On April 13 my boyfriend got me a chinchilla when for my birthday , I've never had a chinchilla before only bunnies and hamsters. I read online that they have to stay from 60-70, I ordered an ac online portable, but it was going to come for a week and I checked the whether and figuer it was okay since it wasn't going to pass 73 . She was fine up until the 17 when when it got up to 80 and I was freaking out I was putting ice in Tupperware and kept changing her chinchiller, we finally got pass it and the same night I when to get a another ac at the store though. She was acting weird after that day and it sounded like she couldn't breath up to that point I immediately call to make an appointment with an exotic vet , he told she had an upper respiratory infection, my poor little baby got 2 shot and 7 days of medicine after 2 days later I went for a check up again and they told me whatever your doing keep it up because she much better (p.s the vet told me to keep her at 75 ) she was so much better up until yesterday, however she did have matted fur around her eyes . So yesterday she was fine she took a dust bath and I let out in my living room and she was just trying to get out of the playpen and it was 72 down stair I took her up stair because I felt like it was too hot and went up stairs I cleaned (vinegar/50 and completely dried it) and her cage all of it fixed it and she never wants to go under her house and I figured it's plastic and she feels hot ( I ordered a wooden house waiting for it ) and keep sleeping on top where her food and water were . I would cover up her cage when I would put the ac on but I felt like she was hot since it was 70 and I only left one cover but I think at night she knocked it down, (ac is not directly pointed at her) have her cage connected to her play pen and it's over and chinchilla proofed , I noticed that she didn't get out as much and I just thought she was tried because my mom has a day care center and I feels like she can't sleep that much , but I woke up to being in the corner of her cage and whimpering, I'm going to take her to the vet today but what am I doing wrong , I feel like my poor baby violet is suffering because of me ;(? What temp am I suppose to keep her at ? (By the way the temp on ac last night was 68)I love her so much can stop to think about how she suffering? Please help me out I don't want anything to happen to my poor baby ?:(
samedi 30 avril 2016
Weird behavior with water bottle?
A few weeks ago I got a new chinchilla named Bella who's about 7 months old. She's been doing really well, but she always does this weird thing with her water bottle after I change the water where she scoots up to it and it's like she's trying to pet the water off the sides of the bottle. She'll do this for a while, I've never waited long enough for her to finish. I was just wondering if anyone knows what she's doing.
I took a video of her today so here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r2ixLRJen8 Sorry for the bad camera work, I was trying not to fall off my chair since she's in the top of a triple unit FN lol
I took a video of her today so here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r2ixLRJen8 Sorry for the bad camera work, I was trying not to fall off my chair since she's in the top of a triple unit FN lol
jeudi 28 avril 2016
horrible odor and weight loss
my eight year old chin male has loss alot of weight and a horrible odor is present...
Bloated Chinchilla
My chinchilla was not her usual self and not eating. Send her to the vet and found she was bloated. Gave her some critical care and medication by the vet via force feeding but she still looks inactive.
What can I do currently?
How long does it usually take for the chinchilla to recover from bloatedness?
What can I do currently?
How long does it usually take for the chinchilla to recover from bloatedness?
mercredi 27 avril 2016
Help! housing and bumblefoot
My chinchilla is prone to dry feet... but I'm afraid he might have bumblefoot this time! Whe I found blood in the cage and my poor chin was pulling at his feet my heart broke!
I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.
My question is, could his housing situation be causing it somehow?
I'm scared maybe this is my fault!
Is a cage like this too rough for a chinchilla?
Any suggestions on what I could do to prevent this?
Thanks in advance
I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.
My question is, could his housing situation be causing it somehow?
I'm scared maybe this is my fault!
Is a cage like this too rough for a chinchilla?
Any suggestions on what I could do to prevent this?
Thanks in advance
one of my chinchillas keeps biting
hello i have had my chinchillas a few days and they have settled in abit now, enough to come to me for food and dust baths soon enough i can get them out for playtime but one of them keeps biting/nibbling on me, i keep my hand their but he just puts his 2 paws on me and carrys on, is this a sign of past abuse or anything? i have been hand feeding him his pellets as my other chin keeps eating them before he had a chance, please advice me on whats wrong or what to do thanks
Is it normal for your chin to shed a little? I find some hair here and there, nothing ridiculous and nothing looks like he's going bald or anything. Just little...fluffies? lol not clumps
mardi 26 avril 2016
Broken Tail ?
Good evening (it's 9 pm in Italy), i got my first chin one month ago, his name is Popper and I'm doing my best.
Today, during his playtime in my bedroom I opened the door to go to the kitchen and refill water but I didn't notice he came with me. When I turned to close the door I accidentally squashed his Tail. I immediately moved my foot away, I didn't squashed his tail with all my weight but I'm really worried about his health conditions. He does not seem to be feeling pain or something like that and he's able to move the tail, when I touch his tail he doesn't escape, but I don't know if he knows I'm touching it or not. I'm going to take Popper to the vet tomorrow morning, any advice?
Thank you for your answers and sorry for my bad englis
Today, during his playtime in my bedroom I opened the door to go to the kitchen and refill water but I didn't notice he came with me. When I turned to close the door I accidentally squashed his Tail. I immediately moved my foot away, I didn't squashed his tail with all my weight but I'm really worried about his health conditions. He does not seem to be feeling pain or something like that and he's able to move the tail, when I touch his tail he doesn't escape, but I don't know if he knows I'm touching it or not. I'm going to take Popper to the vet tomorrow morning, any advice?
Thank you for your answers and sorry for my bad englis
Chin Freezes up, Unresponsive during play time
I have a male and female chin, plus two female babies, one month old! (yay!) But I'm a little worried. I know Chins sit in their daydreams a lot, but last night my male chin really scared me. I was putting their bridge back into their cage for playtime and I think I may have scared him a bit because the bridge hit the side of the cage a few times. He freaked out at first, but then he and the female just froze. Neither would respond to petting or talking or anything, they just stayed frozen. After about two minute the female snapped out but the male remained frozen for nearly ten minutes. I shut the lights out, and about 3 minutes later he started making alarm calls. It didn't sound like barking exactly but it was loud and sound almost like child's cry. I've heard them make it before when they are playing around, but he did it loudly and repetitively until I turned on the like and started talking to him. A few minutes later I turned out the light and he started again. He still hadn't moved from his spot, but he didn't appear frozen anymore. Should I be worried? I have not had my chins for very long and I have never heard the noise like that before.
Cleaning after a death
My little grumpy passed today, after a fight with an RI. I'm absolutely devastated and can't really think through the meds they gave me.
Someone help me remember what I'm supposed to do now. I have three other chins one who was bonded and in the same cage.
I pulled out all hammocks ledges toys food and water bowls and am lost now.
Just sitting here with all grumpy's things and I just don't know what to do.
Someone help me remember what I'm supposed to do now. I have three other chins one who was bonded and in the same cage.
I pulled out all hammocks ledges toys food and water bowls and am lost now.
Just sitting here with all grumpy's things and I just don't know what to do.
lundi 25 avril 2016
Fur Chewing
My chinchilla has developed this circle of missing fur. I cant see his skin and the remaining hair in the circle looks almost matted. Could this be fur chewing? Attachment 22555
advice for the first week with my chins
hello their people, i will be picking up my 2 chinchillas tomorrow kylo and yoda, they are both brothers and around 6 months old.

hope that works to show you my setup, any advice welcome on that.
my main question is how should i go about the first week with them i am told they are nice and calm and really friendly, i have been to see them already and they are lovely, i just wanted to get everything sorted before hand, i do also have a 14" solid metal wheel on its way to go in. thanks and look forward to replies.
hope that works to show you my setup, any advice welcome on that.
my main question is how should i go about the first week with them i am told they are nice and calm and really friendly, i have been to see them already and they are lovely, i just wanted to get everything sorted before hand, i do also have a 14" solid metal wheel on its way to go in. thanks and look forward to replies.
dimanche 24 avril 2016
Question about critter nation doors
I just got me second critter nation, and the knobs on the doors are very sticky. they are hard to open and i have to push the knobs back apart to lock them, they are also very noisey and scare my new babies...my other critter ntion does not have this problem at all. Any suggestions?
New Chin Babies :)
Brought these babies yesterday, we named them Titan, and Yeti. They are both two months old, however Yeti is very large, maybe hes older? I'm not sure.
chinchilla fur problem
Hello, so my chinchilla has had this circle on his fur for a couple weeks now and it is not getting better. At first I that he might have gotten some water on it but now I'm not sure. It feels like dry skin. Has anyone else had this problem/ know what to do?
samedi 23 avril 2016
Frantic chinchilla
I've had my chin, Ash, for 4 months. In February he started to scratch and bite at my hand everytime I would stick it into his cage. It has gotten worse since then. He will not stop at anything. I've looked into it on multiple other sites along with this one and nothing seems to help. He has plenty to do in his cage and I also get him out every night for playtime. This has really made feeding him a chore since I can't open his cage without him frantically trying to get out.:grouphug::grouphug:
New owner looking for advice.
Hello everyone, me and my long-term girlfriend have recently bought 2 chinchillas and have been very happy with them. I'll give a little background and if anyone can advise us we would be greatly appreciative.
We bought them from a pet shop, Pets At Home in Britain, as there were no breeders in my area. They are 7 months old, 2 male chinchillas from the same litter, and are very different but both very lovable.
The biggest one is Holmes and is a lighter grey colour, and the slightly darker grey one is Watson (he's a little smaller in comparison). Holmes is very confident and daring, and requires no prompting or coercion, after just 5 days of being brought home, he was completely comfortable being handled, even initiating with jumping up onto my shoulder when he wanted to come out. This was completely surprising to me as we were prepared to spend weeks and months building up trust and a bond with them. He hates being in his cage to be honest, which is rather cute, he practically leaps out of it whenever he gets the chance and loves coming out, jumping everywhere and running around. He does take risky jumps which we try to control, but even after a fall, nothing shakes his confidence.
Watson as yet won't willing come out of the cage, but we know it can take a long time so we're not worried. When I give them a treat, I hold it a little further away each time from the cage opening and he comes out onto my hand, but will jump straight back in at the slightest noise.
They don't fight, they sleep together, share food and toys well, and after 2 weeks of having them, they are already very friendly and settling in well.
I hope I'm not too presumptuous, but I think they are getting comfortable
However I am a little concerned for Watson recently, as we had been making a little progress each day but it's grinded to a halt and he seems a little ill. I first noticed it 2 days ago when he didn't want to bathe. I always hold the dust bath outside the cage door, so not to stress him by picking him up or forcing him, and he's never had a problem before.
This time he wouldn't come down from a shelf, and seemed a little sluggish. I waited a while, and left and came back to try several times, I sat as normal and nothing would bring him down, even offering a little treat first. Eventually he did, when he saw Holmes jumping in again, but then he would just sit by the opening, he wouldn't take the slight step out the cage to bathe.
Yesterday the same happened, Watson seemed sleepy, a bit sluggish and unwilling to move around much. He would still jump up a level, and he was eating still. I decided to pick him up and check him over as I thought something was wrong/he might be injured, but he seemed fine and I placed him in the dust bath which he seemed to enjoy, used normally albeit a little more stiff movement (scared I think, he seems to hate being out of the cage), and I put him back.
Today is the same problem, but I noticed his poo has changed. It has become thinner, strand-like, darker and harder. I instantly thought he might be dehydrated (we always make sure the room is the right temperature however) so brought the water bottle to him and he drank loads. stopped to eat, drank more, and then ate a little more.
We use good quality hay and pellets, and treats are a little bit of oats but not regularly. Every 2-3 days they have half a raisin each throughout the evening cut up into small bits.
I really hope he's ok, anyone with some advice I would be eternally grateful, we are making sure to keep an eye on him. If this is normal, or stress I didn't see building up because it's still new... I don't know. I only hope I can do my best for him. Holmes is completely fine, I know no two pets are the same but they eat the same things and it wasn't until 2 days ago Watson started acting strangely.
We bought them from a pet shop, Pets At Home in Britain, as there were no breeders in my area. They are 7 months old, 2 male chinchillas from the same litter, and are very different but both very lovable.
The biggest one is Holmes and is a lighter grey colour, and the slightly darker grey one is Watson (he's a little smaller in comparison). Holmes is very confident and daring, and requires no prompting or coercion, after just 5 days of being brought home, he was completely comfortable being handled, even initiating with jumping up onto my shoulder when he wanted to come out. This was completely surprising to me as we were prepared to spend weeks and months building up trust and a bond with them. He hates being in his cage to be honest, which is rather cute, he practically leaps out of it whenever he gets the chance and loves coming out, jumping everywhere and running around. He does take risky jumps which we try to control, but even after a fall, nothing shakes his confidence.
Watson as yet won't willing come out of the cage, but we know it can take a long time so we're not worried. When I give them a treat, I hold it a little further away each time from the cage opening and he comes out onto my hand, but will jump straight back in at the slightest noise.
They don't fight, they sleep together, share food and toys well, and after 2 weeks of having them, they are already very friendly and settling in well.
I hope I'm not too presumptuous, but I think they are getting comfortable
However I am a little concerned for Watson recently, as we had been making a little progress each day but it's grinded to a halt and he seems a little ill. I first noticed it 2 days ago when he didn't want to bathe. I always hold the dust bath outside the cage door, so not to stress him by picking him up or forcing him, and he's never had a problem before.
This time he wouldn't come down from a shelf, and seemed a little sluggish. I waited a while, and left and came back to try several times, I sat as normal and nothing would bring him down, even offering a little treat first. Eventually he did, when he saw Holmes jumping in again, but then he would just sit by the opening, he wouldn't take the slight step out the cage to bathe.
Yesterday the same happened, Watson seemed sleepy, a bit sluggish and unwilling to move around much. He would still jump up a level, and he was eating still. I decided to pick him up and check him over as I thought something was wrong/he might be injured, but he seemed fine and I placed him in the dust bath which he seemed to enjoy, used normally albeit a little more stiff movement (scared I think, he seems to hate being out of the cage), and I put him back.
Today is the same problem, but I noticed his poo has changed. It has become thinner, strand-like, darker and harder. I instantly thought he might be dehydrated (we always make sure the room is the right temperature however) so brought the water bottle to him and he drank loads. stopped to eat, drank more, and then ate a little more.
We use good quality hay and pellets, and treats are a little bit of oats but not regularly. Every 2-3 days they have half a raisin each throughout the evening cut up into small bits.
I really hope he's ok, anyone with some advice I would be eternally grateful, we are making sure to keep an eye on him. If this is normal, or stress I didn't see building up because it's still new... I don't know. I only hope I can do my best for him. Holmes is completely fine, I know no two pets are the same but they eat the same things and it wasn't until 2 days ago Watson started acting strangely.
Hello to everyone, and thanks in advance.
Hi everyone, just a quick post to introduce myself. I live in England and have recently purchased 2 chinchillas, and very happy to have them in the family.
Thankyou for being so welcolming and it's wonderful to now be a part of such a great community, I did a lot of research before we got them and always ended up back here for the most part for the best advice.
Thankyou for being so welcolming and it's wonderful to now be a part of such a great community, I did a lot of research before we got them and always ended up back here for the most part for the best advice.
Stuffed toys
I have looked however so many posts!
When making your own stuffed toys what do you guys use or recommend using for the stuffing? :hmm:
Thank you for any advice :)
When making your own stuffed toys what do you guys use or recommend using for the stuffing? :hmm:
Thank you for any advice :)
Eye has clouded over and blood in his ear
My little chin Penny has done somethings his eye and I don't know what to do. We have been on holiday and penny has been with a very trusted friend who owns chinchillas herself so he has had the best of care but he has managed to hurt his eye (see Attached photo). He got sand in his eye after a dust bath which she washed out for him but not his eye has went clouded over. When we went to pick him up he also had a bloody ear. It's on the same side of his bad eye which makes me think he has caught it on something as he still seems on good terms with his cagemate. He was diagnosed with a URI last month and seemed to have recovered. Could this be caused by this? I can't get to a vet who knows about chinchillas until next week and I'm worried it's going to get worse. Any idea what it could be?
Eye has clouded over and blood in his ear
My little chin Penny has done somethings his eye and I don't know what to do. We have been on holiday and penny has been with a very trusted friend who owns chinchillas herself so he has had the best of care but he has managed to hurt his eye (see Attached photo). He got sand in his eye after a dust bath which she washed out for him but not his eye has went clouded over. When we went to pick him up he also had a bloody ear. It's on the same side of his bad eye which makes me think he has caught it on something as he still seems on good terms with his cagemate. He was diagnosed with a URI last month and seemed to have recovered. Could this be caused by this? I can't get to a vet who knows about chinchillas until next week and I'm worried it's going to get worse. Any idea what it could be?
vendredi 22 avril 2016
Being new here im sorry if i have posted this in the wrong area but i have a question about flooring for my Chinchilla's.
Does anybody know if olefin floor mats would be dangerous for my Chins?
I come across some in Dollar Tree and they are a perfect size for the bottom of the cages......however of course i do not want to put my Chin in danger if it is not a good idea! At $1.00 a piece i have to ask ;)
Thank you and once again sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Does anybody know if olefin floor mats would be dangerous for my Chins?
I come across some in Dollar Tree and they are a perfect size for the bottom of the cages......however of course i do not want to put my Chin in danger if it is not a good idea! At $1.00 a piece i have to ask ;)
Thank you and once again sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Newbie here
Hi everybody, my name is Dee and i love love love Chinchilla's!
There is so much different advice out there that can have your head spinning so i thought its time i joined a site where i can actually talk about things if i have questions.....hope to get to know you all :)
Thank you for allowing me to join!
There is so much different advice out there that can have your head spinning so i thought its time i joined a site where i can actually talk about things if i have questions.....hope to get to know you all :)
Thank you for allowing me to join!
how much is enough
does anyone weigh their food out for their hogs.
not sure how much is enough. she has always eaten all the food that i have given her. she has chicken, sweetcorn and her cat biscuits all soaked in hot water and she always eats the lot. is this to much. she is about 11 weeks old.
i do have a small bowl with dry cat food left in her house but she does not touch the dry food.
not sure how much is enough. she has always eaten all the food that i have given her. she has chicken, sweetcorn and her cat biscuits all soaked in hot water and she always eats the lot. is this to much. she is about 11 weeks old.
i do have a small bowl with dry cat food left in her house but she does not touch the dry food.
Hello from Croatia!
Hi all! We are new here. My name is Ana-Maria and I'm owned by 4 chinchillas, one girl and 3 boys. We don't have a forum like this one in my country so we joined to share the stories and expirience. I work as a veterinarian in a small animal practice so mostly my hobbies are animals.
That's it about us shortly, soon I'll post some pictures.
That's it about us shortly, soon I'll post some pictures.
Weight gain?
How can I put some weight back on my chin?
He has been through a lot recently(possible stasis, bloat, giardia, a seizure, and a dental trim) and is having trouble putting on weight. While I have been hand feeding him throughout this whole ordeal, he actually hasn't gained any weight. He lost about 100g initially before everything happened and he had maintained/gained some weight... Only to lose all the weight he gained because it was only gas weight. :facepalm:
He's finally started eating/drinking on his own so I am hoping he can put some weight on himself. He HATES lifeline... Absolutely hates it. He will purposely spit everything else out if I try to give him some so that's not an option.
I have the Fuzzieskingom appetite/weight gain supplement as well.
He has been through a lot recently(possible stasis, bloat, giardia, a seizure, and a dental trim) and is having trouble putting on weight. While I have been hand feeding him throughout this whole ordeal, he actually hasn't gained any weight. He lost about 100g initially before everything happened and he had maintained/gained some weight... Only to lose all the weight he gained because it was only gas weight. :facepalm:
He's finally started eating/drinking on his own so I am hoping he can put some weight on himself. He HATES lifeline... Absolutely hates it. He will purposely spit everything else out if I try to give him some so that's not an option.
I have the Fuzzieskingom appetite/weight gain supplement as well.
lundi 18 avril 2016
sneezing chin
Hi i am a new chin owner. i have a 2 year old female chin named lucy. i have known her for a year and a half (was my friends sister) i have taken care of her for 6 months but have only owned her for about 1 month. For the past 6 months she has been sneezing a lot when she is awake(never when she is asleep). Up until recently i was not allowed to take her to a vet because she was not mine yet. She has always and still is active, she drinks and eats normally, her poops are normal. the vet gave us some medicine just in case it is a respiratory infection bet he said she seems normal besides her sneezing.
She took her meds for ten days as prescribed but nothing has really changed. She still sneezes about 10 times a day for about 10 seconds each. Her eyes are clear and she will have an occasional booger. i have tied changing her sub strait and dust bath multiple times. I also make sure to take her out for about 2 hours during the day and 1 hour before i go to bed.
If it is a respiratory infection wouldn't she possibly have died by now is there anything else it could be or is she just a sneezy chinchilla?
Thank you hopefully i can figure out what is going on. :)
She took her meds for ten days as prescribed but nothing has really changed. She still sneezes about 10 times a day for about 10 seconds each. Her eyes are clear and she will have an occasional booger. i have tied changing her sub strait and dust bath multiple times. I also make sure to take her out for about 2 hours during the day and 1 hour before i go to bed.
If it is a respiratory infection wouldn't she possibly have died by now is there anything else it could be or is she just a sneezy chinchilla?
Thank you hopefully i can figure out what is going on. :)
Applewood sticks
Does anyone have any recommendations on quality applewood sticks to get online? The ones I had been getting for my chin aren't local anymore. I have some from Petco now, but if there are better ones, I would love to check them out.
samedi 16 avril 2016
Chinchilla won't drink on his own
It's been a while since I posted on the forum... Larry, one of my chinchillas, is not doing well and I could really use your collective wisdom at this time (since our vet does not have any solutions).
I first noticed a couple of weeks ago that Larry was crumbling his pellets and making more mess in his cage than usual- when I weighted him, he had dropped close to 80 grams of weight. I took him to the exotic vet the next day (the first available appointment) and by that time his poop was very small and dry. They examined him- he didn't appear dehydrated, but they said his gut was empty of food. I insisted that they check his teeth and no issues were detected, although the x-rays showed some gas in the GI system, but not much. Blood work came back normal. They also tested for Giardia and that test came back positive, but no action was recommended (because he did not have diarrhea). We were sent home with Critical Care and some Cisapride Solution (motility drug to help move the CC along).
Two weeks forward, Larry is active, he eats spoonfuls of Critical Care (that I prepare and leave in a bowl for him to eat) and he drinks water/pedialite mixture from a syringe.
But he does not eat any pellets or drinks any water (or water mix) from either of the two bottles hanging on his cage. In the past couple of days, he started nibbling on some hay, but not enough for me to stop feeding Critical Care.
I am mostly concerned about his refusal to drink- yet he eagerly awaits at the door for me to give him water from the syringe.
Any ideas what could be causing this behaviour (our vet has no idea)? He doesn't appear to be in pain and runs and jumps around as much as always.
Thank you in advance for any ideas and feedback!
It's been a while since I posted on the forum... Larry, one of my chinchillas, is not doing well and I could really use your collective wisdom at this time (since our vet does not have any solutions).
I first noticed a couple of weeks ago that Larry was crumbling his pellets and making more mess in his cage than usual- when I weighted him, he had dropped close to 80 grams of weight. I took him to the exotic vet the next day (the first available appointment) and by that time his poop was very small and dry. They examined him- he didn't appear dehydrated, but they said his gut was empty of food. I insisted that they check his teeth and no issues were detected, although the x-rays showed some gas in the GI system, but not much. Blood work came back normal. They also tested for Giardia and that test came back positive, but no action was recommended (because he did not have diarrhea). We were sent home with Critical Care and some Cisapride Solution (motility drug to help move the CC along).
Two weeks forward, Larry is active, he eats spoonfuls of Critical Care (that I prepare and leave in a bowl for him to eat) and he drinks water/pedialite mixture from a syringe.
But he does not eat any pellets or drinks any water (or water mix) from either of the two bottles hanging on his cage. In the past couple of days, he started nibbling on some hay, but not enough for me to stop feeding Critical Care.
I am mostly concerned about his refusal to drink- yet he eagerly awaits at the door for me to give him water from the syringe.
Any ideas what could be causing this behaviour (our vet has no idea)? He doesn't appear to be in pain and runs and jumps around as much as always.
Thank you in advance for any ideas and feedback!
Fleece cuddler
So, Charlie has decided that he wants to "cuddle" I noticed when he wanted to sleep he would go to the corner of his cage or would pull out some of the fleece fabric that it cover the bottom of his cage.Today I added an extra piece of fleece to his cage for him to use as a cuddle whenever he wants to and I noticed that right away he went and leaned next to it and kind of buried his face in the fleece, later he came out to stood on top of his hut. Every now and then he will go inside his hutt, mostly he uses it to climb.
My question is: Is it OK for him to have an extra piece of fleece in his cage to cuddle with? The temperature here at night is 40's and during the day is uper 60's to low 70's. Is he too cold at night?
Hes normally not much of a cuddler, he lets me hold him and cuddle for minutes at a time but not for long.
Should I take out the extra fleece?
My question is: Is it OK for him to have an extra piece of fleece in his cage to cuddle with? The temperature here at night is 40's and during the day is uper 60's to low 70's. Is he too cold at night?
Hes normally not much of a cuddler, he lets me hold him and cuddle for minutes at a time but not for long.
Should I take out the extra fleece?
vendredi 15 avril 2016
Hey everyone :)
HI :)
just looking to introduce myself and my two chins. Both males Atreyu and Louie. Atreyu is an 8 month old mosaic and Louie is a 5 month old beige.
Pics attached.
I joined this site looking for some help/advice with bonding them so if you see the post and help is appreciated.
Many thanks
just looking to introduce myself and my two chins. Both males Atreyu and Louie. Atreyu is an 8 month old mosaic and Louie is a 5 month old beige.
Pics attached.
I joined this site looking for some help/advice with bonding them so if you see the post and help is appreciated.
Many thanks
trying to bond chinchillas
Hi everyone,
I have 2 male chinchillas, Atreyu and Louie. Atreyu is an 8 month mosaic which i have had since December and Louie is a 5 month beige which we have had for around a month.
I have had their cages close to eachother (without being able to reach) and they seemed ok with each other. 2 days ago the had their first face to face meeting, everything was ok until Atreyu noticed Louie properly, they sniffed each other and Atreyu chased Louie, now not just a little chase, he chased him until we stopped him (which was pretty quickly to be fair) but Atreyu just kept chasing poor Louie and was kind of pinning him. Atreyu is double the size of Louie and much more confident so i did expect him to be more dominant but Louie seems very scared. The same thing happened the day after when we tried again so we put them away after only five minutes. I'm just wondering if this is normal and to b expected or if Atreyu is just too aggressive/dominant to bond.
Thanks in advance x
I have 2 male chinchillas, Atreyu and Louie. Atreyu is an 8 month mosaic which i have had since December and Louie is a 5 month beige which we have had for around a month.
I have had their cages close to eachother (without being able to reach) and they seemed ok with each other. 2 days ago the had their first face to face meeting, everything was ok until Atreyu noticed Louie properly, they sniffed each other and Atreyu chased Louie, now not just a little chase, he chased him until we stopped him (which was pretty quickly to be fair) but Atreyu just kept chasing poor Louie and was kind of pinning him. Atreyu is double the size of Louie and much more confident so i did expect him to be more dominant but Louie seems very scared. The same thing happened the day after when we tried again so we put them away after only five minutes. I'm just wondering if this is normal and to b expected or if Atreyu is just too aggressive/dominant to bond.
Thanks in advance x
Chew toy issues
First off, not sure if this is the right area.
I have been having troubles with chew toys with my sweet Jerry. Exactly 2 months ago I got some round sticks, I'm pretty sure Apple. She did not care for those. She also had this sticks-in-wire thing, that is pretty chewed that she had from the previous owner. Also a pumice rock that she doesn't seem to like from old owner too.
About a week ago, I got a bunch more chew things. I got:
•3 small chew carrots from corn husk
•Willow stick ball with 2 wooden balls inside, put treats inside to motivate
•Pumice cube with wooden shapes on sides
All in all, she likes the carrots best. But I'm worried that she isn't getting enough chewing in. She sometimes makes a grinding sound, after eating, when sleeping, during playtime you name it.
Is this an issue with her, her teeth, the toys, or what? Any and all help appreciated! Thanks guys really appreciate it! This chins n hedgies blog thing is AMAZING! So much help through it!
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I have been having troubles with chew toys with my sweet Jerry. Exactly 2 months ago I got some round sticks, I'm pretty sure Apple. She did not care for those. She also had this sticks-in-wire thing, that is pretty chewed that she had from the previous owner. Also a pumice rock that she doesn't seem to like from old owner too.
About a week ago, I got a bunch more chew things. I got:
•3 small chew carrots from corn husk
•Willow stick ball with 2 wooden balls inside, put treats inside to motivate
•Pumice cube with wooden shapes on sides
All in all, she likes the carrots best. But I'm worried that she isn't getting enough chewing in. She sometimes makes a grinding sound, after eating, when sleeping, during playtime you name it.
Is this an issue with her, her teeth, the toys, or what? Any and all help appreciated! Thanks guys really appreciate it! This chins n hedgies blog thing is AMAZING! So much help through it!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What states don't allow chins?
I want to move to Colorado in a year, but just realized my little buddy may not be able to go with me. Does anyone know the stateswhere owning a chinchillas is illegal?
jeudi 14 avril 2016
Chin Store
Does anyone ever order from ChinchillaCity.com?
mercredi 13 avril 2016
Lil' miss Rain's new terracotta hut
Hiya Guys :neener: .
The log hide that lil' miss Rain has been using for the last couple of years was about shot and she was due for a new one. I wasn't seen anything that I liked at the local pet stores (PetSmart and Petco) that she would either destroy pretty quick or was made of plastic I decided to go another route instead with a terracotta pot, which is a new terracotta plant pot turned upside down with a doorway cut in it. I used my angle grinder to get the job done, but I would have used my Dremel if I would have had some masonry discs instead.
Either way she doesn't care she really likes it. She's been in there snoozin' all day, it's like Twilight now so she'll be up in about a half an hour, then she can check out the new hanging toy that I got her :neener:
The log hide that lil' miss Rain has been using for the last couple of years was about shot and she was due for a new one. I wasn't seen anything that I liked at the local pet stores (PetSmart and Petco) that she would either destroy pretty quick or was made of plastic I decided to go another route instead with a terracotta pot, which is a new terracotta plant pot turned upside down with a doorway cut in it. I used my angle grinder to get the job done, but I would have used my Dremel if I would have had some masonry discs instead.
Either way she doesn't care she really likes it. She's been in there snoozin' all day, it's like Twilight now so she'll be up in about a half an hour, then she can check out the new hanging toy that I got her :neener:
mardi 12 avril 2016
carrots, lettuce and apples? cat lax?
My mother ended up taking my chin to 2 different vets. One said she was perfectly fine - she wont eat and hasn't pooped in days but no, she's not on deaths door. The other one said to feed her carrots, lettuce and apples because she needs more fiber.
Ignoring the fact that I have been screaming at my mother via messenger to take the chin to a vet, its critical and her NOT listening ( I am in China till September) - she finally goes and one says she is fine, the other give her cat lax and says to feed her veggies.
Can chinchillas actually eat this stuff or is this vet think she is a rabbit? I am under the impression that they cant eat fruits, seeds, ect.
I told her NOT to feed veggies - only critical care.
Ignoring the fact that I have been screaming at my mother via messenger to take the chin to a vet, its critical and her NOT listening ( I am in China till September) - she finally goes and one says she is fine, the other give her cat lax and says to feed her veggies.
Can chinchillas actually eat this stuff or is this vet think she is a rabbit? I am under the impression that they cant eat fruits, seeds, ect.
I told her NOT to feed veggies - only critical care.
lundi 11 avril 2016
Bone Spur
My chinchilla has been fighting bumblefoot for years. I got her when she was 7 so as far as I know she hasn't been on any wiring. Her feet just keep cracking and getting infected. I have no clue what to do. I've tried CEH cream, Soother plus, another type of topical, and bag balm. Shes been to the vet countless times for this. I'm afraid that her body may get used to the antibiotics eventually. She's been put on metacam at .05 ml as a chronic pain medicine. My vet is hoping to manage this problem without surgery. My girl is around 13 years old. Shes super healthy in every other regard. Sadly, I almost never gibe her dust baths because it dries her feet out super bad regardless of how much ointment i put on after. Her feet just keep going dry and cracking. She's on fleece liner. I wash them with an arm and hammer sensitive detergent and don't use any static cling sheets because of the fabric softener in them makes her feet worse. She's been on mazuri the whole time I've had her. Someone please help me. I don't know what I should do to make things easier and more comfortable for her.

dimanche 10 avril 2016
Bird toys?
hi, was just browsing the local walmarts' bird and small animal section and came across these. Any one know if they are made of chin safe materials? aside from the plastic at the bottom, which would have to be removed for sure.
vendredi 8 avril 2016
HELP... Stasis, blockage, bloat, giardia...
Please refer to this thread for previous information.
LONG STORY SHORT... Chinchilla lost weight and appetite. X rays done, teeth are fine. Blood/urine fine. Fecal finally came back positive for Giardia. Not thinking this was the cause of his upset, vet prescribed TMS and Buprenorphine. Been handfeeding Essentials for Life, probiotics and simethicone - weight has been increasing. Problem persists, prescribed fenbendazole for the giardia. Still no change in appetite. Prescribed Baytril, and here we are....
Last night he refused all the bits he's been willingly eating(he will take cheerios, nibble on a tiny bit of hay, etc...). He hadn't moved much during the night and his poops were small, hard and there were very few. I rushed him to work with me this morning.
He only had maybe three doses of the Baytril and he won't be getting any more of it.
More x-rays were taken, saw lots of gas. She wants to do an Endoscopy, possibly an ultrasound to search for a blockage before prescribing Reglan.
She has given more Bup(0.5mg/ml with dose of .03ml every 8 hours), and mentioned giving Pedialyte to keep him hydrated until Monday morning. Advice is needed... I just want to keep him okay until Monday.
This is not something I have dealt with in the past and I'm starting to panic. Working in the veterinary field is completely different than how it is when you're treating one of your own. I'm familiar with the concepts of these potential outcomes but I just need some solid confirmation about what I should do. My panicked state of mind needs to hear from people who have dealt with these issues before.
Worst case, he is blocked and needs surgery... What about the giardia? What about the possible stasis? I don't even know where to start and I need help :(
LONG STORY SHORT... Chinchilla lost weight and appetite. X rays done, teeth are fine. Blood/urine fine. Fecal finally came back positive for Giardia. Not thinking this was the cause of his upset, vet prescribed TMS and Buprenorphine. Been handfeeding Essentials for Life, probiotics and simethicone - weight has been increasing. Problem persists, prescribed fenbendazole for the giardia. Still no change in appetite. Prescribed Baytril, and here we are....
Last night he refused all the bits he's been willingly eating(he will take cheerios, nibble on a tiny bit of hay, etc...). He hadn't moved much during the night and his poops were small, hard and there were very few. I rushed him to work with me this morning.
He only had maybe three doses of the Baytril and he won't be getting any more of it.
More x-rays were taken, saw lots of gas. She wants to do an Endoscopy, possibly an ultrasound to search for a blockage before prescribing Reglan.
She has given more Bup(0.5mg/ml with dose of .03ml every 8 hours), and mentioned giving Pedialyte to keep him hydrated until Monday morning. Advice is needed... I just want to keep him okay until Monday.
This is not something I have dealt with in the past and I'm starting to panic. Working in the veterinary field is completely different than how it is when you're treating one of your own. I'm familiar with the concepts of these potential outcomes but I just need some solid confirmation about what I should do. My panicked state of mind needs to hear from people who have dealt with these issues before.
Worst case, he is blocked and needs surgery... What about the giardia? What about the possible stasis? I don't even know where to start and I need help :(
jeudi 7 avril 2016
Question about legs and casters on the FN 182
I've had the Ferret Nation 182 cage for a couple years now. I was not involved with the assembly however and the pdf instructions online don't really help. The legs are not sturdy. When I wheel the cage around to clean, the legs shift back and forth. My sister in law says its because they forgot to put some sort of washers in there. I couldn't figure out how to tighten anything either.
It's not really been a problem until now because i want to buy the 183 add-on and make a third level. I'd like to take the whole storage part and legs out but i want to keep the casters. :idea:Without turning over the entire unit and uprooting my chins to check, i thought i would ask here if anyone knows if this can be done.
Thank you so much for your help.
It's not really been a problem until now because i want to buy the 183 add-on and make a third level. I'd like to take the whole storage part and legs out but i want to keep the casters. :idea:Without turning over the entire unit and uprooting my chins to check, i thought i would ask here if anyone knows if this can be done.
Thank you so much for your help.
Chin made a pop sound
I was cleaning my chin cage out earlier and Pepper, my youngest of two, made a pop/crack sound. (I let them run around while i clean their cage.) Anyway i turn to look at her, and she was shaking her back right leg. Is it possible she broke it? She seemed to be ok a few minutes later, running and jumping, eating food. Am i being paranoid for no reason? I am at work now, and cant stand the thought that she might be hurt.:cry3:
mercredi 6 avril 2016
Hey there Everyone
So I just joined! Super glad there's such a thing as a chinchilla/hedgehog forum because as much as I love my two boys (Winston Churchill and Theordre Roosevelt) they drive me a little crazy because I'm so worried about little abnormalities.
Anyways, I'm a full time college student about to go into veterinary school for large animals (sorry chinchillas). I've had my first chin for about a year and my second one I just bought maybe 2 months ago, so we're a growing clan.
Thanks and I look forward to having a good backup system on here!
Anyways, I'm a full time college student about to go into veterinary school for large animals (sorry chinchillas). I've had my first chin for about a year and my second one I just bought maybe 2 months ago, so we're a growing clan.
Thanks and I look forward to having a good backup system on here!
Bald Spot on Leg
I just recently got a new chinchilla as a playmate for a chinchilla I already have (No worries they're slowly being integrated and they're never by themselves without supervision) however I've noticed that there is a bald spot on the newer chinchillas wrist area and I looked online and thought maybe it was dry skin so I put on some lotion that is super safe for even babies to eat it (again don't worry I made sure it was gooped on their in case he is allergic to it) but as I was doing this I noticed that the entire leg all the way to the sternum is pretty much bald.
No where else is being bitten and my other chinchilla is not experiencing anything like this either so would it be fungus if it's not spreading? I'm a microbiology major in college and I would assume fungus would spread quickly and over the two chinchillas.
No where else is being bitten and my other chinchilla is not experiencing anything like this either so would it be fungus if it's not spreading? I'm a microbiology major in college and I would assume fungus would spread quickly and over the two chinchillas.
Grabbing neck with paws?
First up - I am currently in CHINA and I left my chin with my mother. Now this particular Chinchilla is a massive pain in the rear when it comes to certain things. She is about 8 or so years old and has been "on death's door" twice. Both times for not eating and I was never told what the cause of her random unwillingness to eat was. The first time was about 2011, when I lived in Alaska. I left her in my boyfriends care while I went home for a 2 month visit. The emergency vet said she didnt know jack about Chins and just gave her some liquids and vitamins (I think) and the next day I went to a regular vet (who also didnt know anything about chins) and said it was fatty liver disease.her teeth were fine. Anyways after force feeding her for about 2 months she decided she wanted to eat on her own again.
Fast forward to last April. She randomly stops eating again. I took her to a vet (Moved to New York) that supposedly knew how to care for chins. This lady told me to pay her $800 and keep her there overnight or she WAS going to die. If I didnt do that she wanted to put her to sleep. I KNOW how serious it is when they stop eating and that it causes them to fill up with gas. After MASSIVE arguments with this vet, I get her to give me Chichiri back and she gives me critical care and bene-something. This lady never bothered to look at her teeth. I ended up going to another vet about an hour away and they trimmed her teeth but it was months before she started eating regular chin food again.
Now, My mother says she is "putting her neck with her feet" which I am guessing means grabbing at her face with her paws. Is there something that would cause this behavior OTHER then her teeth. (she is still eating on her own at this point.) She used to LOVE to chew any wood, boxes I would put in her cage but after her last bout of not eating, she never really got back into chewing everything in sight. Plus she never really ate the pellets/hay. she always there them out of the cage and only ate the "other stuff" in her food. She would choose to starve then eat the pellets. Seriously.
She is going to the vet tomorrow but the vet my mother is taking her too is the worst vet around. Like I aid, I am in China till september so there isn't anything I can do from here. :banghead:
Fast forward to last April. She randomly stops eating again. I took her to a vet (Moved to New York) that supposedly knew how to care for chins. This lady told me to pay her $800 and keep her there overnight or she WAS going to die. If I didnt do that she wanted to put her to sleep. I KNOW how serious it is when they stop eating and that it causes them to fill up with gas. After MASSIVE arguments with this vet, I get her to give me Chichiri back and she gives me critical care and bene-something. This lady never bothered to look at her teeth. I ended up going to another vet about an hour away and they trimmed her teeth but it was months before she started eating regular chin food again.
Now, My mother says she is "putting her neck with her feet" which I am guessing means grabbing at her face with her paws. Is there something that would cause this behavior OTHER then her teeth. (she is still eating on her own at this point.) She used to LOVE to chew any wood, boxes I would put in her cage but after her last bout of not eating, she never really got back into chewing everything in sight. Plus she never really ate the pellets/hay. she always there them out of the cage and only ate the "other stuff" in her food. She would choose to starve then eat the pellets. Seriously.
She is going to the vet tomorrow but the vet my mother is taking her too is the worst vet around. Like I aid, I am in China till september so there isn't anything I can do from here. :banghead:
mardi 5 avril 2016
Introduction help?
Hi everyone, this is going to be like my official introduction in a way. I'm a new chin owner, and I have fallen in love with chinchillas and how unique and intelligent they are.
I have had my chin Maromi for almost 5 months now, and he's nearly 8 months old :). I just got him a new chin friend this past Saturday from Mt. Zion chinchillas, my fiance wanted another 4 legged baby he could get to know/bond with his chinchilla(because he wants a bond like mmine and maromi's)
I wanted to poke everyone's brains about your most favorable method/steps to introducing an 8 month old (male) to a 3 month old (male). Any help is appreciated, and I'm genuinely sorry if this is in the wrong section. I've been snooping the form for months and I'm still not sure where to find every single sub section Lol.Thanks
I have had my chin Maromi for almost 5 months now, and he's nearly 8 months old :). I just got him a new chin friend this past Saturday from Mt. Zion chinchillas, my fiance wanted another 4 legged baby he could get to know/bond with his chinchilla(because he wants a bond like mmine and maromi's)
I wanted to poke everyone's brains about your most favorable method/steps to introducing an 8 month old (male) to a 3 month old (male). Any help is appreciated, and I'm genuinely sorry if this is in the wrong section. I've been snooping the form for months and I'm still not sure where to find every single sub section Lol.Thanks
Guide: Timothy Hay good vs. bad quality
For anyone that uses Timothy Hay...
Below is a breakdown on what to look for when determining if you have good quality Timothy Hay or not...
Good quality: Bad quality:
Green in color Brown or yellow in color
Smells sweet & fragrant Little or no smell
No sign of dust or mold Dusty and/or mold spots (black or white specks)
Pliable fibrous stalks Stalks break or crumble to the touch
Contains only hay Contains foreign matter such as stones, dirt, earth and other plants
(source: http://ift.tt/1SyWTas)
Below is a breakdown on what to look for when determining if you have good quality Timothy Hay or not...
Good quality: Bad quality:
Green in color Brown or yellow in color
Smells sweet & fragrant Little or no smell
No sign of dust or mold Dusty and/or mold spots (black or white specks)
Pliable fibrous stalks Stalks break or crumble to the touch
Contains only hay Contains foreign matter such as stones, dirt, earth and other plants
(source: http://ift.tt/1SyWTas)
Normal pee color?
So after searching online for an answer, I've found that many people have many different variations of what a normal color for chinchilla urine is. I've never really paid much attention to the color until now, due to the fact that we've changed to a fleece liner. Pip has been to the vet and nothing was of concern to her. He's eating, drinking and pooping just fine. I'm just so paranoid that he's getting a hair ring. I know I've posted before about hair ring. I'm just extremely paranoid and feel like I notice what he's doing more often than not. I'm home all day every day. Before we were just using paper bedding, so I could never tell the color of his pee until it dried. He's not spending an excessive amount of time grooming himself or licking his penis area or anything like that.
How many times a day should a chinchilla pee? What exactly is normal? His pee, seems to be a light yellow. I've read that light yellow is normal, and I've read that dark yellow to almost brown is normal and that light color is bad. He's not drinking excessively either, and the temp is no more than 72 degrees in the home at all times.
I just stopped typing for a second to look over and he's grooming his penis, looks like he had a hair ring but got it off completely. Looks like I'll have to fight him in a bit to check again! Insight is appreciated. :)
How many times a day should a chinchilla pee? What exactly is normal? His pee, seems to be a light yellow. I've read that light yellow is normal, and I've read that dark yellow to almost brown is normal and that light color is bad. He's not drinking excessively either, and the temp is no more than 72 degrees in the home at all times.
I just stopped typing for a second to look over and he's grooming his penis, looks like he had a hair ring but got it off completely. Looks like I'll have to fight him in a bit to check again! Insight is appreciated. :)
Introducing Chinchillas?
I currently have a four month old female chinchilla, but am interested in getting her a buddy. I've had her for about a month now, and she seems to be quite bored in her cage at night, despite all of the attention I give her.
I've read about introducing new chinchillas, and everywhere I've read that you should house them in two separate cages, but I can't really afford to buy a second one. I currently have a double story critter nations cage, and each section can be closed off.
So my question is, if I close off the top half from the bottom half, could I house the new chin on the top half while they get used to eachother?
I've read about introducing new chinchillas, and everywhere I've read that you should house them in two separate cages, but I can't really afford to buy a second one. I currently have a double story critter nations cage, and each section can be closed off.
So my question is, if I close off the top half from the bottom half, could I house the new chin on the top half while they get used to eachother?
lundi 4 avril 2016
Dealing with the Loss of half a Bonded Pair
Tonight I had to put down my female Roxy due to Malo. I'm worried my male will be lonely and get depressed. Anyone who has been through this and can give me some of what I can expect from Viper would be greatly appreciated.
Also is it worth trying to introduce a new friend for him or will he be alright on his own? He is neutered if that makes a difference. It's been a hard night and I just want to make sure Viper will be alright.
Also is it worth trying to introduce a new friend for him or will he be alright on his own? He is neutered if that makes a difference. It's been a hard night and I just want to make sure Viper will be alright.
Rapid breathing
Im creating a new thread to hopefully get quicker replies. I posted the video with my chinchillas buckie making crazy sounds. We went to his normal vet today and he said hethought there was a good chance the vocalizing and such was him responding to pain associated with his teeth and the points on them. I was planning to make an appt this week anyway because it was time for his dental filing and such. He has made those squeaks before because of tooth pain....but this time i thought i heard some congestion. His nose whistled a little for instance. The vet today and evet yeaterday both said his lungs are clear. Today he was sedated and the vet did alot of trimming and filing. He was expected to be pretty sore. He had a shot of baytril yesterday by the evet because i didnt want to risk it and today we got orbax because of the sores his teeth made in his mouth.
My question is....if his lungs are clear, he has no discharge of any kind, could rapid breathing now be because his mouth is sore and hes hurty? I hand fed him but didnt have to force him at all. He is pretty exhausted but he did sneak out of his cage to quickly for me to stop and ran around the room a minute. But im still just really worried and considering taking him to the evet again. They dont know alot but my vet said i could have them call him. Thoughts?
My question is....if his lungs are clear, he has no discharge of any kind, could rapid breathing now be because his mouth is sore and hes hurty? I hand fed him but didnt have to force him at all. He is pretty exhausted but he did sneak out of his cage to quickly for me to stop and ran around the room a minute. But im still just really worried and considering taking him to the evet again. They dont know alot but my vet said i could have them call him. Thoughts?
dimanche 3 avril 2016
housing two month olds?
hi, I've had both my male chins, Stu and Einstein for 6 years now, however i got both of them as adults, and have never had to house youngins. Here in 3 weeks I'm heading out to pick up two 2 month old males. I have a double critter nation read for them, however as I don't know their actual size i'm concerned. Is giving them run of the whole unit to much/dangerous for them at first? should i confine them to one level until they get a bit bigger? How big is a two month old Chin?
Teff Grass
I ran across an article about teff grass and wondered if it would be good for chins.
Update: Surprise St. Patricks' Day kits!
Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to let everyone know that D'Artagnan is florishing. He/she is now a little over two weeks old. He's a freaking little survivor, I tell you. He got his first dust both with his mom on Thursday and is looking a little bit prettier.
Here is an updated video of him playing as well as a photo of his/her genitals. From the example photographs, it seems like "he" is actually a "she," but not I'm not entirely sure. I kind of hope that D'Artaagnan IS indeed female as: a.) she would be the first female musketeer ever and, b.) Then perhaps I could keep him and have Fire, his father neutered, and then those two and Izzie, the very proud Mom, could live as one large happy family (or would that not be a good idea, do you think?).
Here is a photo of his or her genitals. I didn't want to scare him/her too much before to take the photo, but he has calmed down quit a bit!
Lastly, what color does anyone think he is? I'm guessing some degree of ebony (probably not hetero purple, although I was sort of rooting for that, especially if he was also glow in the dark,:dance3:).
Video: http://ift.tt/1X9t6ZC
Just wanted to let everyone know that D'Artagnan is florishing. He/she is now a little over two weeks old. He's a freaking little survivor, I tell you. He got his first dust both with his mom on Thursday and is looking a little bit prettier.
Here is an updated video of him playing as well as a photo of his/her genitals. From the example photographs, it seems like "he" is actually a "she," but not I'm not entirely sure. I kind of hope that D'Artaagnan IS indeed female as: a.) she would be the first female musketeer ever and, b.) Then perhaps I could keep him and have Fire, his father neutered, and then those two and Izzie, the very proud Mom, could live as one large happy family (or would that not be a good idea, do you think?).
Here is a photo of his or her genitals. I didn't want to scare him/her too much before to take the photo, but he has calmed down quit a bit!
Lastly, what color does anyone think he is? I'm guessing some degree of ebony (probably not hetero purple, although I was sort of rooting for that, especially if he was also glow in the dark,:dance3:).
Video: http://ift.tt/1X9t6ZC
Newbie owner/breeder
I need help w/chinchilla breeding. I have 2 males, both a standard grey(2 & 3 yrs) and 1 female white mosaic (1 year old).
I recently got this chinchillas both males i got together then a week later got my female. There were no problems introducing each other. My female is a little bigger then my biggest male in weight and size. They both show interest in each other and sniff at each others noses so it looks like they're giving kisses.
P.S my cage is 5'4 inches tall and really wide. Cage can be made into two cages if wanted.
- when is my female ready to breed?
- leave both males or one?
- what are the signs of heat in a chinchilla?
- what do i expect?
- how many times do females mate a year?
I recently got this chinchillas both males i got together then a week later got my female. There were no problems introducing each other. My female is a little bigger then my biggest male in weight and size. They both show interest in each other and sniff at each others noses so it looks like they're giving kisses.
P.S my cage is 5'4 inches tall and really wide. Cage can be made into two cages if wanted.
- when is my female ready to breed?
- leave both males or one?
- what are the signs of heat in a chinchilla?
- what do i expect?
- how many times do females mate a year?
Horrible sound....extremely worried..please help
Buckie has been having dental issues For the past several months. We have gone about every month(sometimes more) to get his teeth filed. he has some root elongation in one area..i know its only a matter of time, but I've just tried to keep him comfortable and happy as long as possible. He has been on critical care for a while now and a little metacam daily. But today he started making these awful sounds. They're hard to describe even. But I have a video. It's super dark so you can hardly see him but you can hear him.
Sort of similar to http://ift.tt/1pVXFHk
Any one have any ideas? Tomorrow is Sunday unfortunately so I don't know that anyone will be at his vet. Monday will probably be the earliest.
Sort of similar to http://ift.tt/1pVXFHk
Any one have any ideas? Tomorrow is Sunday unfortunately so I don't know that anyone will be at his vet. Monday will probably be the earliest.
samedi 2 avril 2016
Free Chin Supplies
I have searched the Atlanta area for a Chin rescue I could donate supplies to. Unfortunately, no emails have been returned.
My 15 y/o Chin passed last week and I would like to donate her things in her memory. I have a 1 year old cage, nearly new chin spin, 25lb bag of Mazuri food (opened, but nearly full), blue cloud dust and a new bag of hay. Cage is smaller (1 chin only) 2 story, which sits inside the tray to keep poop from flying. I had a hammock at the top level.
If you are interested or know of a rescue in the ATL area, please let me know. I will not ship these supplies. Please contact me at Shook03 @ aol . com (remove spaces).
My 15 y/o Chin passed last week and I would like to donate her things in her memory. I have a 1 year old cage, nearly new chin spin, 25lb bag of Mazuri food (opened, but nearly full), blue cloud dust and a new bag of hay. Cage is smaller (1 chin only) 2 story, which sits inside the tray to keep poop from flying. I had a hammock at the top level.
If you are interested or know of a rescue in the ATL area, please let me know. I will not ship these supplies. Please contact me at Shook03 @ aol . com (remove spaces).
vendredi 1 avril 2016
Dragon Wood?
I found a perch online that is made of dragon wood. Does anyonne know if this is a chin safe wood?
Hi I just noticed this on my chin Yoshi. He has a bald spot by his eye what could this be
Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Pervue Hendryx 490 Corner Cage
Hey all,
I'm an old timer from the early days of the forum, back to pick the collective brain of you awesome chinchilla lovers. You can see my back story here, but the relevant information is I have two senior-ish chins who have had the same three-tier Ferret Nation cage for a loooooooong time. A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. They're in two separate sections, with the third used for storage, and after so much time the cage has seen an understandable amount of wear. (I will say that I fully believe I got my money's worth and then some out of both the cage components AND the bass pans I've had since I switched to a FN many years ago).
I was cruising Amazon (like ya do) and came across this thing: The Prevue Hendryx 490 Corner Cage.
I searched the forum and the internet at large for more detailed information about it, ideally some reviews that compare it alongside the FN, but have come up relatively dry. Some reddit info, some useful Amazon comments, but largely nothing compelling to justify spending so much more on this cage than a new FN on sale.
Here's where I'm stuck: The cage I've used forever and swear by is the FN 142 (and 143). These are discontinued in favor of what I hear is a snap-together version? The 182 and 183. I've found about as much "142 vs 182" comparison info as I've found between Ferret Nation cages and the Hendryx 490. I just don't know which way to go. The corner design is very elegant, and with two side by side they could be very fun vertical space for my separated boys. But the limited access through the small doors would be a huge adjustment, considering how accustomed I am to having full-front cage access for cleaning and hanging wheels.
Is it true that the newer FN cages have structural issues? I've heard horror stories about the ceiling grate coming loose and falling through the cage. But the Hendryx is no clear winner either as I've seen reviews that the latest version of it has large gaps around the lower pan.
I just can't figure out what to do, and my FN142 is slowly falling apart.
Little help?
I'm an old timer from the early days of the forum, back to pick the collective brain of you awesome chinchilla lovers. You can see my back story here, but the relevant information is I have two senior-ish chins who have had the same three-tier Ferret Nation cage for a loooooooong time. A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. They're in two separate sections, with the third used for storage, and after so much time the cage has seen an understandable amount of wear. (I will say that I fully believe I got my money's worth and then some out of both the cage components AND the bass pans I've had since I switched to a FN many years ago).
I was cruising Amazon (like ya do) and came across this thing: The Prevue Hendryx 490 Corner Cage.
I searched the forum and the internet at large for more detailed information about it, ideally some reviews that compare it alongside the FN, but have come up relatively dry. Some reddit info, some useful Amazon comments, but largely nothing compelling to justify spending so much more on this cage than a new FN on sale.
Here's where I'm stuck: The cage I've used forever and swear by is the FN 142 (and 143). These are discontinued in favor of what I hear is a snap-together version? The 182 and 183. I've found about as much "142 vs 182" comparison info as I've found between Ferret Nation cages and the Hendryx 490. I just don't know which way to go. The corner design is very elegant, and with two side by side they could be very fun vertical space for my separated boys. But the limited access through the small doors would be a huge adjustment, considering how accustomed I am to having full-front cage access for cleaning and hanging wheels.
Is it true that the newer FN cages have structural issues? I've heard horror stories about the ceiling grate coming loose and falling through the cage. But the Hendryx is no clear winner either as I've seen reviews that the latest version of it has large gaps around the lower pan.
I just can't figure out what to do, and my FN142 is slowly falling apart.
Little help?
A ghost from forums past...
Howdy all,
I was a member of Chins 'n Quills way back in .... 2007? Then Chins-n-Hedges (obvs) somewhere around 2009. I became fairly inactive as time went on, and haven't really participated here in years.
Well, I'm back - perhaps temporarily - in hopes of some advice. But I'll start a thread on that later.
To recap the last ~decade or so, my chinchilla journey began my junior year of high school near Tacoma, WA. I adopted my first chinchillas Nibbler and Brock from a craigslist posting where they were originally being fed Kaytee mix and chocolate chip teddy grahams. The uninformed owners had them sharing a temporary small folding cage and was under the impression they were both female. Come to find they were both male standards, preferred to live separately, and were somewhere around 3 years old.
After some rough lessons about reintroductions and housing stress just a couple of years later, Nibbler passed away following an abscessed bite wound inflicted while they were relegated to temporary cages during renovations to my home.
Not long after this, I adopted another sweet standard boy from Craigslist who came from a well informed home with a lovely cage set up and a healthy diet. His name was Muad'Dib and he was the most playful and young of my new pair, at only 18mo.
Muad'Dib and Brock kept me company through the final three years of my undergraduate degree, then gained a bonded pair that I adopted from a breeder/rescuer in my area. They were a beige named Riley and an ebony named Liam who had been reluctantly surrendered by an owner who took particularly stellar care of them for the whole ~2yrs of their lives thus far.
I moved to Portland, OR in 2011 for graduate school and all four boys made the move with me. Initial housing challenges presented some nervewracking situations and health issues for each of them, but ultimately we ended up in a great apartment with my two cats and eventually my boyfriend as well.
Sadly, Riley passed away suddenly of a respiratory infection just a few months after we got situated in the new apartment, and only a week before my first classes as a graduate student began. It was horribly heart breaking, not only for me but for his long time cage mate Liam as well.
Life went on, including the loss of my dear kitty Lucky at the respectable feline age of 13 whom I'd had since she was abandoned at 6wks old, and eventually I left the life of a full time student to join the work force and begin adulting.
I bought my first home in early 2014, repurposing the walk-in pantry as a small chinchilla room complete with the boys' FN 142+143 and private AC. The situation was pretty ideal, but the stress of the move (both ours, and that of the friends who moved in with us) was too much for sweet Muad'Dib who fell ill and died within the first month of being in the new house.
This left Brock and Liam, both coming to me with cage mates originally and both now alone (for after Brock effectively murdered Nibbler, I wasn't going to entertain giving him another cage mate), in the top and bottom sections of our three-tier cage. To this day, Dib's section in the middle remains blocked off and used for storage rather than play space because I miss him and feel guilty for basically literally stressing him to death.
So here we are, 2016, nearly ten years later. Brock is something like 12 years old, Liam closer to 10. I've had my ferret nation for most of those years, and mainly came back to the forum to figure out what my next steps should be.
We are renovating my basement, so there will be more space down there soon. My original plan was to buy a new FN141 and move the FN143 portion from my existing FN142, giving me two separate 2-tier cages. Give the boys a little extra room to roam in their golden years. But come to find, in my years of cage complacency, that the 140-series cages are no longer made. This also means I cannot get replacement parts for my existing cage, which could use some repairs.
Anyway, here I am. Me and my senior menagerie (10 and 12 y/o chinchillas, an 18 y/o cat, and an 11 y/o black lab).
I was a member of Chins 'n Quills way back in .... 2007? Then Chins-n-Hedges (obvs) somewhere around 2009. I became fairly inactive as time went on, and haven't really participated here in years.
Well, I'm back - perhaps temporarily - in hopes of some advice. But I'll start a thread on that later.
To recap the last ~decade or so, my chinchilla journey began my junior year of high school near Tacoma, WA. I adopted my first chinchillas Nibbler and Brock from a craigslist posting where they were originally being fed Kaytee mix and chocolate chip teddy grahams. The uninformed owners had them sharing a temporary small folding cage and was under the impression they were both female. Come to find they were both male standards, preferred to live separately, and were somewhere around 3 years old.
After some rough lessons about reintroductions and housing stress just a couple of years later, Nibbler passed away following an abscessed bite wound inflicted while they were relegated to temporary cages during renovations to my home.
Not long after this, I adopted another sweet standard boy from Craigslist who came from a well informed home with a lovely cage set up and a healthy diet. His name was Muad'Dib and he was the most playful and young of my new pair, at only 18mo.
Muad'Dib and Brock kept me company through the final three years of my undergraduate degree, then gained a bonded pair that I adopted from a breeder/rescuer in my area. They were a beige named Riley and an ebony named Liam who had been reluctantly surrendered by an owner who took particularly stellar care of them for the whole ~2yrs of their lives thus far.
I moved to Portland, OR in 2011 for graduate school and all four boys made the move with me. Initial housing challenges presented some nervewracking situations and health issues for each of them, but ultimately we ended up in a great apartment with my two cats and eventually my boyfriend as well.
Sadly, Riley passed away suddenly of a respiratory infection just a few months after we got situated in the new apartment, and only a week before my first classes as a graduate student began. It was horribly heart breaking, not only for me but for his long time cage mate Liam as well.
Life went on, including the loss of my dear kitty Lucky at the respectable feline age of 13 whom I'd had since she was abandoned at 6wks old, and eventually I left the life of a full time student to join the work force and begin adulting.
I bought my first home in early 2014, repurposing the walk-in pantry as a small chinchilla room complete with the boys' FN 142+143 and private AC. The situation was pretty ideal, but the stress of the move (both ours, and that of the friends who moved in with us) was too much for sweet Muad'Dib who fell ill and died within the first month of being in the new house.
This left Brock and Liam, both coming to me with cage mates originally and both now alone (for after Brock effectively murdered Nibbler, I wasn't going to entertain giving him another cage mate), in the top and bottom sections of our three-tier cage. To this day, Dib's section in the middle remains blocked off and used for storage rather than play space because I miss him and feel guilty for basically literally stressing him to death.
So here we are, 2016, nearly ten years later. Brock is something like 12 years old, Liam closer to 10. I've had my ferret nation for most of those years, and mainly came back to the forum to figure out what my next steps should be.
We are renovating my basement, so there will be more space down there soon. My original plan was to buy a new FN141 and move the FN143 portion from my existing FN142, giving me two separate 2-tier cages. Give the boys a little extra room to roam in their golden years. But come to find, in my years of cage complacency, that the 140-series cages are no longer made. This also means I cannot get replacement parts for my existing cage, which could use some repairs.
Anyway, here I am. Me and my senior menagerie (10 and 12 y/o chinchillas, an 18 y/o cat, and an 11 y/o black lab).
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