendly gets along with my cats. Very active, may be shy at first but she warms up quick. Located in inverness FL $150 obo
dimanche 31 janvier 2021
Chinchilla Tunnels
Okay, the ultimate chinchilla villa is still a WIP. But I have a cool plan for a habitat.
Have you seen the episode of Animal Cribs where Antonio and the crew work on a house for 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 ferrets, and 2 rabbits? Well, he did a ton of tiny cages for the ferrets, and spread them around the room on the walls, and connected them with tunnels. I was thinking about something like that, but with fewer small cages. Each cage would have 2 levels, but they'd still be small. I'd make sure...
Chinchilla Tunnels
Have you seen the episode of Animal Cribs where Antonio and the crew work on a house for 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 ferrets, and 2 rabbits? Well, he did a ton of tiny cages for the ferrets, and spread them around the room on the walls, and connected them with tunnels. I was thinking about something like that, but with fewer small cages. Each cage would have 2 levels, but they'd still be small. I'd make sure...
Chinchilla Tunnels
Please does anyone have a safe paper mache recipe
Hello does anybody have a safe paper mache recipe that I can use to make things for my chinchillas supervised playtime?
samedi 30 janvier 2021
Bedding for potty
So I was using recycled paper shredding for my chins bathroom container until I read in here that it's extremely bad for them in case they eat it. So I bought pets pick Aspen (soft Aspen bedding) kiln dried and dust free. I started using it tonight and all they want to do is eat it! Is that normal? Is it ok? Or should I try something different?
ants in my chins cage !!! please help
hii there i have some ants in chins cage ... cleaned it but how do i make shore they dont come back ?
Getting Away From Garden Select
Okay, so I recently bought Oxbow Garden Select, and then learned (thank you @Amethyst) that it was bad for chins. However, my parents don't buy it.
They think it's okay. I've tried talking to them, but they say that unless my chinchilla, Pedro, either won't eat it or acts unhealthy after eating it, I can't switch. And I'm not gonna want him getting sick.
So, is there something that chinchillas can eat, but absolutely hate? If I put it in his food, maybe he'll stop eating it.
They think it's okay. I've tried talking to them, but they say that unless my chinchilla, Pedro, either won't eat it or acts unhealthy after eating it, I can't switch. And I'm not gonna want him getting sick.
So, is there something that chinchillas can eat, but absolutely hate? If I put it in his food, maybe he'll stop eating it.
vendredi 29 janvier 2021
Bath After A Bath
Okay, you all might remember my chinchilla Pedro. He likes to run around and watch The Simpsons.
So, we let him out in the bathroom to run around and watch The Simpsons. Apparently, Pedro likes to swim!
The toilet lid was up, and Pedro jumped right in. We got him out okay, and took a nice dust bath afterwards. He's dry and all, but should I do anything else to make sure he's good?
So, we let him out in the bathroom to run around and watch The Simpsons. Apparently, Pedro likes to swim!
The toilet lid was up, and Pedro jumped right in. We got him out okay, and took a nice dust bath afterwards. He's dry and all, but should I do anything else to make sure he's good?
Onset of kidney disease, dental disease - prognosis?
Henry stopped eating, so we took him to the exotics vet expecting he'd need his teeth burring again. Three spurs, Ok, fine, left him to have them burred. When we got the call back though, the vet said that it was advanced dental disease, that two teeth had fallen out, and that his bloods didn't look good. The vet is a different one to before, and I don't find him very clear, honestly. He's now said he does have kidney disease and prescribed a medication to support his kidneys, as well as...
Onset of kidney disease, dental disease - prognosis?
Onset of kidney disease, dental disease - prognosis?
jeudi 28 janvier 2021
2 male chinchillas need rehoming
Hi. I have 2 male chinchillas that need to be re-homed. Their owner moved back to Taiwan and was originally planning on sending them back. However due to paperwork delay, they were left here to be care by their friend who had no experience taking care of chinchillas. So I temporarily took them in and was just informed that the USDA rejected their paperwork as their health certificate expired. Long story short, the owner decided to look for new home for the 2 chinchillas. I cannot adopt them...
2 male chinchillas need rehoming
2 male chinchillas need rehoming
Oxbow Garden Select
Hey, I recently bought a 20 lb. bag of Oxbow Garden Select chinchilla food. I like their freeze-dried small animal treats (literally all they are is tiny pieces of freeze-dried strawberry or banana. Pedro loves them, as well as my rabbit, goats, and dog. Sometimes I even eat one), and I use their chew toys a lot, so I am sorta familiar with the brand. I just don't know what their food is like.
I have done my research and it seems fairly healthy, especially since it has timothy in it...
Oxbow Garden Select
Hey, I recently bought a 20 lb. bag of Oxbow Garden Select chinchilla food. I like their freeze-dried small animal treats (literally all they are is tiny pieces of freeze-dried strawberry or banana. Pedro loves them, as well as my rabbit, goats, and dog. Sometimes I even eat one), and I use their chew toys a lot, so I am sorta familiar with the brand. I just don't know what their food is like.
I have done my research and it seems fairly healthy, especially since it has timothy in it...
Oxbow Garden Select
Tell me some funny stories about your chinchillas
Hello! Please share some funny or interesting stories about your chinchillas. I will go first.
The first time nigel ever got a toy was pretty comical. I placed it on his ledge he would look at nibble it then push it down and watch it fall then just look at me then he would go down bring it back up and repeat but after a while he would just not go and get it but just switch between staring at me and the fallen toy so I began placing it on the ledge for him now it's his favorite game.
The first time nigel ever got a toy was pretty comical. I placed it on his ledge he would look at nibble it then push it down and watch it fall then just look at me then he would go down bring it back up and repeat but after a while he would just not go and get it but just switch between staring at me and the fallen toy so I began placing it on the ledge for him now it's his favorite game.
What is an easy diy way to block off play area
Hello, thankyou for taking the time to read!
I was wondering if anybody had a diy way to block off my room so that my little Nigel can play safely without getting into things I dont want him to. I have tried this rather large and tall piece of cardboard but my curious little man just pushes out of the way. I think the reason he is able to do that is because (besides his mischievous behaviors) of the cardboard is not sturdy and has to lean on things. Please help he does not get as much...
What is an easy diy way to block off play area
I was wondering if anybody had a diy way to block off my room so that my little Nigel can play safely without getting into things I dont want him to. I have tried this rather large and tall piece of cardboard but my curious little man just pushes out of the way. I think the reason he is able to do that is because (besides his mischievous behaviors) of the cardboard is not sturdy and has to lean on things. Please help he does not get as much...
What is an easy diy way to block off play area
mercredi 27 janvier 2021
I've been cutting cardboard for over a year to put in my chins cage, so they don't hurt their little toes on the wire bottoms. Now I've seen in a couple posts about people using tile in the bottoms. What kind of tiles is everyone using? I want to make sure I would be getting the right kind. Cutting up cardboard for 3 levels per cage, and I have 3 cages is a lot of time. Lol.
mardi 26 janvier 2021
Anal swelling - warning - photo is g
My 15 yo female chin has had this swelling around her anus for several months now. The vet first thought it might be due to infection, she cultured discharge coming from the vaginal area and treated for bacterial infection. The infection cleared but the swelling didn’t reduce.
Also, my chin is spayed. She had a huge uterine tumor 4 years ago and had a complete hysterectomy. She should not be open (as if she is in heat) and having discharge, but she is. This is a new development as well. The...
Anal swelling - warning - photo is g
Also, my chin is spayed. She had a huge uterine tumor 4 years ago and had a complete hysterectomy. She should not be open (as if she is in heat) and having discharge, but she is. This is a new development as well. The...
Anal swelling - warning - photo is g
samedi 23 janvier 2021
Wood Glue
Hello, my chins' hay holder broke a little recently. It's an easy fix, I just need some non-toxic wood glue. The issue is, I have no idea which kind to get. I don't want to accidentally somehow get the wrong glue and make my chins sick, so are there any specific glues to get or avoid, or do I just get any non-toxic wood glue I see? Links would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance.
Liquid Diarrhea Aftermath
Hello everyone, I have a problem I'm having a hard time finding a solution to. My chinchilla had a bout of GI stasis, from which she recovered, and long story short a few weeks later she had full on liquid diarrhea. We did a fecal test and found nothing, and based on the fact that the issue returned, and she has mucusy diarrhea poops now, our best guess is giardia. She's on another round of Metronidazole, and I had to give her kaolin pectin to stop the diarrhea and baby gas drops to prevent...
Liquid Diarrhea Aftermath
Liquid Diarrhea Aftermath
Chinchilla Dust Baths
Hi everyone,
My daughter and I were really tired the other day and didn’t empty out the dust in our chinchillas bath
. When my daughter let her out for some supervised free play time, Tay Tay went into her bath and rolled around in it.
She hadn’t gone poop
in it from the day before, so the dust was clean that way.
My daughter had read somewhere that it was dangerous to chinchillas if they reused their dust. Is this true? I don’t want this to happen again and will do my utmost to...
Chinchilla Dust Baths
My daughter and I were really tired the other day and didn’t empty out the dust in our chinchillas bath

She hadn’t gone poop

My daughter had read somewhere that it was dangerous to chinchillas if they reused their dust. Is this true? I don’t want this to happen again and will do my utmost to...
Chinchilla Dust Baths
vendredi 22 janvier 2021
Dried sunflower petals
Is dried sunflower petals safe for chinchillas to eat as a snack in moderation of course? I did a Google search for treats and this was the first time I seen sunflower on the list.
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance
jeudi 21 janvier 2021
In need of guidance. Please help
I recently purchased two baby chinchillas, both are now around four months old. I was told they were both female and have discovered that one is actually male.
I was in the process of bonding them when I found this out. They are now being kept in a split critter nation cage, but I still let them out together for their play time because they now care for eachother. Keeping them separated they just tried to get to one another jumping at the cage, it was awful. When they are together I keep a...
In need of guidance. Please help
I was in the process of bonding them when I found this out. They are now being kept in a split critter nation cage, but I still let them out together for their play time because they now care for eachother. Keeping them separated they just tried to get to one another jumping at the cage, it was awful. When they are together I keep a...
In need of guidance. Please help
mercredi 20 janvier 2021
Metal Hay Bin
Hi, does anyone have any suggestions of where to find a good quality and reasonably priced metal hay bin for a chin that goes inside a cage? Thanks!
mardi 19 janvier 2021
Syringe feeding
Hello everyone!
Background > One of my chins has a tumor next to his lungs, which makes eating food very painful for him, after talking about it with my vet I asked her if I could give him a mix of Critical Care from Oxbow and Recovery from Science Selective, she said I could try. This was 1 month ago and my chin has been doing amazing, however he keeps flucuating between 516 gram and 500 gram.. His normal weight is about 670, so he is still very underweight, but some days it goes up and...
Syringe feeding
Background > One of my chins has a tumor next to his lungs, which makes eating food very painful for him, after talking about it with my vet I asked her if I could give him a mix of Critical Care from Oxbow and Recovery from Science Selective, she said I could try. This was 1 month ago and my chin has been doing amazing, however he keeps flucuating between 516 gram and 500 gram.. His normal weight is about 670, so he is still very underweight, but some days it goes up and...
Syringe feeding
lundi 18 janvier 2021
Chin personality change?
Hello everyone!
So Susu has finally bounced back after losing her life-long buddy. She's curious about toys and usually pretty eager to take treats. She's even started seeking me out for playtime sometimes. All of this has made me very happy.
However, along with all of this came a huge change that I didn't expect: she's become super talkative. She has always been a very quiet and reserved chin, so I had learned to pay attention whenever she was making a noise because it often meant...
Chin personality change?
So Susu has finally bounced back after losing her life-long buddy. She's curious about toys and usually pretty eager to take treats. She's even started seeking me out for playtime sometimes. All of this has made me very happy.
However, along with all of this came a huge change that I didn't expect: she's become super talkative. She has always been a very quiet and reserved chin, so I had learned to pay attention whenever she was making a noise because it often meant...
Chin personality change?
dimanche 17 janvier 2021
Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa
All right. Some of you may know that I want to buy or build a new cage for Pedro. So...
I might have enough money now, and need some good ideas.
First, can you all please share some cool DIY cage ideas? Maybe something you built? It doesn't matter what it is, as long as I can build it (with zero welding experience) and it's something (somewhat) interesting. I won't be going by the exact blueprint. I just need some ideas to put together.
Second, I want to build it mainly out of wood, so is...
Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa
I might have enough money now, and need some good ideas.
First, can you all please share some cool DIY cage ideas? Maybe something you built? It doesn't matter what it is, as long as I can build it (with zero welding experience) and it's something (somewhat) interesting. I won't be going by the exact blueprint. I just need some ideas to put together.
Second, I want to build it mainly out of wood, so is...
Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa
Bottle vs bowl
Hello like I titled I was wondering about using a bowl(attached off ground and small-ie smallbird bowl, so they don't get wet) instead since it was discovered not so long ago that bottles lead to most rodents( rabbits, rats, hamsters, ect) being dehydrated, choking on the ball and being mostly plastic for most of them. Thoughts?
samedi 16 janvier 2021
Chinchilla diy play area
Hello I'm new here and was wondering if anybody had any ideas for diy play things for chinchillas the supplies I have are card board hot glue these are only going to be used under strict supervision during playtime I just want to give my boy nigel somethings to entertain him during his play I currently have made a cardboard house with a ledge because my little one loves to jump
Is this cage okay for a chinchilla?
I'm going to get my first chinchilla in a month or two, and I am trying to find the best available cage in Serbia, but there are not a lot of options.
I stumbled upon this one, and was thinking about if it was suitable for one or not.
I will list all the dimensions and the pictures in the following:
Main Material: Metal/Plastic
Secondary materials: beech wood (feet)
Height (in cm): 80.00
Height with feet (in cm): 109.00.
Length (in cm): 77.50
Depth (in cm): 47.50
Is this cage okay for a chinchilla?
I'm going to get my first chinchilla in a month or two, and I am trying to find the best available cage in Serbia, but there are not a lot of options.
I stumbled upon this one, and was thinking about if it was suitable for one or not.
I will list all the dimensions and the pictures in the following:
Main Material: Metal/Plastic
Secondary materials: beech wood (feet)
Height (in cm): 80.00
Height with feet (in cm): 109.00.
Length (in cm): 77.50
Depth (in cm): 47.50
Is this cage okay for a chinchilla?
vendredi 15 janvier 2021
White spots on fleece
This may be a really stupid question but my male chinchilla whose only couple months old leaves white spots on his fleece. Is it just him "being a boy" or is it something that needs attention or just somethinglike calcium deposits like a guinea pig leaves. I'm fairly certain he pees in his litter tray for the most part but these spots are like everywhere. I'm a new chinchilla owner btw
mardi 12 janvier 2021
He's Gone
Hey guys I just wanted y'all to know that unfortunately George died tonight. He somehow snuck in between my bed and got squeezed. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on what to do since I live in the city and don't have a backyard.
Weaning help
Can i keep female chins with their mother after 10-12 weeks?
Basic nutrition
I am looking forward to getting my first chinchilla!
I lost the list i made a few years ago about what percentage of different types of food can be in the pallets, so I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me and tell me what I should be looking for?
What is the best diet plan for the chins?
I am looking forward to getting my first chinchilla!
I lost the list i made a few years ago about what percentage of different types of food can be in the pallets, so I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me and tell me what I should be looking for?
What is the best diet plan for the chins?
lundi 11 janvier 2021
We just united our four Chinchillas together!!!! and our story...

and our story...
Unlike many of you and against any advice I would ever give anyone, we got chinchillas without knowing much about them.
I'm a mom of six and we are huge animal lovers, homeschoolers with a lot of time to spoil our dear animals. We...
We just united our four Chinchillas together!!!! and our story...
Vet Recommendations - USA
Add your vet everyone. Please put state, then city as the title
Oklahoma City
Neel Vet Hospital is the best. We have used other vets in the metro area for neuter but found Neel when our 2 week old kit had an emergency--an anal protusion. I was calling all the area exotic vets because he had to be seen immediately and Neel could see him quickest. Then they were just amazing. So compassionate and stayed in close touch, calling for updates even before I could call them. I had him in probably 4 times that week for re-checks and adjustments (he had surgery and had...
Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City
dimanche 10 janvier 2021
Chinchilla does not chew much
I have had my chinchilla for a little less than a year. I got her when she was 3 months old. She barely chews on any of her toys or wood. She will chew on very thin twigs (only certain kinds). I have tried different types of wood, sea grass, banana leaves, vines, finger trap shredders (sometimes will chew on these), coconut shell, and pumice stone. She has shelves with different kinds of wood and different kinds of toys. She will chew on something new the day she gets it then barely touches...
Chinchilla does not chew much
Chinchilla does not chew much
Traveling with chin
So I was wondering if I could put a leash and harness on my chin instead of putting her in a box so she doesn't get as hot. She's pretty good at sitting on my shoulders or laying in my arms. Shes only be in it for a car ride for check ups
So I was wondering if I could put a leash and harness on my chin instead of putting her in a box so she doesn't get as hot. She's pretty good at sitting on my shoulders or laying in my arms. Shes only be in it for a car ride for check ups
Giardia is an intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea and anorexia. In humans it can cause stomach cramps and pain, in addition to diarrhea. The feces will be larger than normal, greasy or shiny looking and will smell. It is readily transmitted between humans and pets.
Most giardia is contracted through contaminated drinking water, food and contact with an infected animal. Symptoms take 7 to 14 days after exposure to show. Veterinary treatment is mandatory. You cannot treat this without...
Most giardia is contracted through contaminated drinking water, food and contact with an infected animal. Symptoms take 7 to 14 days after exposure to show. Veterinary treatment is mandatory. You cannot treat this without...
samedi 9 janvier 2021
Chin Chillers
So i need to get new chin chillers, i dropped the ones i had after cleaning them ad they busted, and don't want to pay $8 per tile as i need 8, plus a few extra for back up. Where can i get cheap ones? can i just get them from a hardware store?
Is my chinchilla unhappy?
Ever since I bonded Mr. B (~4 y/o) and Gus Gus (11 months I think) together, I've noticed Mr. B has kind become more withdrawn. He used to like sitting up on the ledges facing the outside of the cage, but now he prefers to sit in the back ledge, behind the hammock, sometimes in the back corner.
Granted, this is a new cage with a new layout, so maybe he just prefers this. But I've also noticed he doesn't run on his wheel as much. He mostly stays in one spot and doesn't move around much...
Is my chinchilla unhappy?
Granted, this is a new cage with a new layout, so maybe he just prefers this. But I've also noticed he doesn't run on his wheel as much. He mostly stays in one spot and doesn't move around much...
Is my chinchilla unhappy?
The Ferret Nation Club
We can all post our FN's here, to give people ideas on how to set up the interiors!!
Here's my Rodent Room:
Both cages are laid out basically the same, here's the top:
and bottom:
So, what did you do with YOUR Ferret Nation?
Here's my Rodent Room:
Both cages are laid out basically the same, here's the top:
and bottom:
So, what did you do with YOUR Ferret Nation?
Hello everyone,
My chinchilla has a tumor next to his lungs, which makes it hard for him to eat normal food, thus I need to hand feed him with a syringe..
Currently I am feeding him Critical Care from Oxbow and Recovery from Science Selective.
I have been doing that for a month now and it's going pretty well, this is basically his only chance at survival and I do not want to take his life away, because he is still very active and is so far enjoying his time.
Now something that I have...
My chinchilla has a tumor next to his lungs, which makes it hard for him to eat normal food, thus I need to hand feed him with a syringe..
Currently I am feeding him Critical Care from Oxbow and Recovery from Science Selective.
I have been doing that for a month now and it's going pretty well, this is basically his only chance at survival and I do not want to take his life away, because he is still very active and is so far enjoying his time.
Now something that I have...
vendredi 8 janvier 2021
The best forex strategy
سلام دوستان ، من 2 سال است که در بازار فارکس تجارت می کنم
6 ماه می گذرد که من یک روش عالی با دقت بالا پیدا کردم
اگر شما هم به دنبال درآمد بدون دردسر هستید ، روی پیوند زیر کلیک کنید تا شما نیز مانند من در تجارت فارکس موفق باشید.

6 ماه می گذرد که من یک روش عالی با دقت بالا پیدا کردم
اگر شما هم به دنبال درآمد بدون دردسر هستید ، روی پیوند زیر کلیک کنید تا شما نیز مانند من در تجارت فارکس موفق باشید.
jeudi 7 janvier 2021
Discharge... Again!
I have a female chinchilla, 10 years old. Poor little babe's genitals and tummy and wet today and it looks like the discharge is coming from her vagina. I didn't notice any smell when I picked her up to check her out. Looked a bit like translucent gray, but I'm guessing that could be from trying to dry herself in a dust bath.
This is the fourth or maybe fifth time this has happened. The first time was last June. Each time her appetite comes and goes but her energy is fairly normal...
Discharge... Again!
This is the fourth or maybe fifth time this has happened. The first time was last June. Each time her appetite comes and goes but her energy is fairly normal...
Discharge... Again!
Gizzie is gone.
I don't usually post when I loose one but Gizzie was special. He was my first and I've had him since he was a baby. His teeth problems started before he was even a year old. We fought that for 9 long years and he was such a good sport about it. Today the fight is over and I will miss him greatly. I will miss our feeding times and the long snuggles afterwards. Goodbye my sweet boy.
Gizzie is gone.
I don't usually post when I loose one but Gizzie was special. He was my first and I've had him since he was a baby. His teeth problems started before he was even a year old. We fought that for 9 long years and he was such a good sport about it. Today the fight is over and I will miss him greatly. I will miss our feeding times and the long snuggles afterwards. Goodbye my sweet boy.
mercredi 6 janvier 2021
Baby cage?
Hi all! We are getting ready to bring home two female baby chins, both about 3-4 months old. I am eventually planning on getting a double critter nation cage and modifying it to make it chin safe, however my understanding is that these are too big and pose a fall risk for babies. Any recommendations or thoughts on what to get for them in the meantime?
Wood For Chinchilla
Hey y'all!
Hey, I have some cool wood in my dad's garage and wanted to make something cool out of it for Pedro, my chinchilla. I think it's either mesquite or buckthorn. It has old holes in it from beetles and looks super cool, so I wanted to see if I could make chews or a perch out of it. I would make sure he can't get his limbs stuck and broken.
Also, if you have cool ideas to cover the holes, do share, I'd like some suggestions! I want to see if I can do more than use it as a chew or...
Wood For Chinchilla
Hey, I have some cool wood in my dad's garage and wanted to make something cool out of it for Pedro, my chinchilla. I think it's either mesquite or buckthorn. It has old holes in it from beetles and looks super cool, so I wanted to see if I could make chews or a perch out of it. I would make sure he can't get his limbs stuck and broken.
Also, if you have cool ideas to cover the holes, do share, I'd like some suggestions! I want to see if I can do more than use it as a chew or...
Wood For Chinchilla
This is my 6th forum website I've joined, so...
Hey there y'all! I'm @Chinchillaville13 from Southwestern Montana. I joined because I need chinchilla advice for my little man Pedro (NOT little man as in son, I'm only 12. I mean little man as in my chinchilla).
You might know me from PetForums US as @AnimalLovingIdiot13, from BackYard Chickens as MixedFlocksRule13, from BackYard Herds as MiniGoatsRule, from BinkyBunny as JumpingJackRabbit, or from PetForums UK (I forgot my info). If you do, tell me, it'd be cool to see...
This is my 6th forum website I've joined, so...
You might know me from PetForums US as @AnimalLovingIdiot13, from BackYard Chickens as MixedFlocksRule13, from BackYard Herds as MiniGoatsRule, from BinkyBunny as JumpingJackRabbit, or from PetForums UK (I forgot my info). If you do, tell me, it'd be cool to see...
This is my 6th forum website I've joined, so...
How many pets do you have?
Some people believe there is no such thing as a person with too many pets...only a person who can not care for all of the pets they have.
I (meaning my full support) have 5 chinchillas and a dwarf hamster.
I am also fostering 3 chinchillas (2 of which may be leaving very soon) and a rabbit. (recovering from spay)
My parents have 3 dogs. All are, and I hate to say it, very old. The oldest being 13-14 with severe cushings that they are trying to maintain.
Now there is a dog at the shelter I...
How many pets do you have?
I (meaning my full support) have 5 chinchillas and a dwarf hamster.
I am also fostering 3 chinchillas (2 of which may be leaving very soon) and a rabbit. (recovering from spay)
My parents have 3 dogs. All are, and I hate to say it, very old. The oldest being 13-14 with severe cushings that they are trying to maintain.
Now there is a dog at the shelter I...
How many pets do you have?
mardi 5 janvier 2021
Can Chinchillas eat these treats?
I found a new Chinchilla snack provider, very affordable prices too! Although some of the ingredients they sell I haven't heard of before but claim to be edible for Chinchillas and/or Rabbits -
Akebia (Chocolate Vine)
Maypop (fruit and vine) - This is a passionflower I think
Dried Okra pods
Jerusalem Artichoke (flower and stem/twigs)
Honeysuckle vine
Does anyone know if these are safe for Chinchillas?
Akebia (Chocolate Vine)
Maypop (fruit and vine) - This is a passionflower I think
Dried Okra pods
Jerusalem Artichoke (flower and stem/twigs)
Honeysuckle vine
Does anyone know if these are safe for Chinchillas?
Disinfecting Home/Wood After Ringworm
As my baby is (hopefully) on the road to recovery from a ringworm episode, we are preparing to disinfect his house as well as our house. Are there any overall tips on how to do this? We are already planning to steam clean carpets/furniture but are there any other extra precautions we should consider?
And more to the focus of my question is how we can possibly salvage my chin's Chin Spin wheel (since these things are NOT cheap LOL). The backing of it is wood and I already soaked it...
Disinfecting Home/Wood After Ringworm
As my baby is (hopefully) on the road to recovery from a ringworm episode, we are preparing to disinfect his house as well as our house. Are there any overall tips on how to do this? We are already planning to steam clean carpets/furniture but are there any other extra precautions we should consider?
And more to the focus of my question is how we can possibly salvage my chin's Chin Spin wheel (since these things are NOT cheap LOL). The backing of it is wood and I already soaked it...
Disinfecting Home/Wood After Ringworm
lundi 4 janvier 2021
White discharge coming from Chinchilla
Hi, I am a new owner of a stunning 6 month old chinchilla and today, I noticed that she urinated a lot more than usual and that her entire lower half was wet most likely due to her urine Therefore, I attempted to dry her but she kept biting/grooming her lower abdomen, and when she stood up I saw that there was white discharge coming from her vaginal area. At this time, I had to go to class as I am a student and I would occasionally check on her. During those times, I noticed that she would...
White discharge coming from Chinchilla
White discharge coming from Chinchilla
samedi 2 janvier 2021
Home needed for 1 1/2 year old male Chinchilla in Rochester, NY or surrounding areas
We are looking for a forever home for Dash. We would really like him to go to someone who already is knowledgeable on Chinchillas and maybe already has one or two, so he has companions.
Dash is from a pet store and was sold to us a standard grey but he is unique - as while he has grey in him, he has a lot of white as well and is the lightest standard grey I have ever seen. Happy to share pictures.
He is healthy and very personable. While like most Chins, he doesn't like to be picked...
Home needed for 1 1/2 year old male Chinchilla in Rochester, NY or surrounding areas
We are looking for a forever home for Dash. We would really like him to go to someone who already is knowledgeable on Chinchillas and maybe already has one or two, so he has companions.
Dash is from a pet store and was sold to us a standard grey but he is unique - as while he has grey in him, he has a lot of white as well and is the lightest standard grey I have ever seen. Happy to share pictures.
He is healthy and very personable. While like most Chins, he doesn't like to be picked...
Home needed for 1 1/2 year old male Chinchilla in Rochester, NY or surrounding areas
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